Methods of contraception can be natural, hormonal, chemical and mechanical. Each has a different action and destiny. In order for a contraceptive method to be safe and effective, it is important to consider the woman's age, state of he alth, needs, and her beliefs and attitudes. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of contraception.

The methods of contraceptionare various - you can choose from several dozen types of tablets, patches, injections, inserts, condoms, globules, implants … Some measures are good for a teenager who starts intercourse, others for a nursing mother and another for a mature woman. Some methods are designed for women who have not given birth, others are designed for women who no longer want to have more children. In addition, you need different security when having intercourse occasionally and another when you have a regular partner. There are also solutions for systematic women and for the forgetful or leading an irregular lifestyle.

To find the best type of contraception for you, you need to know what methods are available.

Chemical methods of contraception

They contain spermicides that paralyze sperm, limit their viability and do not damage the genetic material, and thicken the cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to reach the egg.

The Pearl Index for chemical contraceptive methods is 6-26

The advantage of chemical contraceptives is their ease of use. However, it should be taken into account that they can often cause allergies and may contribute to the development of vaginal infections. Besides, not everyone is satisfied with the experience of using this method of contraception. Chemical methods of contraception include:

  • spermicidal gels
  • contraceptive foams
  • contraceptive globules
  • vaginal sponges
  • spermicidal creams

Mechanical methods of contraception

Mechanical methods of contraception work by creating a barrier that prevents sperm from reaching the egg. Their undoubted advantage is that they do not affect the coagulation system and do not permanently interfere with fertility. Condoms also protect against sexually transmitted diseases. This group of contraceptives includes:

  • inlayintrauterine (Pearl's index ranges from 1 to 4, and in the case of hormonal spirals 0.2 to 1 for three years of use)
  • condoms (male - Pearl Index 7-14)
  • vaginal membranes and cervical caps (Pearl Index 2-25)

Condoms, vaginal membranes, and cervical caps are more effective when used together with spermicides.

Hormonal methods of contraception

The action of hormonal contraception is based on the supply of artificial hormones (progestagens and estrogens) to the body, which include inhibit ovulation and make the cervical mucus thicken, which reduces sperm permeability and makes it difficult to get pregnant.

Pearl index ranges from 0.01 to 0.54

Individual types of hormonal contraception differ in the way of administering the hormones and the size of their dose. Each of the following hormonal contraceptive methods has its advantages and disadvantages. The fact that one method is inappropriate for you does not mean that you will not be able to use another. The following are currently available:

  • the contraceptive pill (single-ingredient and two-ingredient)
  • contraceptive injection
  • contraceptive implant
  • contraceptive chip
  • contraceptive patches (transdermal contraception)
  • pill "po"

The Pearl index (indicator) tells you what the risk of getting pregnant with a specific method of contraception is. When it equals, for example, 1, it means that out of 100 women who used the method for a year, one became pregnant. The lower the index, the more effective the form of pregnancy prevention is. The index usually consists of two numbers. The first one applies to disciplined people, the second to those who, for example, take pills at different times of the day or sometimes forget to take a pill.

Natural methods of contraception

Their advantage is the fact that they do not interfere with the natural functioning of the endocrine system and are completely free. On the other hand, the effectiveness of natural methods of contraception is strictly dependent on the state of the body, because their use consists in observing the symptoms given by the body: temperature, the amount of cervical mucus, well-being, ovulatory pain. These are not always the same, which makes it difficult to determine your fertile days (e.g. when you are ill). As a result, contraceptive effectiveness is lowered.

Natural methods of contraception include:

  • thermal method
  • Billings method (observation of cervical mucus)
  • symptothermal method
  • computers of the cycle (Lady Comp, Pearly)
  • marriage calendar.


There is one more safe and effective, but also quite radical way to prevent pregnancy - sterilization.

In the case of women, sterilization has a very serious disadvantage - it is irreversible.

Male, i.e. vasectomy or female - is the most popular method of contraception in the world. The procedure is performed by making a small incision and ligation of the vas deferens or fallopian tubes. A short visit to the outpatient clinic and local anesthesia are enough.

ATTENTION! Our penal code says that "anyone who has deprived his eyesight, hearing and the ability to procreate (…) is subject to punishment." Doctors refusing to sterilize cite him.

Myths about contraception

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