The menstrual calendar allows you to track the menstrual cycle - it precisely indicates the date of the next menstruation, fertile days and ovulation. Check how the menstrual calendar works!
- Menstrual calendar and the menstrual cycle
- Menstrual calendar: how does it work?
The menstrual calendaris a type of calculator that is most often used by women who want to get pregnant. It is at this time that women pay special attention to observing their menstrual cycle. The menstrual calendar, however, will be useful for every woman who wants to check how her body functions and when she can expect the next menstruation.
Menstrual calendar and the menstrual cycle
The most important value on the basis of which the menstrual calendar calculates is the length of the menstrual cycle - on average it lasts from 21 to 35 days, and most often - exactly 28.
During this time, a woman releases one mature egg from the ovaries, which goes through the fallopian tube - for about 3-4 days - to the uterus. Meanwhile, the uterine lining grows full of nutrients and thickens - all to receive the fertilized egg.
However, if the cell does not fertilize, the same membrane peels off, which results in menstrual bleeding.
The egg is 20 times the size of the sperm and can be seen with the naked eye.
The first day of the cycle and the first date to enter into the menstrual calendar is the first day of menstruation. On this and in the following days - from the 1st to the 5th - the Graaf follicle, in which the ova is located, develops.
At the beginning of the cycle, a woman feels much better than at the end of the cycle - she is not bothered by such ailments as leg swelling, breast irritability, and the level of progesterone and estrogens drops. On the other hand, there may be frequent accompanying menstruation: abdominal pain, fatigue, weakness.
The time between the 6th and 13th day of the cycle is the best time on the menstrual calendar for many women. Discomfort accompanying menstruation and the days preceding it disappears. The level of estrogen also increases, thanks to which the woman looks better: acne disappears, hair shinier. It was then - for four daysbefore ovulation - the woman has fertile days.
A woman produces around 500 eggs throughout her life, and a man produces around 525 billion sperm.
14. the day of the cycle is the day of ovulation. This is when the follicle ruptures with the egg in it. It is also the best time to get pregnant, also because this is the day when a woman wants to have sex the most, and her general well-being is very good.
Between the 15th and 17th day of the cycle, the woman still has fertile days and fertilization is possible. By the 20th day of the menstrual cycle, the level of estrogen in the body is high, and the production of progesterone begins, which allows the lining of the womb to accept the fertilized egg. However, a woman begins to feel heavier than usual because her body retains more water than on other days.
If fertilization does not take place, the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body drop between the 21st and 28th day of the cycle. Another menstruation soon. A woman can recognize the symptoms of approaching menstruation: abdominal pain, breast irritability, constipation, flatulence, increased body temperature (up to about 37 ° C), some women also have PMS - premenstrual syndrome.
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Menstrual calculator
Do you want to know which phase of your menstrual cycle you are in? Calculate your fertile, infertile and period.
Step 1/2
Select the average cycle length:
ImportantThe menstrual calendar will work for both women planning pregnancy and those who want to control their fertility, but it is worth remembering that it cannot be treated as a method of contraception, especially in the case of women with irregular menstrual cycles. The regularity of the menstrual cycle can also be disturbed, among others. change of diet, lifestyle, stressful situations, travel, change of the climatic zone.
Menstrual calendar: how does it work?
The menstrual calendar will allow you to precisely identify the day of each subsequent period and fertile days, as well as recognize the constant features of your cycles.
The menstrual calendar is very simple - just enter the date of your last menstruation (day, month, year), the average duration of menstruation (from 1 to 10 days) and the length of the menstrual cycle (from 21 to 35). days) and the calculator will calculate when you will have your next period, ovulation and fertile days.
The menstrual calendar clearly informs the woman about the course of her menstrual cycle. The exclamation mark marks the day of ovulation in the menstrual calendar, the circles indicate the fertile days, and the specific days in the month are colored pink - the days of the period.