Manuka honeys are known for their unique properties - they have antibacterial properties, affect immunity and the digestive system. However, there are many types of Manuka honeys available on the market. What is the difference between those marked with the MGO symbol and those with the UMF or Active + stamp? It's good to know which honey to choose before you decide to buy it.
When buyingManuka honeywe want to be sure that the product we choose is of high quality. Not all honey available on store shelves is the same. The main factor that distinguishes honeys is the way they are labeled. The symbolsMGO ,UMFor other symbols define the method ofhoney testing , and thus inform us about the strength its actions. What does it mean? Different producers use different techniques to test the properties of Manuka honey. Some of them are more reliable than others. When buying honey, it is worth knowing which symbol is the most credible.
Testing the he alth properties of honey
The source of the unique properties of Manuka honey is an ingredient called methylglyoxal, which was discovered in 2006 by the German professor Thomas Henle. Methylglyoxal makes honey have antibacterial properties and has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive and immune systems. Prof. Henle also found that the higher the concentration of this substance in honey, the more powerful it is. On this basis, he developed a method of testing honey called the MGO ™ symbol, which consists in measuring the concentration of methylglyoxal in honey. This method is considered to be the most reliable method of testing Manuka honey for consumers, because the MGO tests show high repeatability and the error rate of 2%.
Before the miracle of methylglyoxal was discovered
Before methylglyoxal was discovered, scientists did not know what substance was the source of the unique properties of Manuka honey. It was only known that it must be a substance other than hydrogen peroxide. The most popular method of testing Manuka honeys was then created by prof. Peter Molan methodUMF(Unique Manuka Factor). It measured the effects of Manuka honey after neutralizing the hydrogen peroxide. The disadvantage of this method of measuring the properties of Manuka honey was the relatively high error rate, amounting to about 25%. However, the UMF method is still thereused by many manufacturers, although its accuracy is lower than in the case of MGO ™.
MGO AND UMF methods
The MGO ™ and UMF methods are the leading methods of labeling Manuka honeys. In stores, we can also find honeys marked with other symbols. These are most often markings that are created by individual producers, based on their own research. Unfortunately, they are often carried out without prior neutralization of the hydrogen peroxide, which may distort the results and thus mislead customers.
How to Buy the Best Manuka Honey
When buying Manuka honey, it is worth choosing the one that has been subjected to MGO tests. The superiority of the MGO method over other methods of measuring the properties of Manuka honeys is evidenced by the fact that Dr. Molan himself, the author of the UMF method, found it more reliable. He agreed with Dr. Henle that the MGO tests guarantee customers that each package of honey exhibits certain properties and acts with a certain force. Therefore, the MGO method is considered to be the most reliable and uniform among all methods of measuring the properties of Manuka honey. That is why the best laboratories in Singapore, which are owned by the state-owned company AsureQuality from New Zealand, decided to use this method in their research. Also, Hill Laboratory, a New Zealand laboratory used by UMFHA - the umbrella organization for some UMF manuka honey producers - encourages the use of the MGO ™ method as it produces more accurate results. This is the best possible recommendation.