Many myths have arisen around breastfeeding. Young mothers, often bombarded with contradictory information, feel insecure. It is worth telling the many questions and doubts related to breastfeeding that every young mother has.
» What to do to get more milk in your breasts?
Whenbreastfeedingis normal, the breast gland is perfect it adjusts the amount of milk it produces to the baby's needs and then there is no reason to increase lactation. If the mother has a day or two feeling thatbreastsare not full enough, she should attach the baby as often as possible - to both breasts, also at night. Forlactationto run smoothly, your body should be well nourished and hydrated. A mother who is nursing a child should therefore eat valuable meals and drink enough fluids not to feel thirsty (how much exactly - it is an individual matter). Mental state is also important - stress and lack of sleep are not conducive to milk production. You can drink herbal milk teas - their effectiveness has not been confirmed by studies, but many women say they help. It is worth knowing that when lactation is stabilized (after about 3 months), the breasts are less full than at the beginning, but that does not mean that they are producing too little milk. And when there is a real shortage of milk (the baby is not gaining weight properly), it is worth contacting a lactation consultant for help.
» How often do I need to weigh my baby?
Absolutely no need for frequent weighing. Sometimes it can even be harmful: a mother who weighs her baby before and after a meal feels a kind of need to prove herself - when she decides that the baby has not eaten enough milk, she feels anxious, scared, ready to feed her baby with a bottle. Meanwhile, the "book" amounts of milk that a baby should eat daily are indicative and you do not have to stick to them. Research shows that the good effects of breastfeeding are more easily achieved by mothers who do not feel constantly controlled and obliged to drink exactly as much and as much milk. A he althy, full-term baby is enough to weigh every 2-3 days, while premature babies and newborns are weighed once a day during the period of physiological weight loss.
» What is a flood of milk? Do you have to see a doctor then? How to deal with this problem?
Overfilling both breasts (food load),occurring between the 2nd and the 6th day after delivery, is a physiological phenomenon caused by the high level of prolactin at that time. Breasts - much larger, heavy, filled with milk - then create problems, but there should be no difficulties with the outflow of milk. You just need to feed your baby more often (10-12 times a day) until the milk production process is normal. It is important for the mother to breastfeed in a position that is comfortable for her (the baby should be attached to the breast, not the other way around!) And that the baby grasps the breast well. Before feeding, you can express some milk to soften the areola - then it will be easier for your baby to grasp. Relief will be brought by cold compresses on the breasts after breastfeeding (about 20 minutes), e.g. from a diaper soaked in cold water, a diaper wrapped in a frozen vegetable or white cabbage leaves chilled in a refrigerator and slightly compacted with a pestle. The leaves reduce swelling and prevent food stagnation - they have to be put under the bra, and when they wither, replace them with new ones, already at room temperature. Drinking sage infusion (1-2 sachets a day) can also help, as it reduces lactation. Note: if the breasts are not emptied sufficiently during the infusion of milk, food stagnation and inflammation of the breast may occur - when swelling and soreness appear, the help of a specialist will be needed.
» Is it normal for milk to leak from the breast almost all the time? Can you stop it somehow?
This is completely normal, especially at the beginning of the feed, before lactation is stabilized (which takes up to several months). Food leaks from breasts usually before the time of feeding the baby, and sometimes even at the very thought of feeding the baby, during the feeding it flows out of the breast that the baby is not suckling from. It is always worth having nursing pads on hand and changing them often so that the nipples do not stay wet for a long time. Sometimes you can stop the uncontrolled flow of milk by crossing your arms and pressing them lightly against your breast.
» Is it a good idea to use feeding caps when the nipples are badly injured?
Lactation advisers strongly advise against using them, because using them may interfere with the suction mechanism and lead to infection (the caps are not sterile and can easily transfer germs). However, moms who used such silicone caps usually praise them. If the nipples hurt so much that mom even thinks about giving up breastfeeding, then you can try to breastfeed through the nipples, but you should always treat them as an emergency and temporary exit. It is worth remembering that in addition to the already mentioned disadvantages of caps, theirit is inconvenient to use - you have to steam it, always carry it with you, etc.
» What to do when the warts hurt, sores and scabs appeared on them. Do you have to stop feeding?
