Orgasm, or climax, is the culminating phase of sexual arousal, which is associated with the feeling of intense bliss. What does an orgasm look like? Everyone is slightly different, but there are a few similar symptoms that can be seen in both men and women. Check out how to recognize an orgasm and how you can reach the peak of pleasure.
Orgasmsome compare to an overwhelming wave of pleasure, others to a sexual explosion and earthquake followed by blissful relaxation. One thing's for sure -orgasmis incredibly enjoyable and all sexually active people strive for it.
Hence the ubiquitous questions: what is the moment like, what happens when a woman or a man "comes", how to achieve orgasm, how to induce it and what to do when, despite efforts, orgasm does not appear? Learn everything you need to know about an orgasm in this article.
- What is an orgasm?
- What does an orgasm look like in women?
- What does an orgasm look like in men?
- How do you get an orgasm?
- Types of orgasm
- Clitoral orgasm
- Vaginal orgasm
- Reasons for non-orgasm
What is an orgasm?
From the point of view of biology, orgasm is a state of the highest ecstasy lasting from several to several dozen seconds, accompanied by a number of physiological reactions - some of them are common to men and women, others look different in both sexes.
During orgasm, breathing stops, the heart breaks out of the chest, we stop seeing, hearing, and reacting to smells for a moment. Before a huge wave of heat flows from the body, we lose touch with reality for a moment.
The symptoms of orgasm in men and women are:
- increase in blood pressure,
- rapid breathing,
- flushing of the body,
- involuntary muscle contractions (e.g. vaginal)
- making ecstatic sighs or shouts (not everyone).
The sensations associated with experiencing an orgasm are a side effect of stimulating nerve receptors located in the most erogenous areas of the body: especially around the genitals and breasts. However, there are cases where direct stimulation is not necessary to achieve orgasm - it can trigger orgasmalso erotic dreams and fantasies, although this happens rather rarely.
After orgasm, both men and women feel blissfully calm, relaxed, and sometimes drowsy. This reaction is related to the release of hormones during climax: oxytocin, prolactin, as well as endorphins, the effect of which on the body resembles the action of morphine (hence their colloquial name: "endogenous morphines").
What does an orgasm look like in women?
When particularly sensitive areas on a woman's body are stimulated,her breasts swell ,clitoris enlarges and becomes moist . This is a sign that a woman is approaching the first stage of orgasm - the excitement is reaching a certain level. Under the influence of genital stimulation, the clitoris continues to swell, more mucus is secreted in the vagina, the so-called clitoris may appear on the body. sexual blush. In a moment, the muscles in the vagina will contract rapidly, the clitoris will erect and the uterus will rise.
If the excitement continues and caresses continue, the woman will climax. Characteristic physiological changes will occur in her body:the muscles of the vagina and rectum will start pulsating rhythmically , the nipples will tighten and enlarge, and the areola will darken and become more expressive.
See also: How to caress the breasts so that a woman has a nipple orgasm?
Worth knowingIn women, orgasm is a learned phenomenon and most often develops two years after sexual intercourse begins. Unlike men,women have to learn for themselves how to experiencepleasure. It is not easy for everyone and many women do not enjoy sex to the full for many years.
It is worth emphasizing, however, that every he althy woman is capable of achieving orgasms - the key is to get to know your body and get rid of deeply held prejudices against sex. They are often the unpleasant result of rigorous upbringing and the childhood belief that the sexual sphere is something dirty and sinful.

What does an orgasm look like in men?
In the case of 90% of men, triggering an orgasm is a physiological reaction to the stimulation of the penis. This means that orgasm in men is, as sexologists call it, a congenital phenomenon. Nevertheless, avoiding routine in sexual life favors the achievement of more and more intense physical and mental experiences.
A man is stimulated by the mere sight of his partner's body or her touch.Penis stiffens , rises above the pubic bone,the foreskin reveals the glans , whichenlarges and darkens . There is aerection . Depending on the stimulation it canstay at the same level for a long time or decrease and increase.
