The body's immunity should be systematically strengthened. Even a mild cold can throw you off balance. Therefore, it is worth thinking about preparing the body to fight infections. Here are 22 simple ways to boost your immune system.
The body's immunitybecomes especially important in the fall and winter season, but we should take care of it all year round. Check out what are the simpleways to boost your immunity . Even a minor cold can take its toll and throw you out of your normal life for a few days. Not to mention pharyngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis or the flu. Ourimmune systemis responsible for the tendency to infection. If it is weak, it cannot resist microbial attack. Then the germs settle in the mucosa of the nose, throat, or travel further to the bronchi or lungs, causing inflammation - and the disease is ready. But it can be prevented. As? It is enough to make small changes to your life to protect yourself from the disease, even though everyone around you is sneezing and coughing.
1. Breakfast - the most important meal of the day
The cells of the immune system only fight microbes if they are regularly nourished. Therefore, your first meal should be eaten within an hour of getting out of bed. Breakfast should be warming and filling, but not overburden the digestive tract. It should not be lacking in carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Muesli, cereal with milk or yoghurt or a coarse-grain bread sandwich, cheese or an egg and a glass of juice.
2. Adequate diet
Avoid sticky barley soup or pea soup on meat. Choose a vegetable soup that does not make you fat, but also warms you up and provides many vitamins and minerals. Eat a piece of lean meat or fish, with groats or brown rice, salad or vegetables from the water.
3. Vegetables
Eat vegetables with each meal, preferably raw or steamed. Eat fruit in moderation, especially the sweet ones, because they contain a lot of calories. But two apples a day is your duty for he alth and beauty. You can replace fresh products with frozen ones.
4. Vitamin C
Eat citrus, broccoli, parsley, paprika, currants and spinach - they contain vitamin C, which stimulates the production of interferon,a substance that helps to effectively deal with germs. The efficient operation of the defense system is ensured by vitamin B6 - it is found in bananas, avocados, fish, poultry, beef and potatoes. Vitamin E supports the defense forces in the fight against free radicals. It is found in peanuts, sunflower seeds, spinach, vegetable oils, and fish. Vitamin A is also important for the defense system as it stimulates the production of white blood cells. Its good sources are butter, liver, milk and cheese.
5. Zinc diet
Have a zinc diet day once a week: whole grain rye bread, liver with dark rice, and a can of oysters for dinner. You don't overdose - zinc is poorly absorbed, and most of us are deficient in this mineral. Meanwhile, zinc is needed for the production of white blood cells responsible for the body's immunity.
6. Carrots - a source of vitamins
Have orange pieces on hand, a mixture of the so-called student (various nuts and raisins), pieces of apple, carrots, dried apricots, almonds, pumpkin or sunflower seeds. Chew on them instead of bars, cookies and chips. You will provide the body with valuable vitamins and minerals, instead of unnecessary empty calories. Sugar and excess fats weaken immunity.
7. Dangerous drugs
Alcohol, coffee, and cigarettes destroy vitamins A, C, E and B, as well as selenium, zinc and other micronutrients that help fight free radicals that are harmful to the immune system. High-percentage alcoholic drinks kill immune cells in the blood and lymph. Do not smoke and avoid being in smoky rooms. If you are unable to break the addiction, provide your body with more antioxidants.
8. Fruit teas
Instead of another coffee or tea, drink a tea of rosehip, chokeberry, raspberry, black currant - they provide plenty of vitamin C, A, B and E as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. They strengthen the body and relieve stress. Warming teas with ginger or cinnamon are perfect for cold days. In specialized stores you will find mixtures bearing the names "autumn" or "winter" with a similar effect.
9. Good fats
Plant-derived fatty acids, as well as omega-3, provide the body with the building blocks for the production of anti-inflammatory hormones (eicosanoids) that improve the immune system. The he althiest vegetable fats are rapeseed oil and olive oil. On the other hand, the best sources of omega-3s are sea fish, walnuts and flaxseeds.
10. Tran
Contains vitamins A, D, unsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus, iodine and lecithin. In the autumn and winter seasonit is worth drinking it for strengthening. This should be done especially by those who do not eat fish, vegetables and fruit. Although it is he althy, you should not overdo it. When drinking fish oil, you must not take other preparations containing vitamin A or D. Pregnant women and people taking heart and anticoagulant drugs should consult a doctor before starting the treatment, because fish oil impairs the action of some preparations. Fish oil should be taken according to the doctor's recommendation or the information provided on the leaflet.
11. Onion and garlic
They mobilize the immune system, have a bactericidal effect. Onions and garlic are best eaten raw - add to sandwiches, salads, spreads, butter. You can make yourself an immunization mixture and take it prophylactically. For those who don't like garlic, there are garlic preparations.
See the gallery of 12 photosYou must do itOnion honey
Mix a glass of grated onion with a glass of honey. Set aside for an hour, bring to the boil and strain the hot mixture through a sieve. Drink 1 tablespoon of "honey" dissolved in warm water or milk twice a day.
Onion tincture
Pour a glass of crushed onion with a glass of 40% pure alcohol. Set aside in a cool place for 2 weeks, strain. Drink 1 teaspoon 2 times a day (can be diluted in 1/2 cup of sweetened water). Adults only!
Garlic syrup
Squeeze the juice of 40 g of crushed garlic, mix with 80 ml of water and 80 g of sugar. Drink a tablespoon of syrup in the evening. Garlic lowers blood pressure, so people with low blood pressure should use the syrup with caution.
Ginger drink
Pour 1/2 liter of water over a thinly sliced root piece and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain, add honey or raspberry juice. Have a cup of hot drink in the evening.
