Cystitis likes women - it results from our anatomical structure. However, there are many ways to avoid a urinary tract infection. Find out what makes the disease progress? What are the symptoms of cystitis? Find out how to prevent infection, and when cystitis occurs - how to deal with it quickly.
Cystitisis a typically female condition and quite common. The firstsymptoms of urinary bladder inflammationis a slight burning sensation when urinating. After that, you run to the toilet more and more (even if you don't drink much), but you hardly squeeze a few drops. It is accompanied by severe burning and pain in the urethra area.
Although the symptoms seem harmless, unfortunately they can make life difficult. But that is not the only reason why they must not be taken lightly. Neglecting the infection may result in recurrent inflammation of the kidneys (which can lead to kidney failure) or inflammation of the reproductive organs.
Cystitis - causes
Women are several times more likely to suffer from urinary tract infections (UTIs)than men. Anatomy predisposes us to do so.The urethrain women is much shorter (4-5 cm long) than in men (15-20 cm), and in addition directly adjacent to the vaginal opening and anus, where it is located many microbes. And although they are harmless in their natural environment, when they move to the urinary tract, they can cause inflammation.
The cause of trouble may be, among others :
- chlamydie
- gonorrhea
- staphylococcus
Howeverthe most common urinary tract infectionsis caused by the colon rod ( Escherichia coli ), which naturally lives in the digestive system, is found in the stool , in the area of the anus.
Once the bacteria have found their way onto the skin between the vagina and the anus, they quickly migrate to the urethra where they multiply. Shortly thereafter, they travel to the bladder and stick to its walls, causing inflammation. If the treatment is not started in time, they can continue to pass through the ureters to the kidneys.
Cystitis - risk factors
The infection is easy to catch in summer. The reason is e.g.bladder supercoolingto whichmay occur as a result of sitting on the beach in a wet bathing suit, sitting on stones, dressing too light (exposing the kidney area) on cold days.
The infection is also fostered by frequentsexual contacts , especially accidental ones, without the use of a condom, because during intercourse it is easy to transfer bacteria from the anus to the urethra. In addition, the abrasions of the urethral mucosa during intercourse make it easier for microorganisms to penetrate the body. this promotes the multiplication of bacteria.
In additionimproper hygienesensitive places, the use of spermicides, the use of perfumed liners, sanitary pads or intimate cosmetics, using public toilets without proper protection also increase the risk of infection.
Cystitis happensmore often in pregnancy and after the menopause . During pregnancy, the urinary tract is particularly vulnerable to infection, as not only the reproductive organ, but also the ureters, bladder and urethra expand as a result of physiological changes related to the child's growth. This makes it easier for the bacteria to travel through the urinary system. In addition, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the urinary tract, which causes the urine to remain in the bladder and promotes the multiplication of bacteria.
Infections are also more common in postmenopausal women. At this time, the amount of estrogens decreases, which makes the mucous membranes of the intimate areas poorly moisturized. So they get irritated more easily, which paves the way for bacteria.
Home remedies for cystitis
As soon as you feel unpleasant symptoms, take action to prevent the spread of the infection.
- Drink no less than 3 liters of fluid a dayto speed up flushing of bacteria from the urinary tract. Still mineral water is best. You can also add the juice of half a lemon to it or drink the juice of blackcurrant, pomegranate, blackberry or American cranberry - they contain vitamin C, which inhibits the multiplication of bacteria. Avoid coffee, black tea and alcohol as they irritate the bladder.
- Support yourself with herbs- they can be ready-made mixtures or infusions of nettle, dandelion or pansy. These teas have a diuretic effect and soothe the symptoms of infection. You will also find herbal preparations in tablets at the pharmacy.
- Warm yourself- it is best to jump under the covers, and apply an electric pillow to the abdomen and lower back, orhot water bottle. Heat improves the blood supply to the mucous membranes, which speeds up healing.
- Make soups- pour a mixture of chamomile, goldenrod herb, yarrow and sage leaves into the hot water (take a tablespoon of herbs, pour a liter of boiling water and leave it covered for 15 minutes) then sit in water (up to your waist) for 15 minutes. You can also use a ready-made mixture from the pharmacy for the nipple.
- Limit sex- close-ups during an infection extend the healing time, and do not give full pleasure, because the relationship is then painful. Encourage your partner, especially in the case of recurring infections, to have urine and semen tested (with cultures!).
Cystitis - treatment
If your ailments do not go away after 2 days of home treatment, especially if you have:
- fever
- nausea and vomiting
- pain in the area of the kidneys
- you notice blood in your urine or purulent discharge
be sure to see a doctor (if you are pregnant, see a gynecologist at the very first symptoms!). You will need to perform urine analysis along with its culture.
Based on the results, the doctor will apply the appropriate therapy. As a rule, drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect are administered, but sometimes an antibiotic is needed. Perform the recommended treatment until the end, not only until the symptoms subside, because discontinuation of treatment increases the risk of developing a severe kidney infection.
Cystitis - prophylaxis
- Drink about 2 liters of fluid a day- this makes it easier to rinse the bladder and urethra, reducing the risk of bacteria settling.
- Do not stop urinating- when it remains in the urinary tract for a long time, the bacteria in it have ideal conditions for reproduction.
- Wash yourself 2 times a dayunder running water, from front to back, to prevent the transfer of bacteria from the anus to the urethra and reproductive organs. Use intimate hygiene fluids.
- Maintain proper hygiene in the toilet- wipe intimate areas towards the anus, not the other way around. If you use public toilets, use disposable hygiene pads.
- If you suffer from vaginal dryness, use foams or gels to moisturize your intimate parts- this will avoid irritation of the mucosa and reduce the risk of infection.
- After intercourse, wash your intimate areaor at least urinate - this way you will remove the germs that got into the urethra.
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