A child's cough can be dry, wet, allergic, barking … Regardless of the type, it can be hard for the child. Learn to recognize the types of cough in your baby so that you know how to help your baby and what treatment to use.
A child's coughmay take various forms. Sometimes the baby scratches something in his throat, and the cough is so troublesome that it hurts his chest. At other times, it coughs up the mucus without any problems. We explain the types of coughs in a child and how to treat dry and wet coughs.
Causes of coughing in a child
A child's cough is usually a symptom of a respiratory infection. Usually, the disease begins with a runny nose that runs down the child's throat and irritates the mucosa where viruses multiply.
Then the baby coughs a lot and we say he has a dry cough. After a few days of illness, the respiratory system produces secretions and the baby begins to cough it up.
A cough in a child is not always a symptom of a disease. In this way, the bronchial mucosa can react to dust or crumbs that have entered the respiratory tract. Coughing allows you to cleanse them of everything that irritates.
That is why children cough up to intense smells, cigarette smoke, when they choke. They cough while eating sour fruit. There is nothing disturbing about it.
If your baby is okay with nothing except coughing, it could be a sign of an allergy. Try to observe when your little one is coughing. If, for example, when playing with the dog - the cause is probably the animal's hair.
Then you need to urgently consult a doctor, because untreated inhalation allergy can turn into asthma.
If, in addition to coughing, the child has a runny nose and an elevated temperature, he probably has an upper respiratory infection or one of the childhood diseases (rubella, measles).
What does such a cough indicate in a child?
Different diseases and ailments manifest themselves with a different type of cough. Notice how your baby is coughing and see what could be causing it.
This is important information for the doctor, who will definitely ask you what type of cough your child has. Treatment is different depending on the type of cough.
- dry cough - beginning of infection, choking, allergy, pneumonia.
- wet cough - the second phase of colds, bronchitis.
- wheezing cough - diseases of the larynx and lungs, asthma.
- panic cough - allergy, asthma, whooping cough.
- barking cough - laryngitis and tracheitis, infectious diseases.
When is a child's cough dry and wet?
During respiratory tract infections, the child coughs because his throat mucosa is dry, which is additionally irritated by nasal discharge flowing down the throat (this is a typical reaction to an infection).
In the early stages of the disease, when viruses multiply in the lining of the airways, the cough is dry (non-productive) and very tiring. It is accompanied by a sharp and burning sore throat.
After 2-3 days, the child usually starts to "play" in the lungs and you can hear that it coughs up mucus. This is a sign that your cough has turned wet (productive). Now the thick mucus that has built up in the airways makes the baby cough.
In this way, the body tries to get rid of the residual phlegm. A wet cough can last for several weeks until the airways are completely cleared.
When a child's cough is barking?
Hoarseness and a dry and barking cough may indicate laryngitis. Children aged 2-7 years old most often suffer from it, and mostly 3- and 4-year-olds. The infection attacks unexpectedly, usually at night or in the morning.
Toddler wakes up crying, drooling, gasping for air. He barely speaks, sometimes he can't even get his voice out. His condition is deteriorating rapidly. During a strong attack, he suddenly starts to choke (his mouth and tongue are blue, his nose wings are moving).
This is because the larynx mucosa swells during the disease. Children's airways are very narrow and even a slight swelling can make breathing difficult.
Immediately get a doctor to give the child medications to reduce swelling. You may need to take your toddler to the hospital for oxygen.
Before the doctor arrives:
- Take the baby in your arms and hug. The little one is terrified that he can't breathe well.
- Go to the open window or go out onto the balcony. Dyspnoea decreases with cool air.
- Don't give anything to drink. A child who has difficulty breathing may choke on the drink.
When does a child's cough require a doctor's consultation?
When your baby is coughing, it's best to go to the doctor right away. Complications are not difficult in such young children (note: it is easy to confuse e.g. bronchitis or pneumonia with a common cold). With the older one, you can wait 2-3 days, watching if the toddler's he alth is not deteriorating.
If anywayhome treatment after 2-3 days, the child's condition will not improve, high fever persists, additional symptoms (e.g. diarrhea, rash) appear, the child still has a dry cough - you need to consult a doctor. The pediatrician will check if there are complications. If necessary, he will apply appropriate treatment.
Home remedies for a dry cough in a child
If your little one starts coughing and his cough is dry and tiring, try some home remedies for a dry cough.
- Keep the air moist.Dry irritates the mucous membranes, so it increases the burning sensation and sore throat. If you do not have a humidifier, hang containers of water or wet towels on the radiator and wet diapers on the crib. You can also pour hot water into the bathtub and sit in the bathroom with your baby for a few minutes. Humid air will soothe a dry cough and make it easier to cough up mucus. Ventilate the room frequently and keep it at around 20 ° C.
- Make sure your toddler drinks a lot.A warm tea with sugar or raspberry juice will do him good. For a child over 1 year of age, you can make tea with scalded honey (dissolve it in boiling water to kill bacteria) and lemon. A three-year-old can already be given honey straight from the jar (preferably buckwheat) and ginger infusion, which moisturizes the mucosa. You can also give your child homemade pine syrup.
- Give the child flaxseede (boil a tablespoon of linseed in a little water for 10 minutes, sweeten with honey or raspberry juice, because the child may not want to drink the infusion alone.
- Give your child inhalations- pour hot water into a bowl, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to it and place the child over the bowl, covering his head with a towel.
- Rub the child's chestwith a warming ointment, e.g. thyme or camphor ointment.
Home remedies for a wet cough in a child
The cough that accompanies the common cold, you can try to fight it yourself. But home treatments can only be used when the disease is mild and, apart from a cold, the toddler is fine.
- Place extra pillows under the head.Half-sitting position will reduce the flow of mucus from the nose to the back of the throat, making expectoration easier.
- Serve the onion syrup.It has a choking effect and helps to get rid of secretions from the respiratory tract. Slice the onion, pour honey or sugar over it. Wait a few hours for the onions to release their juice. Give it to your baby 3 to 5 times a day.
- Take inhalations.Steam is enough, but if the child is not allergic, you can add thyme oil,eucalyptus or prepare an infusion of herbs. Inhalations relieve pain and scratching in the throat and make it easier to "break off" the phlegm. Boil 5-6 liters of water in a large, wide pot, add a flat tablespoon of thyme, sage, chamomile and cook for a while. When the herbs begin to steam, place the pot next to the crib and direct the steam towards the baby's face. An older child can lean over the pot and inhale the steam deeply. However, be careful not to get burned.
- Pat your back.This makes it easier to detach the secretions. Do this several times a day with the palm of your hand in a boat. Start patting from the end of the ribs towards the shoulders. Place the baby on your lap so that the head is slightly lower than the bottom. An older child may lie in the crib.
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