Bronchitis, especially in its early stages, is easy to mistake for a cold. If symptoms of a cold, especially a cough, do not go away after a few days, see a doctor. It could be bronchitis, which, if not treated properly, leaves traces for life. What are the symptoms of bronchitis and how is it treated?
Bronchitisis a rather dangerous disease of the lower respiratory tract, the symptoms of which are similar to a cold, but the cough is extremely troublesome. Taking into account the duration of symptoms,causes of the diseaseand their impact on the function of the respiratory system, we can distinguish two main forms of bronchitis:
- acute bronchitis
- chronic bronchitis
which are completely separate disease entities. Both types of bronchitis require treatment after consultation with a doctor, and most often also detailed additional diagnostic tests for their correct diagnosis.
Acute bronchitis - causes
The causes of acute bronchitis are primarilyviruses , such as rhinoviruses, which also cause rhinitis, or flu viruses. Less commonly, the primary cause isbacteria . The disease attacks mainly in autumn and winter. Infection occurs through droplets, e.g. when sneezing or coughing. If a patient with acute bronchitis develops bacterial superinfection, antibiotic treatment may be necessary.
Acute bronchitis - symptoms
The symptoms of acute bronchitis are:
- persistent cough, initially dry and tiring, then wet cough with a slight cough
- feeling unwell
- headache
- fever
Acute bronchitis treatment
If there are no complications, bronchitis usually lasts about ten days and only requiressymptomatic treatment . It is best to stay at home until the symptoms subside and rest a lot, because then the body regenerates its strength the fastest and defends itself against complications.
If you have a fever, take medications to lower your temperature and drink a lot. You cansupport your immune system with natural ingredients, such as:
- raspberry juice
- honey
- garlic
- lemon
- herbs
that can help treat acute bronchitis. At the doctor's order, syrups or expectorants are used, and in the case of dry and tiring cough - medications that inhibit the cough reflex.
Does a person with bronchitis need to take an antibiotic?
In most cases, the use of antibiotics is not necessary, as it is usually a viral infection. The doctor decides to prescribe them only in the case of bacterial superinfection, the symptom of which is high fever, cough with purulent discharge and general weakness of the patient.
Chronic bronchitis
If you have coughing bronchitis once or twice a year and it goes away quickly, there is hardly anything to worry about. They are simply the result of bad weather and a temporary drop in immunity, which, however, a he althy organism copes well.
It is different when infections with tiresome coughs are repeated often for several consecutive years, last for at least three months, or you experience chronic coughing even without another infection. This may mean that you havechronic bronchitisor other chronic respiratory disease. And these diseases absolutely require specialized treatment.
Ifthe cough with the production of mucusrecurs daily or periodically, especially in the morning, and is accompanied byincreasing shortness of breath- probably we are dealing withchronic bronchitisoften leading to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the most common chronic respiratory disease in adults. They are found in about 9 percent. patients over thirty years of age. The disease leads to a gradual obstruction of the bronchial patency and distension of the lungs, which causes disturbances in the flow of air through the respiratory tract, increasing shortness of breath and further, very unfavorable he alth consequences.
Chronic bronchitis - causes
There are several causes of chronic bronchitis, butthe most important one is smoking ! The risk of getting sick increases if you smoke for a long time and if you smoke a lot.
It should be remembered, however, that people with genetic predisposition may develop symptoms, even if they smoke little and for a relatively short time. Also the so-calledpassive smoking , i.e. being surrounded by smokers, increases the riskdisease.
A defensive reaction to large amounts of pollutants in tobacco smoke isinflammation in the bronchial tractand increased mucus production. There is alsochronic cough , which is necessary to remove excess secretions and pollutants from the respiratory tract.
Doctors say that smoking cessation is the most effective method of preventing chronic bronchitis. It is not easy, but it is possible. There are many methods that can help you fight addiction.
Other causes of chronic bronchitis include:
- occupational exposure to dusts and chemicals
- air pollution
- frequent respiratory infections in childhood
- genetic tendencies
Bronchitis as a complication after a cold
Doctor Piotr Gryglas explained in the "Dzień Dobry TVN" studio what may end up being ignored of a cold. - Complications after an ordinary cold can be dangerous, the mildest of them are bronchitis and pneumonia - explained the specialist.
Treatment of chronic bronchitis
Treatment of chronic bronchitisis cumbersome, expensive, and often life-long. So it is better to prevent this disease than to cure it. Therefore, avoid places where the air is polluted, do not smoke, and do not neglect the treatment of even minor catarrhal infections. Frequent or long-lasting bronchitis with chronic cough alwaysrequire thorough diagnosis . If such symptoms occur, a visit to the doctor is necessary, as it may turn out that they are the beginning of a chronic respiratory disease. To make a correct diagnosis, a specialist must perform additional tests, as symptoms similar to chronic bronchitis accompany other diseases, e.g.
- sinusitis
- tuberculosis
- asthma
- lung cancer
Bronchitis or asthma?
Bronchial asthma is an increasingly common chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, manifested by persistent cough. Asthmatic cough is paroxysmal, usually accompanied by:
- shortness of breath
- wheezing
- feeling anxious
It often occurs at night, after exercise or after contact with an allergen in allergic people. Unlike chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma is found more often in children and adolescents than in adults. It is believed that frequent bronchitis incan lead to the development of asthma in childhood.
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