Nuts are the most valuable of all dried fruits. They are high in fat and calories, but they are he alth-promoting unsaturated fatty acids that reduce the risk of heart disease. Nuts have many he alth-promoting properties. The high content of B vitamins and vitamin E has a positive effect on the brain and skin condition. Due to the high amount of protein, they are a very important element in the diet of vegetarians. Find out which nuts are the he althiest.
Nuts provide valuable unsaturated fatty acids, protein, fiber, vitamin E, B vitamins and minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, sodium) - however, differences in the content of individual components in different types of nuts are large (see overview below). Eating nuts strengthens the nervous and circulatory system, has a positive effect on the brain, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart attack, stroke and some cancers.
Fat content in nuts
Nuts contain a lot of fat, but they are fats rich in unsaturated fatty acids with anticoagulant properties and lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood (the exception is coconut, which is high in saturated fatty acids - 15.8 g / 100 g) . The most fat is in macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, pecans, coconuts, and the least in peanuts, pistachios, cashews and almonds.
ImportantNuts and diet - which nuts are the most caloric?
People who are ondietmust remember that allnutsare very caloric - they have from553 kcal (cashew nuts) to718 kcal(macadamia nuts) in 100 g. Their glycemic index is not high: IG=15 (except for coconut, whose IG=45).
Nutritionists recommend eating at most a handful of different nuts a few times a week instead of other foods (not as an extra snack) or in food (cereals, salad). It is best to choose fresh nuts. In chocolate or caramel, they provide additional calories, while s alted - sodium, which we eat too much.
It should also be remembered that although nuts have a lot of fiber, eating them in large amounts can cause constipation due to the high fat content.
So almond seeds are the noblest ofnutsand therefore they are given the title "king of nuts". They are sold whole (with or without skin), in the form of flakes or bars, and also ground, sometimes you can buy almonds in shell. After grinding, they are mixed with powdered sugar and protein to make marzipan.
Almonds consist of more than 20% protein (only peanuts have more protein among nuts). They are a rich source of magnesium, which protects against stress (270 mg / 100 g, i.e. 80% of the daily requirement for this element) and phosphorus. It is also worth reaching for them due to the highest content of vitamin B2 and vitamin E among nuts - necessary for the proper functioning of the skin, increasing the desire for sex and delaying the aging process. The fat in almonds contains many monounsaturated fatty acids which havepropertiesthat lower blood cholesterol levels. Almonds are also distinguished by the lowest content of saturated fatty acids and the highest - fiber (12.5%). Calories in almonds:579 kcal/ 100 g.
Cashews (cashew nuts)
That is, the fruit of a tree called a cashew, which comes from Brazil. This tree has unusual fruit - they look like apples, from which hang kidney-shaped nuts. The inner layer of the shell contains oil with strong scalding properties, therefore cashews are roasted before removing the shell. Their soft, slightly sweet and slightly almond flesh is considered the most subtle of all nuts. Cashews contain a lot of protein (18%), magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and iron (in terms of the content of these elements, they are ahead of all nuts). The tastiest nut in the world is usually eaten without any processing, as a snack or addition to cakes, salads and desserts. Cashew nut is a constant ingredient of many Far Eastern dishes. They are used in the production of a liqueur called "kaju". Caloric content of cashew nuts:553 kcal/ 100 g.
They consist of 15% of high-quality protein, therefore, like almonds and cashews, they are an important component of a vegetarian diet. They are distinguished by a record content of polyunsaturated fatty acids - already 3 walnuts cover the daily requirement for omega-3 fatty acids. They are also a rich source of vitamin B6. Due to the high content of folic acid, walnuts are recommended for pregnant women. Caloric content of walnuts:645 kcal/ 100 g.
Hazelnuts also contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, mostly monounsaturated. It has been proven that acidsmonounsaturated fats lower the level of "bad" cholesterol and raise the HDL fraction - the consumption of hazelnuts and the oil extracted from them is therefore recommended in the prevention of atherosclerosis. These nuts are also rich in vitamin E (15 mg / 100 g - 100% of the daily requirement) and folic acid necessary for the proper development of the fetus. Hazelnut calorific value:640 kcal/ 100 g.
