According to some, sperm has many benefits and he alth properties - it is supposed to work well on the skin, and the consumption of sperm supposedly whitens teeth and is a natural remedy for … depression. Check the composition of male sperm and how sperm affects the appearance and he alth of a woman.
Sperma- hercompositionandpropertieshave been studied by scientists for years. Recently, more and more theories have been circulating on the Internet saying that sperm has a positive effect on women's he alth and even makes them happy. Despite this, many women are averse to male semen, and the mere sight of it, not to mention the taste and smell, disgusts them. For this reason, they wash themselves after intercourse, wanting to get rid of the characteristic smell as soon as possible, and change the sheets. However, there are also women who can not imagine a successful intercourse without ejaculation, and eating or applying sperm on the skin is not a problem for them.
Find out what the properties of sperm are, what the taste and smell are, and whether consuming sperm has a positive effect on your he alth.
- What is sperm?
- Sperm composition
- The taste of sperm
- Cum consumption
- Does consuming sperm have a beneficial effect on the body?
What is sperm?
Sperm is the secretion produced in the testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles, bulbourethral glands, and prostate. Sperm production takes about 2.5 months - during this time the semen passes successively from the testicles, through the epididymis, vas deferens and seminal vesicles. The ejaculation of sperm occurs through the urethra. It takes place at the peak of sexual arousal due to intercourse or masturbation ( although ejaculation can also occur involuntarily, e.g. during sleep - these are so-called nocturnal blemishes).
The speed at which sperm is ejected from the penis is approximately 45 km / h.
The portion of sperm released during ejaculation is ejaculate - its volume is on average 2-5 milliliters, which is less than one teaspoon of fluid. Each milliliter should contain over 20 million sperm.
Sperm has a reproductive function - it contains sperm which, thanks to the alkaline pH (7.2), can maintain mobility. Semen introduced into the vagina enables the sperm to fertilizethe ovum.
Check: How long does a sperm live?
Sperm composition
Sperm is pearl gray in color, which may change due to diet or disease in some cases. Therefore, when the color of the semen takes on a disturbing color, it is best to see a doctor.
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If you wanted to describe the composition of sperm, the first place would be water, then protein, fructose, glucose, some amounts of micro and macro elements (including potassium, sodium, calcium, selenium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C ), hormones (testosterone, estrogen) and, of course, sperm. However, they make up only about 1% of the sperm composition.
The taste of sperm
The aftertaste of semen is influenced by the man's diet. This is because everything we eat is digested and enters the bloodstream, and the blood flows through the organs, which in turn produce specific secretions, such as sweat, mucus or just sperm. Therefore, the sperm of men whose diets are mainly processed foods, meat, and a small amount of fruit and vegetables will taste sour. It can be bitter for heavy drinkers and smokers.
This will be useful to youWhat to eat to improve the taste of sperm?
To make the sperm taste better:
- reduce red meat in your diet,
- refrain from stimulants (cigarettes, alcohol, coffee),
- do not eat garlic, onions, asparagus, which worsen the taste of the sperm,
- eat lots of fruit - the Kinsey Institute founded by the legendary American sexologist Dr. Alfred Kinsey especially recommends: pineapples, bananas, apples, peaches, which give the sperm a sweet taste,
- drink plenty of water.
Important:It is not enough to change your diet the day before sex to improve the taste of your sperm. Diet needs to be changed over a longer period of time. Generally, the secretions of people who lead a he althy lifestyle, eat rationally, avoid stimulants and remember about physical activity have a better taste.
Cum consumption
Whether a woman swallows sperm during oral sex depends only on her preferences. Some ladies even like it, others disgust it. If a woman is reluctant to consume sperm, she should not force herself to do so against herself. The decisive factor is whether a woman is curious about the taste of the sperm by herself or does it under pressure. If the only motive for her action is the fear that if she refuses, her partner will reject her, this activity will certainly not bring her pleasure, and may even lead to trauma.
It is worth adding that if the partner is he althy, he / she cares about hygieneand he eats well, the taste of his sperm shouldn't be overwhelming. Moreover, for a man such a close contact of a woman with his semen is also a proof that his partner fully accepts his body and can strengthen the relationship.
Does consuming sperm have a beneficial effect on the body?
On the Internet you can find a lot of information saying that sperm is almost a medicine - in women it is supposed to prevent depression (thanks to the serotonin content), make it easier to fall asleep (because it contains melatonin), increase the desire for sex (thanks to testosterone), supplement vitamins , lower blood pressure and even prevent tooth decay (due to the presence of zinc and calcium in sperm). In turn, when administered externally, it is supposed to smooth the skin. How much truth in these revelations?
There is indeed some evidence of an anti-depressant effect of sperm, but the research methods to reach this conclusion do not seem very reliable. Such a thesis was put forward by Dr. Gordon Gallup from the State University of New York, who asked 293 women to complete the so-called Beck's mood test. They then completed a questionnaire, one of which was related to the use of condoms. It turned out that the group of women who did not use condoms did not show a tendency to depressive states at all, while the group who used condoms or who did not engage in sex - much more often had depressive symptoms.
On this basis, however, can it be said that sperm makes women happy and prevents depression? The research method used in the described experiment does not allow to draw such conclusions, if only for the reason that it only considered contact with sperm through the vagina.
Other theories about the miraculous properties of sperm are based on equally flimsy grounds and constitute curiosity rather than iron evidence of the he alth-promoting effects of male sperm. Sperm contains too little minerals, vitamins or hormones to have a significant effect on the body.
However, you can always see for yourself whether it is different in our case …
ImportantDanish researchers report that the quality of sperm has decreased by almost 50% in the last 50 years. This is evidenced by the number of sperm (in one milliliter it dropped from 113 to 66 million). The deteriorating quality of male sperm is noticeable all over Western Europe.
Semen production is not restricted by any limit. On the contrary, it is regular sexual contact in direct proportion to the power of libido that helps maintain a man's fitness and fertility. Sex stimulates the testes to produce sperm and testosterone.