12. Sprouts and parsley
They are a treasury of vitamins and microelements. Sprouting plants also produce chlorophyll and enzymes that strengthen and regenerate the body. Natka provides an enormous amount of iron. You can eat sprouts and parsley on their own, add to salads, salads, sprinkle them on soup, potatoes, sauces. You have to eat them raw, because they lose their nutritional value under the influence of high temperatures. Growing them at home is simple. Line a plate with damp gauze, put the soaked and rinsed seeds on it (the legumes need to be soaked for 12 hours). Make sure the gauze is kept moist all the time. After a few days, the sprouts are ready. You can grow a parsley by placing the parsley root in a pot with soil.
13. Aloe
Strongly stimulates the immune system, preventing the development of infections. From the leavesyou can make aloe juice and drink it 3 times a day for a tablespoon (keep in a screwed bottle in the refrigerator). Or make a tincture: mash the leaves (with the skin or peeled) into a pulp. Then combine a glass of pulp with a glass of boiled cold water sweetened to taste and set aside for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. Drain, pour 1/2 cup of 40% into the juice. vodka. Drink a tablespoon 3 times a day (coffee spoon for children).
14. Honey
Each of us should prophylactically eat 1-2 tablespoons of honey a day. It provides vitamins, microelements and valuable enzymes that mobilize the immune system to fight. It warms up, strengthens the heart and regenerates the body. You can enhance the effect of honey by adding fruit or herb juice, e.g. aloe vera. In autumn and winter, it is worth drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach with a spoonful of honey and juice squeezed from half a lemon. Prepare the drink in the evening by dissolving the honey in lukewarm water (the heat will deprive it of valuable ingredients). A good strengthening treatment (also for children over 5 years of age) is to drink propolis (alcoholic extract of bee putty) 3 times a day, 15 drops before eating for 4 weeks. Bee pollen also protects against infections.
15. Weather appropriate outfit
Dress appropriately for the weather, preferably in layers. Then you can always remove one layer when it gets too warm. Don't forget the scarf and hat. Almost 30 percent heat escapes from the body through the head. Rapid cooling of the body leads to a decrease in immunity. Air the apartment frequently. Make sure that the temperature in the house does not exceed 20oC. Overheating, as well as cooling, promotes the development of an infection. When the radiators start to heat up, use air humidifiers or hang wet towels on the radiator. For the night it is best to turn the heaters down and sleep with the window open.
16. Walks
Movement improves the work of the immune system. But you have to do the exercises systematically at least 3 times a week. You can go to the pool, gym or exercise indoors with the window open. Take advantage of every opportunity to be outdoors. In spite of the rain or bitter frost, go for a walk, and at the weekend take your family out for a longer hike outside the city. Walk with a brisk stride, breathing deeply. Inhale through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth.
17. Sauna
This is a good way to strengthen the immune system (as a result of losing water, our blood thickens and then the production of immune bodies begins), cleansing (many toxic substances are eliminated from it afterwards) and oxygenation of the body (in heat fasterwe breathe). In addition, high temperature raises body temperature by 2-3oC, and germs don't like that. However, the sauna should not be used by people who have acne, respiratory failure, hemorrhagic diathesis, pregnant women and women during menstruation.
18. Hardening the body
A hardened organism is better able to withstand the autumn-winter cold and sudden temperature changes, which are difficult to avoid at this time of the year. Wading in cold water. Pour cold water into the tub so that it covers your feet and walk in it. Start with a minute and increase the time to 5 minutes. Alternating shower. Start by pouring warm water over yourself, then gradually chill it until it is cold. Repeat 4-5 times. Finish the bath with cold water. The treatment increases immunity and adds energy, so it is best to use it in the morning. Bath in a bowl of water. Prepare 2 bowls of water - very hot and cold. First put both feet in warm water, after a minute into cold water. Repeat for 4-5 minutes, ending with a cold bath. Then "bathe" your hands in the same way, lowering them above the elbows. Gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel. After bathing, take a walk around the room, do some arm swings or squats.
19. Stress - an enemy of the immune system
The immune system is connected to the nervous system, and prolonged stress reduces the efficiency of your defenses. Stress cannot be avoided, but you must learn to deal with it. Don't suppress your emotions and don't take on too many responsibilities. Choose your favorite form of relaxation - run, exercise, listen to music. Take a relaxing bath with the addition of lavender oil or lemon balm leaves and watch stressful situations with distance.
20. Rest
Try to plan your classes so that you find time only for yourself every day. It is important to do what you want then, because this is the only way to turn off emotions, rest and regenerate. Read a book, watch a series, meet friends. People who feel very tired after work can take a short nap (provided they sleep well at night). On days off from work, do not catch up on the rest of the week - do not spend time on office work or do thorough cleaning. An important element of rest is a good night's sleep (7-8 hours). Overworked and sleepy people catch infections more easily.
21. Smile
Laughter is good for your immune system in three ways. It triggers positive emotions, which leads to an increase in the production of immune cells. It activates the work of the diaphragm, stimulating the defense forces to act. Deepens the breathing and oxygenates the brain, which then begins to produce more endorphins, natural anti-inflammatory substances.That is why people with a cheerful disposition get sick less often.
22. Vaccinations
If you have strep throat, otitis, pharyngitis, asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease frequently, your doctor may consider immunization with an immunization (boosts your natural immune forces). You need to think about it now, because some of them are given 3 months before the season for colds. Vaccines are used according to different schedules. They come in the form of an oral and nasal spray. Those who have no contraindications should also get vaccinated against the flu.
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