Turmeric is a spice whose properties have long been used both in the kitchen and in traditional Far Eastern medicine. Turmeric has been used, among others, in in the relief of menstrual pain, stomach ailments and the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds and scars. All mainly thanks to a compound called curcumin - a polyphenol with many healing properties. How does turmeric affect your he alth?
Turmericmeans turmeric (long, homemade), saffron, Indian saffron, yellow or yellow ginger. Turmeric has a ginger-like aroma and a strong, spicy, bitter taste.SpiceThis spice comes from India, it is obtained from the ginger-like root.Propertiesturmeric is appreciated primarily in Asian cuisine.
It is turmeric (specifically one of its ingredients -curcumin ) that gives curry dishes the characteristic yellow-orange color.The use ofturmeric in food coloring dates back to 600 B.C.
In 700 CE this spice came to China. From the records of Hindu and Chinese healers, you can learn about the many beneficial effects of turmeric.
It has been used to relieve menstrual cramps, respiratory diseases, parasitic diseases, liver obstruction, ulcers and inflammation.
Currently, the properties of turmeric are investigated by scientists who argue that it has a much wider effect.
Properties of turmeric
Turmeric supports brain function and may prevent Alzheimer's disease
Turmeric can accelerate the repair processes in the human brain, argued in 2014 German scientists from the Institute of Medicine and Neurophysiology in Julich in the journal "Stem Cell Research and Therapy".
All thanks to the content of tumeron, a compound that stimulates the multiplication and differentiation of nerve cells in the brain and can help repair the brain after an illness or injury. Scientists speculate that in the future, tumeron can be used to treat Alzheimer's disease and stroke.
A similar discovery was made earlier, in 2007, by Dr. Milan Fiala from the University of California, Los Angeles.
In the periodical "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" he argued that a substance called BDMC (active ingredient of curcuminoids - naturalsubstances found in turmeric rhizomes) stimulates the immune system to destroy proteins, the deposits of which inhibit the transmission of nerve signals in certain areas of the brain, causing memory and personality disorders in patients.
These deposits are also responsible for the death of neurons. The research gives hope that the discovered substance will be used to treat Alzheimer's patients.
Turmeric's anti-cancer properties
Turmeric also contains another valuable ingredient - curcumin. Many studies prove that this polyphenol has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects and may be useful in the prevention and treatment of many cancers, such as:
- skin cancer
- lung cancer
- oral cancer
- head and neck tumors
- esophageal cancer
- stomach cancer
- liver cancer
- pancreatic cancer
- cancer of the small intestine
- colon cancer
- bladder cancer
- prostate cancer
- breast cancer
- cervical cancer
- lymphiaki
For example, in a study of animals with skin cancer, turmeric reduced the size of tumors by 30 percent and their incidence by 87 percent. compared to the control group.
In patients with precancerous gut polyps who received curcumin for 6 months, the number of polyps decreased by an average of 60% and their size was halved.
Other scientists have found that in mice with breast cancer, curcumin inhibits lung metastasis.
It also turned out that curcumin supports the action of Taxol, a drug used in the treatment of breast cancer - thanks to it, the treatment is less toxic to the body, and at the same time more effective.
Stillcurcumin cannot be used as a cancer drug . The belief that curcumin intravenous infusions, which are becoming increasingly popular, will cure cancer patients is not true!
Turmeric for digestive problems
Turmeric has choleretic properties, stimulates the secretion of gastrin, secretin and pancreatic enzymes, has a mild anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect (e.g. onH. pylori , which is responsible for stomach ulcers) and relaxing.
Currently, turmeric is used as an ingredient in complex preparations used in pancreatic dysfunction as well as in digestive disorders.
In addition, turmeric substances have a protective effect on liver cells. It is also a component of many drugs used in conditions of liver damage and failure, manifested by insufficient bile secretion, also ininflammation of the liver parenchyma and inflammation of the bile ducts.

Turmeric will strengthen immunity, fight infections
Researchers at Oregon State University (USA) and the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) have found that curcumin may slightly but visibly raise cathelicidin (CAMP) levels, a peptide that helps prevent bacterial infections (including tuberculosis) , viral and fungal.
However, if the infection does develop, turmeric may also prove to be irreplaceable. The curcumin it contains can be used in the treatment of viral infections - argued in 2012 Prof. Aarthi Narayanan from George Mason University in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
The researcher comes from India and in her childhood she was treated for minor infections with turmeric. Therefore, she decided to investigate the properties of this spice and found that curcumin also works for more serious infections.
May inhibit the dangerous Riff Valley viruses from multiplying in cells. Perhaps curcumin will also prove to be helpful against other viruses - including alphaviruses that cause Venezuelan equine meningitis.
The researcher argues that by inhibiting the multiplication of the virus, curcumin can both improve the patient's well-being and facilitate the action of appropriate antiviral agents.
