Epididymitis is a problem that happens relatively often to men - mostly young, but not only that. If it is detected early and treatment is promptly implemented, epididymitis is not difficult to deal with. Check what are the causes and symptoms of epididymitis, as well as what complications may be faced in patients who are not treated on time.
Epididymitisis the most common cause of testicular pain, so when you feel discomfort in this place, it is very likely that this disease has caught you. Let's explain what epididymides are. They are the internal part of the male sex organs. They are located in the scrotum and are paired organs. They cling to the testicles as if enveloping them. They look like narrow lobes that merge into the vas deferens. They are made up of tubules which are designed to drain the sperm from the testicle and store it. This is also where the sperm mature, incl. they acquire the ability to move, which is necessary for the fertilization of the egg.
Inflammation usually affects one epididymis, but sometimes affects both, and often spreads to the testicle. If it lasts from a few days to a maximum of 6 weeks, we speak of the so-called acute epididymitis. If longer - about chronic ones, which are much more difficult to treat.
Epididymitis: causes
There are at least several reasons. The most common infection is bacterialChlamydia trachomatis- among heterosexual patients (up to 35 years of age), sexually active chlamydia is responsible for 47 percent of cases.
The less common causes of acute epididymitis include various injuries, complications after catheterization (especially in the elderly), urethral stricture, as well as benign prostatic hyperplasia or neoplastic tumors.
In older men, children and homosexuals, pathogens that trigger epididymitis are microbes that infect the urinary tract, mainly E. coli. About 20-30 percent of mumps patients develop a complication in the form of inflammation of the epididymis and testicles. This sometimes also happens after the mumps vaccine has been given. Acute epididymitis can occur in people with reduced immunity, using immunosuppressive drugs, and also in the course of diabetes, for example, and then the "culprit" turns out to beCandida ,Brucellosisor cytomegalovirus.
Epididymitis: symptoms
The symptoms of epididymitis cannot be missed, as they cause a lot of discomfort in normal functioning. The patient experiences severe pain in the groin on the side affected by the infection, which radiates to the lower abdomen and rapidly spreads to the testicle. Added to this is the enlargement and hardening of the testicle, as well as the swelling of the scrotum.
Untreated epididymitis leads to serious complications such as: testicular inflammation, testicular abscess, testicular atrophy, infertility.
Additional symptoms are: discharge from the urethra, pain in the urethra while urinating, as well as pain in the testicle during defecation, pain during sexual intercourse and ejaculation, fever reaching 40 degrees C. Because these ailments belong to the so-called embarrassing, it often happens that gentlemen delay the visit to the doctor. Thus, they lead to a state where even long-term antibiotic therapy may not bring the desired results. Then hospitalization is necessary. It sometimes happens that, for example, in the case of an abscess, the testicle must be surgically removed.
Epididymitis: diagnosis and treatment
It is extremely important during treatment to distinguish epididymitis from testicular torsion, which usually affects very young men - up to 20 years of age. Both diseases have similar symptoms, but are treated differently. Torsion of the testicle occurs when the testicle rotates around its axis in the scrotum, which impedes blood flow through the vessels and, in general, disturbs the proper functioning of this organ. The pain comes on suddenly and is very intense. Then an ultrasound scan (USG) must be performed and if the suspicion is confirmed, an operation should be performed as soon as possible. Time is working to a disadvantage here and the chances of saving the testicle decrease with each passing moment.
If necessary, especially in the first stage of treatment, painkillers are also used. It is recommended to lie in bed and raise the scrotum. Cool compresses also bring relief.
After ruling out testicular torsion, the doctor orders a general urine test with culture. Increased leukocytes, or white blood cells, and bacteria indicate that inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection. In this case, therapy with an appropriately selected antibiotic should bring improvement within a few days. As a rule, fluoroquinolones or azithromycin are used. If the infection is caused byChlamydia , the patient's partner should also be treated. Antifungal medications will be started when the culture reveals a yeast infection ( Candida ).
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