The baby changes from week to week. Sometimes, however, new developments in a child's behavior raise anxiety, especially when the infant cries, snores or drools heavily. Although they are rarely a harbinger of symptoms, sometimes it cannot be ruled out. What to do when the baby cries, snoring, drooling heavily?
What to do whenbabycries, snores, drools heavily, screams in the bath, makes strange noises, puts his hands in his mouth and drools a lot - how does the baby behavemay be worrying? These are the most common questions - concerns young moms have.
The daughter is almost two months old and she screams in the bath. Why? The water has a pleasant temperature of 37-38 ° C.
It seems quite likely that too hot water is the cause of the dislike. So for a trial, it is worth immersing the child in slightly cooler water, with a temperature of about 36 ° C. It can also help to keep the bathing room warm. Sometimes children feel unwell when they are immersed in water too quickly. Crying may be provoked by a sudden change in body position and temperature. Some toddlers just dislike being wet.
The solution may be to immerse the baby wrapped in a diaper, and only after dipping it, unwrap it from the diaper, but leave it in the water. Perhaps pouring more water will keep your baby comfortable. However, you have to be careful, because then it is more difficult to control the baby, especially if he is fidgeting.
A bath bucket can also bring a change. The child is immersed in the water almost completely, because only the head is sticking out of the water (you need to hold it with one hand). The baby is leaning against the walls of the bucket with his back, bottom and legs. Or maybe it is worth trying the joint bathing of mother and baby in a large bathtub? Close contact with mum can be really good. You just need to remember to wash the bathtub thoroughly beforehand.
My son makes strange sounds - he is snoring and wheezing. This doesn't just happen when he's asleep.
Perhaps the child has an infection. Inflammation of the airways causes swelling of the tissues. They become loose and can make it difficult to breathe freely. To be sure, it is worth taking the child's temperature. Sometimes the air in the baby's bedroom is too dry. Then it may help to hang a container of water in the room and put it in the nosebaby sea water or saline.
However, if snoring is present all the time, during wakefulness and sleep, especially in the supine position, and the baby is he althy, it is probably the laxity of the larynx that is the cause. The boy gives the impression that each inhalation is an effort for him. The fault is the narrowing of the larynx, caused by the laxity of its cartilages and ligamentous apparatus. During inhalation, the flaccid cartilages of the larynx slightly collapse, narrowing the larynx, making it difficult to breathe in. This condition usually passes with age.
If your baby is developing properly and gaining weight well, there is nothing else to do but wait for the larynx to mature. This usually takes place within a few or several months.
My daughter keeps putting her hands in her mouth and drooling a lot. Is it possible that he is already teething? She is only 3 months old.
First, it's worth checking the gums. Just put on a disposable glove or wash your hands thoroughly and touch your baby's gums. Are they loose? If so, your teething may begin, although it is quite early. If the gums are not a concern, drooling is probably due to a spike in the maturation of the digestive system, namely the salivary glands. It remains to wait for their work to settle. In 2-3 weeks your drooling should become slightly less abundant.
ImportantWhen the infant cries while being fed
If the little one starts eating greedily, and after a while he stops sucking, gets angry and the situation repeats every now and then, you need to contact the doctor. He is likely to have gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is when food flows back into his esophagus during or after eating, causing pain. Choosing a different milk may help, and in a breastfed baby - changing the technique of latching onto the breast.
A doctor's advice is also necessary when the infant refuses to eat frequently and is not gaining weight. Perhaps he instinctively avoids any ingredient that is harmful to him, such as lactose or cow's milk protein. The pediatrician will check the baby, possibly order blood tests.
I found a lump of earwax on my son's ear. Does this mean that I am cleaning his ears badly? Should I use sticks for this?
First of all, do not insert cotton buds inside the ear. In this way, you can not only cut the epithelium, increase the production of earwax, but also damage the structures located there. Second, it is natural for the earwax to fall out of the ear. Third, earwax is needed to protect the ear canal and get rid of debris from the ear. Therefore, there is no need to worry.
It is enough to wash the auricle and the visible entranceinto the ear canal. It is also worth paying attention to the area behind the turbinate, because infants often accumulate leftover food there.
I am worried about the stains on my son's neck. They are very visible, especially when the baby cries and right after the bath. They resemble the outlines of continents on a map. Will these stains ever disappear?
They will not fade away, but will fade a little and cover their hair. They will not be visible at all in the future. These are hemangiomas, i.e. foci of dilated, small blood vessels. They become more visible when the child is exercising or under the influence of high temperature, because then the vessels widen and more blood reaches them. They pale in the cold. They do not pose a threat to the he alth of the child.
My nine-month-old daughter started sticking her thumb in her mouth. I'm afraid she will have crooked teeth.
Putting your thumb in your mouth is usually caused by weariness, a need for closeness, or anxiety. You have to observe the circumstances under which the finger lands in the baby's mouth. If it is the effect of fatigue, it is time for silence around the baby and a nap. However, if this happens when your baby is restless, crying, or seems tense, hugging, carrying for a while, rocking, or limiting stimuli and sensations may help.
However, it is not worth removing your finger from the baby's mouth by force, because it usually does not bring the expected results. Instead, it is better to direct the child's attention to something interesting: a toy, a view outside the window or a booklet. The person concerned will take the finger out of his mouth to show or touch something.
Since I started giving my baby formula milk, the stool appears once every two days. I'm worried.
The natural consequence of changing the type of milk may be a different frequency of bowel movements. The stool consistency may also be affected: it is usually more compact in formula-fed babies. However, if the child is cheerful, does not cry, does not suffer from pain or bloating of the abdomen, and the poop is soft, although of a different consistency, then there is no cause for concern. The confirmation is the result of an examination by a doctor.
This will be useful to youDon't worry when:
- the newborn baby does not lift his head up on his tummy, he only manages to turn it from one cheek to the other with effort,
- a monthly baby eats up to 8 times a day,
- the infant does not tolerate driving (sooner or later he will get used to it),
- the four-month-old chick is not turning from belly to back and vice versa yet,
- a 6-month-old baby sleeps only a few hours a day (theoretically, at this age it should sleep 13-14 hours, butlife verifies book theories),
- a seven-month-old baby wakes up at night to feed (it's better if you don't wake up at night, but when this happens, start giving your baby water instead of milk),
- a 1-year-old only needs one nap a day.