Grapefruits have many he alth-promoting properties: they are a rich source of vitamin C and beta-carotene, thus strengthening the body's immunity. They have a beneficial effect on the heart by lowering cholesterol and regulating blood pressure. Grapefruits are also an important component of slimming diets - they have little kcal and accelerate the metabolism. Why else is it worth eating grapefruits?
Low calorie, refreshinggrapefruitis a real vitamin bomb that strengthens the body's immunity. The flesh of one fruit provides more vitamin C than the recommended daily allowance and one-third of the recommended daily dose of provitamin A, or beta-carotene. Red and pink varieties have the most vitamin C. Grapefruit also provides a lot of B vitamins and potassium.
There are several types of grapefruit that vary in color, flavor, and amount of nutritional value. The he althiest and most popular of them is red grapefruit, because it contains the most vitamin C, lycopene and carotenoids. The red variety is distinguished by a sweet and sour taste with a distinct hint of bitterness, for which narginine is responsible. Yellow and green varieties are less popular. They are milder in taste, but contain less nutritional value. Yellow grapefruits are sour, devoid of bitterness. The green variety, also known as sweety, is the sweetest grapefruit version. It is a cross between a grapefruit and a giant orange, i.e. pomelo. Interestingly, however, it contains 25% more antioxidants than the red variety.
Grapefruit - anti-cancer properties
Grapefruit, apart from vitamins and flavor, also contains valuable flavonoids. They are found mainly in grapefruit peel, seeds and white film. Flavonoids have antibacterial, antifungal and anti-cancer properties. Research has shown that grapefruits can protect against cancers of the stomach, intestines, prostate, bladder and cervix.
It is worth knowing that in pharmacies there is grapefruit seed extract, which contains a highly concentrated complex of flavonoids and vitamins. Thanks to this, you can provide the body with these valuable ingredients, without having to feel the bitter taste of grapefruit seeds or membranes.
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Author: TimeS.A
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Find out moreGrapefruit seed extract supports the treatment of stomach ulcers. Grapefruit oil has a calming and anti-depressant effect.
Grapefruit and slimming
Grapefruits are low in calories (in 100 g they only have50 kcal ), and additionally they accelerate metabolism, facilitate fat burning and cleanse the body - thus delaying the aging process and improving beauty . The white inner rind, or albedo, is unrivaled in this respect (the naringin in it cleans slightly). Therefore, it is not worth cleaning fruit from it pedantically, it is better to like its slightly bitter taste, especially during thecleansing diet .
Grapefruitshave a lowglycemic index(IG=20), and thanks to the pectin content, they lower blood glucose levels, so they are fruit indicated for diabetics.
Grapefruit and diabetes
Grapefruits have a low glycemic index, therefore they are indicated for people struggling with diabetes and he althy people - in the prevention of this disease. Grapefruits slow down the process of sugar breakdown in the body. These fruits regulate blood glucose levels and increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin. Therefore, they are recommended not only to diabetics, but also to people suffering from insulin resistance. They are also low in calories - one grapefruit contains about 40 calories. In addition, due to the fact that they contain fiber, they increase the feeling of fullness.
Grapefruit good for heart
Grapefruits have a beneficial effect on the heart - they lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and prevent atherosclerosis. Research has shown that red grapefruits are more effective than other varieties at normalizing lipid levels. They also have the most lycopene and carotenoids - powerful antioxidants that protect against atherosclerosis, cancer and prolong youth. People who have elevated cholesterol levels should eat grapefruits with membranes because they are rich in fiber that reduces it.
6 vegetables with the least vitamin C

Pink / red grapefruit - nutritional values ( in 100 g). How much calories does grapefruit have?
Caloric value - 42 kcal Protein - 0.77 g Fat -0.14 g Carbohydrates - 10.66 g (including simple sugars 6.89 g) Fiber - 1.6 g
Phosphorus - 18 mg Potassium - 135 mg Sodium - 0 mg Calcium - 22 mg Iron - 0.08 mg Magnesium - 9 mg Zinc - 0.07 mg
Vitamin B1 - 0.043 mg Vitamin B2 - 0.031 mg Niacin - 0.204 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.053 mg Folic acid - 13 µg Vitamin E - 0.13 mg Vitamin C - 31.2 mg Vitamin A - 1150 IU
In turn, one cup (247 g) of red or pink grapefruit juice has 39 kcal.
Grapefruit and pregnancy
Grapefruits contain a lot of folic acid, therefore they are recommended for pregnant women. Folic acid is also called vitamin B9, which influences the proper development of the fetus, in particular the development of its nervous system. It also helps fight gestational anemia. Grapefruits stimulate the intestines, so they can be eaten during pregnancy constipation. They are also allowed during gestational diabetes as they have a low glycemic index. However, not all pregnant women can eat grapefruits. They should not be consumed by pregnant women suffering from heartburn, as this fruit may aggravate its symptoms.
Grapefruit and breastfeeding
Grapefruits, due to the large amount of vitamins, can have a positive effect on the he alth of the mother and child. However, these fruits, like other citrus fruits, can also cause allergies, so if you notice any symptoms of allergy in your child, stop eating them.
How to choose a he althy grapefruit?
Choose fruits with an intense color, because they have the most vitamins and other nutrients. The bigger and heavier it is, the juicier it is. The fruit should have flattened ends. Those with elongated ones have thick skin and little juice. The tips should not be soft or green.
IMPORTANT: Before peeling the grapefruit, scrub it with a brush under running water to remove the chemical preservative covering the fruit.
Grapefruit - effect on the skin
Due to the high content of vitamin C and fruit acids, grapefruit is also used in cosmetics. Preparations and treatments with the use of grapefruit are recommended primarily for oily and acne-prone skin, as they regulate excess sebum and close the pores. Grapefruit is also great at discoloration - it brightens them. This fruit also works well in accelerating the healing of inflammations, wounds or acne lesions.
Worth knowingWhite grapefruit - nutritional values ( in 100 g). How much calories does white grapefruit have?
Caloric value - 33 kcal Protein - 0.69 g Fat - 0.10g Carbohydrates - 8.41 g (including simple sugars 7.31 g) Fiber - 1.1 g
Phosphorus - 8 mg Potassium - 148 mg Sodium - 0 mg Calcium - 12 mg Iron - 0.06 mg Magnesium - 9 mg Zinc - 0.07 mg
Vitamin B1 - 0.037 mg Vitamin B2 - 0.020 mg Niacin - 0.269 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.043 mg Folic acid - 10 µg Vitamin E - 0.13 mg Vitamin C - 33.3 mg Vitamin A - 33 IU
One cup (247 g) of white grapefruit juice has 39 kcal.
Nutritional value of grapefruit
Our expert, Jacek Bilczyński, tells about the he alth properties of grapefruit and its nutritional value.
Don't do thatBe careful with combining grapefruits with medications!
Remember that grapefruit juice has the most drug-interacting compounds of any citrus. It is always worth asking your doctor about this. If you are unsure, it is best not to drink juice or eat fruit 4 hours before and after taking the drug, and do not take preparations containing citrus extract during the entire treatment. However, if medications do not interact with citrus, do not eliminate them from your diet.
Grapefruit can change the way drugs work:
- insomnia (benzodiazepines)
- lipid disorders (lovastatin, simvastatin)
- hypertension and ischemic heart disease (felodipine)
- allergic diseases (astemizole)
- HIV and AIDS treatment (saquinavir)
In addition, grapefruit may reduce the effect of hormonal contraception.