Rosacea is characterized by redness, spider veins and pimples. The causes of the disease are not fully known, it is known that it is caused, among others, by hormonal and vasomotor disorders, genes are also to blame. People with fair complexion and couperose skin are more likely to suffer from rosacea problems.

Rosacea( acne rosacea ) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the face skin characterized by redness, spider veins and pimples. Rosacea is most common among the inhabitants of Northern and Western Europe (mainly skin phototypes I and II), as well as in North America.

Rosacea: redness, spider veins and seborrhea

Onrosaceawomen suffer more often than men. Currently, according to research , there is no single, specific cause of rosacea .

Specialists are looking for the genetic basis of this troublesome disease. It is known, however, that people with fair complexion and couperose skin are more exposed. In addition, rosacea often occurs in parallel with diseases of the digestive system, e.g. in gastric ulcer disease. Other risk factors forrosaceaare allergies and hypertension.

Other potential factors that increase the risk of developing the disease are:

  • UV radiation
  • high temperature (too frequent hot baths and sauna use)
  • too rapid temperature change
  • bad, incorrect diet
  • seborrhea or incorrect sebum composition
  • hormonal disorders (thyroid disorders, menstrual disorders)
  • mite infection of the hair follicleDemodex folliculorum
  • bacterial infections
  • HPV infection
  • digestive disorders, including food intolerance
  • excessive use of ointments or creams containing steroids

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Do you have spiders? Be careful as they can turn into rosacea!

Frequent expansion and contraction of capillaries leads to thickening of their walls and, consequently, to theirpermanent enlargement. At the same time, the permeability of the capillary walls increases, which causes swelling in the intercellular spaces. They cause an inflammatory reaction that perpetuates the erythematous changes. As a result of all these processes, ordinary spider veins can turn into difficult-to-treat rosacea.

Rosacea - Symptoms

Rosacea usually begins at the age of 20-30, prone to frequent reddening of the face. Over time, the erythema becomes permanent, dilated blood vessels (so-called spider veins) appear, and papules and pimples appear on the central part of the face, accompanied by itching and burning.

In the extreme stage, there is an overgrowth of the sebaceous glands, which may even change the shape of parts of the face, such as the nose. The full development of rosacea occurs between the ages of 40-50.

There are four types of rosacea:

  • erythematous-telangiectatic - there is erythema in the middle part of the face (recurrent, persistent>10 minutes or permanent), as well as dilated blood vessels (spider veins, telangiectasia)
  • maculo-pustular - permanent erythema and swelling of the face, domed erythematous-swollen papules, pustules in the central part of the face and small nodules
  • lumpy - constant facial erythema and swelling, papules, pustules, bumps, thickening and uneven surface of the facial skin are characteristic. The lesions are most often located around the nose (rhinophyma), zygomatic arches, forehead, eyes, ears
  • ocular - there are burning, stinging and itching of the eyes, conjunctivitis, eyelid margin inflammation and photosensitivity

The disease progresses with periods of alleviation or resolution of disease symptoms and exacerbations that require chronic medication. Each exacerbation contributes to the progressive damage to the skin and the aggravation of the symptoms of the disease.


Avoid rosacea

Various factors, such as stress, hot and / or spicy meals and drinks, alcohol, menopause, UV radiation, cold and hot air, wind, exercise, sauna, hot baths, significantly aggravate vascular symptoms and the course of the disease, therefore they should be avoided.

Rosaceais treated with preparations that improve blood circulation, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and restore the epidermal barrier. Also, avoid sunlight, temperature fluctuations, spicy spices, and other irritants.

In the case of the nodular form, surgical treatment is used,electrocoagulation, dermabrasion, cryosurgery or laser therapy (CO2). For the ocular form, artificial tears and topical glucocorticosteroids are used. Constant ophthalmological care is also necessary.

Proper care is of great importance, because patients often experience irritation after cosmetics. Look for moisturizing, soothing and anti-inflammatory preparations that are non-comedogenic, alcohol-free, fragrance-free, mint, camphor, menthol and essential oils.
