It's almost impossible during the nine months of your pregnancy to not have stomach trouble, a runny nose, or a headache. However, during this exceptional period, as a rule, these ailments must not be treated as before pregnancy. So what can you save yourself? Pharmacists and doctors specializing in homeopathy believe that homeopathic remedies are such a safe solution for the mother-to-be and her baby.
Homeopathyis based on the principle of similarity, according to which certain substances induce symptoms of the disease in he althy people, and can combat them in a sick person who has such ailments. Provided they are given in very small doses. This means, for example, that a person with a high temperature is recommended a preparation containing a substance … causing fever.
Homeopathic medicinesare made only from natural substances (plants, animals and minerals) in the process of the so-called potentiation, consisting in a gradual, ever greater dilution of the drug substance. Sometimes the dilution is so great that the finished drug contains only a millionth of the starting material. But homeopaths believe that this is enough to stimulate the body's natural self-healing mechanisms. They also ensure that thanks to such a high dilution, these drugs are safe even for womenpregnantand breastfeeding.
Homeopathy for pregnant women ailments
Among homeopathic preparations, the expectant mother will find many that can help her get rid of her ailments.
- nausea - usually it is troublesome between the 3rd week and the 4th month of pregnancy (about 30% of women complain about it). They are caused by hormonal and metabolic misalignment of the body. With this tiring ailment, you can use Vomitusheel S (suppositories) or Carominthe Lehning (drops)
- heartburn - an enlarged uterus compresses the stomach and its contents sometimes slide back into the esophagus, causing a burning heartburn. It happens that she teases almost the entire pregnancy. When you are suffering from acid reflux and heartburn, you can reach for Gastricumeel (tablets)
- constipation - this is a typical problem of expectant mothers. Progesterone, a hormone very active in pregnancy, makes the intestines lazy - their peristalsis, especially of the large intestine, is weakened.Constipation may worsen the iron supplements you take. So if you have this problem, homeopaths recommend Nux vomica-Homaccord (drops)
- haemorrhoids - anal veins often dilate at the end of pregnancy. This causes an unpleasant feeling of itching, burning, and pain. When you notice such ailments, try Paeonia-Heel (tablets)
- headache - women in general are more likely to suffer from headaches and migraines than men, which is associated with fluctuating levels of female hormones. So during pregnancy, when your hormones run wild, your headaches can get worse. Homeopathic remedies for this ailment are Spigelon (tablets) or Spigelia-Dagomed 20 (granules)
- swelling of the legs - this is the result of an overload of the lymphatic system (responsible for the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the blood and the removal of toxins), which works for two during pregnancy. Homeopaths recommend Lymphomyosot (tablets or drops) for edema
- colds - even if you take great care of yourself, you can catch an infection from someone in a shop or on a bus. So if you feel like something is taking you, give Oscillococcinum (pellets) a try. It is important to take the preparation at the first symptoms
Doctor Beata Antosik: homeopathic remedies are not a panacea for all diseases
Source:ń Dobry TVN
ImportantPregnancy and homeopathic remedies
- Before taking a homeopathic medicine, the pregnant woman should contact her attending physician, who should always be informed about the use of any medicines by the pregnant woman - including homeopathic medicines, and dietary supplements
- not every ailment in pregnant women should be treated with homeopathic preparations
- pregnant woman should carefully read the package leaflet before consuming the homeopathic medicine (some homeopathic remedies are contraindicated in pregnancy)
Homeopathy - or is it just a suggestion?
Before you decide to take any homeopathic remedy, however, you need to know that homeopathy is controversial and often completely contradictory. Proponents of homeopathy point to the positive aspects of this method - treating the causes and not only the symptoms of the disease, mobilizing the natural immune forces, no undesirable side effects, no risk of overdosing, as well as contraindications for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. There are many people who say that this therapy has helped them. Yet the world of science remains critical of homeopathy. The mechanisms of its operation are still unknown, and its effectiveness has not been scientifically proven. According to the prestigious medical journal "The Lancet", homeopathic remediesthey work similarly to suggestion (the so-called placebo effect). That is why gynecologists treat homeopathy with reserve.
ImportantThe use of homeopathy is inconsistent with Evidence Based Medicine (EBM). When choosing homeopathy, you cannot abandon conventional therapies for which there is reliable evidence for their safety and efficacy. Homeopathy should not be used, especially in the treatment of chronic, serious or potentially serious diseases.
Pharmacologist prof. David Colquhoun on homeopathy: There is nothing in these pills
Source:ń Dobry TVN
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