The cause of the nipple injuries is most often incorrect latching of the baby to the breast - the baby sucks only the nipple, and he should also suck a large part of the areola. The nipple can also be damaged if the baby has a suckling mechanism that is impaired (e.g. because a teat is fed). And sometimes warts are just very sensitive. What to do? Properly latch the baby to the breast and feed it as often as before, starting from the less painful breast - then it will be easier, because the hormones that cause the milk to flow out reduce unpleasant sensations. When the pain is severe, you can take a pain reliever (paracetamol, ibuprofen). To speed up the healing of warts, you need to ventilate them frequently, rinse with sage infusion, and apply your own milk or a special cream after feeding. Wearing protective overlays will bring relief between feeds. If the problem persists, it is worth asking a specialist for help.
» Should the breasts be washed before each feeding ?
No, if you are feeding a he althy, full-term baby (premature babies are a separate topic) not only is frequent washing not advisable, but it can even harm your breasts. On the areola of the nipples there are sebaceous glands that secrete an oily substance. Washing it off causes drying of the epidermis and exposing it to damage. It is best to wash the breasts with clean water 1-2 times a day, and when the nipples are dry and irritated - it is good to rinse them with an infusion of calendula or sage, which have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.
» When to start breastfeeding after cesarean section?
You can also successfully breastfeed after the surgery, although the milk production process may be slightly delayed. Much depends on the type of anesthesia (conduction anesthesia is better than general anesthesia) and the habits of the hospital. It is essential that the child has contact with the mother as soon as possible. If only the condition of both allows, the newborn should be attached to the breast as soon as possible - thanks to this, lactation is stimulated and the conditions for its proper course are created. Due to a wound on the abdomen, it is difficult to find a comfortable feeding position. Sometimes the only possible position is the supine position with the baby lying on top of the mum, but it is worth enduring the inconvenience. If lactation cannot be started within 6 hours after giving birth, the midwife should teach the mother to pump and encourage her to do so regularly (this sustains milk production).
» Can you get the flu vaccine while you are breastfeeding?
Yes, a breastfeeding woman can get the flu vaccine, she can also have other vaccinations (exception is smallpox). However, you should always ask your doctor for advice before undergoing a vaccination.
» Can a woman who is a carrier of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) be fed naturally?
A child born to a mother infected with HBV receives the first the vaccine and the immunoglobulin against hepatitis B for hours of life will therefore be resistant to infection. So nothing prevents you from breastfeeding them. Anyway, there are very few diseases and viruses that are contraindications for feeding (HIV, active tuberculosis, herpes located on the nipple).
» Is it true that breastfeeding protects against pregnancy?
Yes, it is possible for six months after giving birth (if she has not yet had a menses), if the mother strictly applies the so-called the LAM method, i.e.: breastfeeding the baby only on demand (the more often the better: at least every 4 hours during the day and once at night), the baby is not refilled or fed and sucks for as long as he wants, with each feed. If, however, these conditions are difficult to meet, contraceptive measures can also be used while breastfeeding. A hormone mini-pill, an intrauterine device and injections are considered safe for a nursing mother, but the choice of the agent should always be consulted with a gynecologist.
» I have a lot of milk, sorry to pour it down the sink. Can I sell them somewhere or give them away?
Unfortunately, there is no such possibility in Poland at the moment. Although the Association for the Women's Milk Bank was established in Warsaw, it will probably be some time before it starts to work and receive milk from mothers. In the past, even in hospitals, it was customary for women who had a lot of food to feed the children of mothers who did not have it. Currently, it is not practiced because of the risk of transmitting some dangerous viruses to the child (e.g. HIV).
» When is it necessary to express milk? Should every mum have a breast pump?
If there are no problems, expressing milk is not recommended as it leads to an overproduction of milk, so a pump may not be needed. There are only a few situations where pumping is justified to stimulate lactation:
- when mother and child cannot be together (stay in hospital, return to work)
- when the baby refuses to suckle or sucks ineffectively (does not eat too much)
- in milk shortage (ifthis will be confirmed by a lactation advisor).
Small amounts of milk should also be expressed during periods of milk invasion and when the baby is not emptying the breasts sufficiently.
» How long should I breastfeed for best baby?
For the baby to benefit, specialists recommend exclusive breastfeeding at least for the first six months of a baby's life. After that, it is good to continue them for 1-2 years (but with other foods). Most specialists believe that the longer a baby is breastfed naturally, the better it is for the baby, because along with the food it receives not only nutrients, but also immunizing substances that protect them against diseases. There is no upper limit to the length of a feeding; there is no evidence that breastfeeding is harmful until the child is three years old or beyond.
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