They are a seed hidden in a greyish seed (shell) of a pistachio tree, which slowly opens when fully mature. They contain a lot of protein (20%), are extremely rich in beta-carotene (250 mcg), potassium (1000 mg in 100 g - 1/3 of the daily requirement), vitamin B6 (75 g of pistachios are enough to meet the daily requirement for this vitamin) and vitamin B1. For splitting closed pistachios … half of their shell is reliable. Unroasted pistachios are he althier and harder to find in shops - roasting reduces the antioxidant content in pistachios by up to half! Calorific value of pistachios:589 kcal/ 100 g.
Peanuts (peanuts, peanuts)
Otherwise, peanuts, peanuts (because they mature underground). Botanically, they belong to the same group of plants as peas, beans, and soybeans. That is why peanuts have the most protein of all nuts - 25 g / 100 g. But they resemble nuts in terms of taste and amount of fat. They are distinguished by a record amount of vitamin B3 (niacin) - its deficiency causes pellagra, to which they are exposed, among others alcohol abusers. They are also rich in vitamin E and folic acid, but are not recommended for pregnant women as they often cause allergic reactions. It is better to avoid roasted and s alted peanuts and buy natural ones in the shell. The oil pressed from them is great for frying, and peanut butter is a delicacy for children (NOTE - pure peanut butter is he althy, but the one available in stores is often hardened with harmful trans fats). Caloric content of peanuts:560 kcal/ 100 g.
They are also called American peanuts. Their flesh is similar to a walnut, but they are sweeter, more delicate and buttery in taste. They contain an exceptionally high amount of fat (72%) - which makes them very caloric - and little protein (9%). Just like hazelnuts, pecans have a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids, but also a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are a rich source of zinc - 100 g of pecans meet 60% of the daily requirement for this mineral. They are used similarly to walnuts - ground for cakes, creams, which gives them a delicate spicy flavor, whole for decoration or as a snack.Caloric content of pecans:692 kcal/ 100 g.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreMacadamia nuts
Their homeland is Australia, the largest producer - Hawaii. They have a very hard shell and therefore shelled nuts are sold. They are round, white, similar to hazelnuts. Just like pecans, macadamia nuts are very fatty and caloric - in this category they are a real record holder among nuts. They are extremely high in monounsaturated fatty acids - studies have shown that macadamia nuts reduce the risk of thrombosis and coronary heart disease. They have a delicate, slightly buttery flavor. They make a tasty snack. They are used for baking and go well with garlic and anchovy sauces. Caloric content of macadamia nuts:718 kcal/ 100 g.
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Macadamia nuts (macadamia) - properties, nutritional values and applicationPinie
So pine nuts or pine nuts. They are obtained from the cones of the Mediterranean pine species. They are tiny, without chopping them, they are sprinkled on e.g. pasta, salads. They are part of the famous pesto sauce (peanuts crushed with garlic, basil, s alt, olive oil and Parmesan cheese). They have a delicate flavor in themselves. They contain little protein and, thanks to fatty acids, lower cholesterol. They are a good source of zinc and magnesium. They are used to soothe inflammation and help with a dry cough. They go rancid quickly, so it is not worth buying them in advance, especially since they are the most expensive of dried fruit. Caloric content of pine nuts:629 kcal/ 100 g.
Brazil nuts
They grow wild on the Amazon. Brazil nuts are one of the richest plant sources of selenium - an element particularly needed by men (it is involved in the production of semen) and, due to its antioxidant properties, plays an important role in cancer prevention. One Brazil nut is enough to meet the daily selenium requirement! Most often they are eaten raw. You can add them to fruit and vegetable salads, sauce, meat. They go well with spicy spices. They are made into sweet butter. Caloric content of Brazil nuts:660 kcal/ 100 g.
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BRAZILIAN NUTS - he alth properties inutritional valuesCoconut
This is a grated and dried white inner lining (copra) of a coconut palm nut. The oil squeezed out of the flesh is unique: even at a temperature of 25 ° C it has a solid form (so-called coconut butter). It has the least protein and fat of any nuts, and half of it is water. Coconut contains mainly saturated fatty acids, so people with high cholesterol cannot eat it in excess. Caloric content of coconut:354 kcal/ 100 g.
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Coconut (coconut) - properties and nutritional valuesImportant- shells protect the nuts from heat, air, light and moisture, slowing down the oxidation processes, so it's best to buy whole nuts and split them just before consumption
- shelled nuts are not very durable - they must be kept tightly closed in a cool, dark and dry place
- raw nuts are he althier - roasting or baking deprives them of some antioxidants
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