Not only an egg and a sperm are needed for fertilization. Four hormones must interact with each other, which create conditions conducive to getting pregnant and ensure its undisturbed course. It's progesterone, the LH hormone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and prolactin. Oxytocin is also of great importance.

The big fourhormonesnecessary forgetting pregnantinclude: progesterone,prolactin , folliculostimulin (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). What is each of them responsible for and what are the risks of hormonal disorders?

Hormones you need to get pregnant: progesterone

It is a hormone from a large group of gestagens produced in the corpus luteum, which is formed after the Graaf follicle ruptures and the egg is released. Activity of progesterone begins after the egg is fertilized. This hormone, together with estrogens, prepares the uterus for the implantation of the fertilized egg. High levels of progesterone in the blood contribute to the maintenance of pregnancy. Progesterone also prevents further ovulation and, until the end of pregnancy, inhibits the uterine response to oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions.

The hormones you need to get pregnant: LH

Luteinizing hormone (LH) produced by the pituitary gland stimulates the body to produce an egg. Under its influence, the capsule of the ovarian follicle and the egg are released from the ovary into the abdominal cavity, from where they enter the fallopian tube. In the later phase, LH stabilizes pregnancy because it increases the production of sex hormones. This hormone owes its name to the fact that, after ovulation, it transforms the egg follicle into a progestogen-producing yellow body. And the yellow body in Latin is corpus luteum.

Hormones You Need to Get Pregnant: Follicle Stimulin (FSH)

Graaf's follicles are already present in both ovaries at the moment of the birth of a female child in the number of up to a million and their number gradually decreases until the menopause. In order for the Graaf's follicle to mature, i.e. to develop a fertile egg, folliculostimulin (FSH) is needed. Graaf's follicle cells produce estrogen. Their concentration affects the level of the hormone releasing FSH and LH. During the cycle, the egg matures under the influence of both of these hormones. When FSH is not enough, the egg will not matureand the woman cannot become pregnant. Imbalance of pregnancy hormones may result in miscarriage in the first months of pregnancy.

Hormones you need to get pregnant: prolactin

Increased levels of progesterone after conception are a signal that prolactin should be activated. Prolactin is the so-called pregnancy hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It is supposed to maintain the function of the corpus luteum, cause the development of mammary glands in the nipples and the formation of milk.

Oxytocin - the love hormone

It is produced by the pituitary gland. The right amount of it guarantees a smooth delivery and better sex. Oxytocin levels rise rapidly shortly before orgasm is achieved. During climax, it is even three times higher than usual. Too low a level may result in little interest in sex. The desired level of this hormone can be provided by a diet low in animal fats, sugar, and alcohol, and rich in fruits, vegetables and fish. It is also worth increasing the daily dose of caresses, because excitement accelerates the production of oxytocin.

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