This will be useful to you- Turmeric powder should be purchased in small quantities from a trusted retailer.
- Unpeeled turmeric should be wrapped tightly and refrigerated for up to three weeks. Turmeric powder should be kept in resealable bags or bottles.
- Fresh turmeric should have roots that smell spicy and he althy rhizomes.
- Turmeric is usually steamed, then dried and powdered.
- When preparing turmeric, be careful - it stains your hands and dyes your clothes.
Turmeric in eye diseases
Preliminary studies have also found turmeric to benefit from treatment:
- dry eye syndrome,
- conjunctivitis,
- glaucoma,
- ischemic retinopathy,
however, further tests in this direction are necessary.
Turmeric lowers blood sugar and cholesterol
Studies show that curcumin lowers blood sugar levels in rats that were diabetic with alloxan.
Curcumin also lowered cholesterol, alleviated kidney damage, and improved wound healing in mice and rats that were diabetic induced with streptozotocin.
Nutrition facts of ground turmeric
Energy value - 312/9 kcal
Total protein - 9.68 / 0.29 g
Fat - 3.25 / 0.10 g
Carbohydrates - 67.14 / 2.01 g (including simple sugars 3.21 / 0.10)
Fiber - 22.7 / 0.7 g
Vitamin C - 0.7 / 0.0 mg
Thiamina - 0.058 / 0.002 mg
Riboflavin - 0.150 / 0.004 mg
Niacin - 1.350 / 0.041 mg
Vitamin B6 - 0.107 / 0.003 mg
Folic acid - 20/1 µg
Vitamin E - 4.43 / 0.13 mg
Vitamin K - 13.4 / 0.4 µg
Calcium - 168/5 mg
Iron - 55.00 / 1.65 mg
Magnesium - 208/6 mg
Phosphorus - 299/9 mg
Potassium - 2,080/62 mg
Sodium - 27/1 mg
Zinc - 4.50 / 0.14 mg
Fatty acids
Saturated - 1.838 / 0.055 g
Monounsaturated - 0.449 / 0.013 g
Polyunsaturated - 0.756 / 0.023 g
Trans fat - 0.056 / 0.002 g
Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Curcumin - dietary supplements, price
Curcumin is only 2-5 percent. turmeric . Therefore, people who want to find out about its healing properties should reach forturmeric rhizome extracts , which are commonly sold as dietary supplements.
Unfortunately, curcumin is poorly absorbed when ingested. The solution is to take it with black pepper, which contains piperine, which significantly improves the absorption of curcumin (some supplements already contain black pepper fruit extract).
Curcumin supplements can be purchased at most pharmacies. Theirprice ranges from PLN 50 to over PLN 100 .
Deadly intravenous turmeric
In traditional South Asian folk medicine, turmeric has been used for centuries - orally, of course - as a medicine for various diseases. Some advocates of alternative medicine have taken it a step further and decided to take turmeric intravenously.
The victim of such "therapy" was Jade Erick from San Diego, California. The American died after giving her an intravenous dose of turmeric as part of a natural treatment for atopic dermatitis, The Independent reports.
The use of turmeric in the kitchen
Turmeric is one of the staple spices in the Middle East - it is included in curry, for example.
Turmeric is also an essential ingredient in mustard and Worcestershire sauce. Ground turmeric is an excellent addition to stews, soups and rice. It gives a characteristic flavor to broth, dishes frompoultry, fish and seafood.
You can add it to marinades. Turmeric is also a substitute for saffron - one of the most expensive spices in the world. It is worth knowing that turmeric is used in the food industry as a dye with the number E100.
How to season my food with turmeric?
1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon is enough for 4 servings of e.g. soup, meat or pasta.
Recipe for turmeric paste
All it takes is water, turmeric, and a little pepper to make a very he althy paste, which is the perfect natural remedy and can help with many ailments.
The use of turmeric in cosmetics
Currently, turmeric is used to color lipsticks, make-up foundations, and hair rinses. Turmeric oil, on the other hand, is often an ingredient in perfumes with an oriental note.
On the basis of turmeric, you can also prepare a mask with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which is intended for oily and acne-prone skin. Such a mask is also a proven method of discoloration.
Recipe for an anti-acne turmeric maskPut 1 teaspoon of turmeric into a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of honey and add a little milk (about 1-2 teaspoons). Mix all ingredients thoroughly until thick.
Put the mask on your face - you can do it with your hands (you must wear gloves because it stains), but you can also easily apply it with the outer part of the spoon.
Wash off the mask after about 20 minutes. Due to the fact that the mask colors the face, it is best to apply it at night. To get rid of the yellow shade of the skin, you can wash your face with a cotton ball soaked in buttermilk or natural yoghurt.
Healing properties of some spices