- 5 Ways To Enhance Male Orgasm
- Kegel exercises for men for erection
- Erection problems - causes and treatment
Ablushusually appears on the chest and lower abdomen and gradually covers the neck and face. It comes toejaculation . The flow of sperm causes theurethraandanal sphincters to contract rhythmically . After climaxing, the member goes limp, the man becomes drowsy. Soon, however, he may be ready for the next act, although events rarely have such a perfect course.
How do you get an orgasm?
Orgasm can not only be achieved through traditional sexual intercourse. There are many types of stimulation that lead to intense pleasure.
The orgasm can be triggered by:
- genital intercourse,
- anal sex,
- oral sex,
- spanish sex,
- masturbation (masturbation),
- nipple caress,
- caressing genitals with hands and even feet.
And many other sexual techniques.
See also:
- How to orgasm alone and with a partner?
- Rimming, fisting, natelism, or 10 ideas for sex without intercourse
- How do I caress my penis with my hand?
Types of orgasm
Female orgasm is a slightly more complex phenomenon than male orgasm. Hence, there are at least a dozen types of climax in women. Among them, the most important are: vaginal orgasm and clitoral orgasm.
Clitoral orgasm
It is treated as "worse" and less mature than a vaginal orgasm - wrongly, of course. This is because it is easier for a woman to achieve this, and a vaginal orgasm requires a better understanding of her body.
This type of orgasm is achieved by stimulating the clitoris: it can be rubbing, massaging, making circles, rhythmically pressing. The range of techniques is very rich and every woman likes caresses at a different pace and with a different level of intensity.
Check: How to caress the clitoris to bring a woman to orgasm?
It is important, however, not to caress the clitoris too much, because it is a very innervated organ and too strong stimuli, instead of causing pleasure, can cause pain.
Vaginal orgasm
It can be achieved by stimulating the vagina. It is easier for women who know how to work with the muscles of the pelvic floor (also known as Kegel) - by their rhythmic tightening while penetrating the vaginal wall, they are strongerirritated and you can come to orgasm faster.
Finding the G-spot, which is particularly sensitive to the caresses of the vaginal section, may also be helpful in inducing this type of orgasm.
Caresses more important than orgasm ?!Among the nations culturally close to us, orgasm is in itself the goal of every rapprochement. However, the peoples of the East believe that climaxing is only one element of the excitement. The act of love is to focus on experiencing the pleasure resulting from excitement as long as possible. It should build up gradually, taking control of subsequent parts of the body and soul.
The longer the caresses last, the greater the joy of being close. That is why it is important to get to know each other's erogenous spheres in each other's. Discovering touch-sensitive areas is important because stimulating them properly leads to sexual arousal, which for many people is more important than intercourse or even orgasm. Anyway, this one can be experienced deeply, limited to caresses.
Reasons for non-orgasm
Men rarely complain of a lack of orgasm. If such a problem occurs, it is usually the result of a serious systemic disease or a defect in the structure of the genitals.
For women, the list of reasons for not achieving orgasm is long. On some days of the cycle, women may not be interested in sex at all, hence the problems with satisfaction. A similar lack of interest in sex may be shown by women in the menopausal period, when the levels of female hormones, i.e. estrogens and progestins, decrease.
The reason for the lack of orgasm is also hormonal deficiencies caused by diseases, such as overactive or underactive thyroid gland. Another reason is the pain experienced during intercourse caused by vaginal dryness, structural defects, and previous operations. Then help should be sought from a gynecologist.
Check also:
- Pain during intercourse - causes
- What does sadness after orgasm (poorgasmic depression) mean?
- How to achieve a joint orgasm?
Drugs have a huge impact on experiencing intercourse. This group includes psychotropic drugs, sedatives, and sleeping pills (including over-the-counter drugs). Another one is preparations taken in the treatment of oncological diseases, hypertension or other forms of circulatory system disorders.
Diseases that do not allow you to achieve satisfaction from sex include diabetes mellitus, untreated hypertension, multiple sclerosis, all forms of depression, ulcerative colitis, diseases with pain and inflammation.
The article uses excerpts from the article by Anna Jarosz from the monthly"He alth".