Runny nose, or acute rhinitis, is an infection of the upper respiratory tract. It is mainly caused by viruses. But rhinitis can be the result of an allergy or an attack by bacteria. Viral rhinitis is very easy to get infected - all you need to do is meet one sneezer on the bus for a runny nose to catch up with you after two or three days. How does a runny nose arise? How to cure a runny nose, what are the effective home remedies for a runny nose? Do runny nose pills help? How long does a runny nose last?
Qatar - general characteristics
Runny noseis a colloquial term - medics use the namerhinitisorrhinitis-diseasemainly caused by viruses.
The appearance of a runny nose, i.e. a watery (serous) or mucous discharge from the nose, is a defensive reaction of the immune system - the body wants to get rid of unwanted viruses. It may be accompanied by symptoms such as:
- sneezing
- stuffy nose
- feeling unwell
- headache
- scratchy throat
Common causes of runny nose
Runny nose most often caused by a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. Among them are:
- rhinoviruses (approx. 110 types, infections due to them mainly occur in spring, summer and autumn)
- coronaviruses (over 30 types, attacking in winter and early spring)
- adenoviruses (throughout the year)
Runny nose is also a consequence ofbacterial infection( although this type of infection is less common). You become infected with germs, the so-called by droplets, e.g. when someone next to you sneezes. In this way, one sick person can infect dozens of people.
Significantcoolingor overheating of the body weakens the immune system, and this also creates favorable conditions for the penetration of pathogenic viruses or bacteria through the nasal mucosa.
A runny nose can also be a symptom of hay fever. A runny nose, which is a symptom of a cold, is sometimes difficult to distinguish from a severe allergic reaction, e.g. to:
- pollen
- animal hair
- house dust
It is therefore worth remembering thatallergic rhinitis is often accompanied by conjunctivitis, severe breathing difficulties but not elevated temperature.
Qatar, although it often makes our lives difficult,helps fight the infection . Sneezing and blowing your nose frequently (only in disposable wipes, used once) allows you to get rid of not only mucus secretions but also viruses from the respiratory tract.Drops that constrict the nasal mucosashould only be used for a few (3-4) days. It's best to use them when you want to feel good or have a so-called mandatory exit.
The cause of a runny nose can also, paradoxically, be just nasal drops. We then say that it isdrug-induced rhinitis . It usually appears if you've been using nasal decongestants for too long. As they constrict the blood vessels in the nose, the mucosa becomes dry and therefore vulnerable to viral attack.
Qatar - symptoms
Viral runny nose is characterized by the leakage of watery-mucous secretion, while bacterial runny nose - mucopurulent. The other local symptoms are similar: both the first and the second appear:
- stuffed nose
- swollen turbinates
- scratchy throat
Both types of cold can be accompanied by:
- cough
- headache
- feeling of general breakdown
There are three phases of Qatar
vascular phase | cell phase | phase three |
Thickening secretion is difficult to remove and lingers in the nasal cavities. The result is a feeling of facial pressure from the inside and a headache. A stuffy nose makes you breathe through your mouth, which causes:
Secondary bacterial infection, accompanied by:
With allergic rhinitis, caused by allergic factors (allergens), most often inhaled, causing an inflammatory reaction in the mucosa, apart from the feeling of stuffy nose and watery discharge, they addmore:
- itchy nose
- sneezing
- watery eyes
Qatar - how long does it take?
A runny nose lasts about 7 days on average , but there are also 14-day colds. Usually, symptoms usually disappear within 2 to 7 days.
A continuous runny nose , i.e.chronic runny nose , is one that lasts continuously or recurs in the form of seizures. If you have a chronic runny nose, see an ENT specialist. It is most often associated with sinus disease or allergy or vasomotor disorders. However, it can signal a serious illness, even cancer.
Chronic runny nose often plagues people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney diseases and diabetes. Hormonal disorders can also be the cause of chronic runny nose - that's why chronic runny nose often affects pregnant women. Vitamin A deficiency will also be conducive to chronic catarrh.
Qatar - serious complications
A runny nose in infants or a runny nose in children is a real nuisance for parents. can bedangerous to newborns, babiesandbabiesup to the age of two. It is associated with the difficulty of breathing, swallowing and sucking, and it is easily transmitted through the Eustachian tube, causing inflammation of the ears and, consequently, hearing loss.
Also in older children and adults, an untreated runny nose can cause more serious he alth complications: it becomes chronic, causes inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and ears, or leads to more serious complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
Qatar - how to heal? Home remedies for runny nose
It is commonly believed that you just have to wait out the runny nose. However, the reality of rhinitis cannot be taken lightly and must be fought against. The claim thattreated and untreated lasts a week or seven daysis not true. More and more people suffer from rhinitis periodically throughout the year.
In addition to drugs that reduce fever, anti-inflammatory and possibly painkillers, patients must restore the patency of the nasal passages as soon as possible.
The lack of air flow through the nose creates favorable, because anaerobic, conditions for the development of bacterial infections. In addition, the secretion in the nose paralyzes the movement of the cilia of the epithelium in its cavities, responsible for the transport and removal of this secretion. What should you use for a runny nose and what not to do?
Ways for a cold:
- When you come home cold, don't wait for the disease to develop.Take a hot bathwith the addition of oil (pine, eucalyptus, mint) orsoakfeetin hot water with s alt. Thenrub your feet with camphor ointment , put on thick socks, wrap yourself in a blanket and rest in warmth
- Take inhalations of aromatic oils(e.g. eucalyptus) or chamomile infusion. They allow you to unblock a stuffy nose and get rid of accumulated secretions.
- Smear your nostrils with vitamin ointment(e.g. marjoram ointment) or barrier cream to soothe skin irritation.
- Drink plenty of fluids . As a result, the secretion becomes thinner and the nose cleans more easily.
- Eat hot, steaming food(e.g. broth), drink plenty of tea with raspberries or elderberry juice, or purge tea.
- Addgarlick to your sandwiches because it has a strong antibacterial effect. For dinner, make yourself a sandwich with finely chopped parsley (high in vitamin C), butter and a crushed garlic clove.
- Also remember to wash your hands frequently , especially after cleaning your nose with a disposable handkerchief.
- In the fight against runny nose, useincreased doses of vitamin C and preparations with routine(3-4 tablets 2-3 times a day). Although they do not eliminate a runny nose and are of no importance in eliminating a cold, they seal and strengthen the walls of the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa, weakened by infection. It is also worth taking calcium preparations (Calcium C), although these may excessively dry the nasal mucosa.
- There is no single effective cure for a runny nose. Butrhinitis pillswill help to clear a stuffy nose. You can also usenasal drops , which reduce the swelling and blood supply to the nasal mucosa. Remember that nasal drops must not be abused. Use them for no longer than 3-4 days.
Qatar could be the beginning of an infection
See a doctor if, apart from a runny nose, you have muscle, joint and head aches and a temperature above 38 degrees C. These may be the first signs of flu.
Qatar with:
- severe headache
- feeling of pressure around the cheeks, temples or the bridge of the nose
- the discharge is purulent
requires consultation with a doctor. You may have sinusitis and this requires specialist treatment.
Read also: Pain in the nose - causes
- The color of a runny nose - what does the color of the nasal discharge show?
- How to effectively cure a runny nose? 5 ways to treat a runny nose
- Cough and runny nose - a duo of colds. How to relieve cough and runny nose
The article uses materials from Anna Jarosz z"Zdrowie" monthly