Testicular inflammation is a serious condition that, if left untreated, can not only lead to infertility but also to loss of the testicle. Therefore, when disturbing symptoms occur in this organ, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Find out what are the causes and symptoms of orchitis, what is the treatment and what complications it can lead to.
Testicular inflammationis an inflammation of the reproductive gland that produces sperm. Testicular inflammation is accompanied by epididymitis, or more precisely, the inflammation develops first in the epididymis and later spreads to the testicle. However, it is very difficult to distinguish these two states from each other, therefore they are treated as one.
Testicular inflammation most often occurs either in men between the ages of 15 and 30, or in men over the age of 60.
In addition, orchitis may appear in diseases such as Behçet's syndrome, systemic vasculitis, polyarteritis nodosa, and Henoch-Schoenlein purpura. It can also be a side effect of taking amiodarone, an anti-arrhythmic drug.
In turn, the urinary tract procedures are a risk factor for the development of testicular inflammation. Also, improperly treated testicular hydrocele with needle punctures can lead to this disease.
Testicular inflammation - causes
In men under 40 who are sexually active, orchitis is usually a complication of sexually transmitted (venereal) diseases - the most common (about 50% of cases) after chlamydiosis. Then, the bacteriumChlamydia trachomatisis responsible for the infection. In about 20 percent. cases of inflammation develop as a result of infection with gonorrhea. In this case, the pathogenNeisseria gonorrhoeae , i.e. gonorrhea, is responsible for the inflammation. In addition, orchitis can develop in men infected with syphilis.
Inflammation of the testicles in young men can also be a complication of mumps.Mumps orchitisis especially dangerous for men, as 50 percent of cases leads to the fact that the testicle is unable to produce sperm.
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Besides in young menorchitis can be the result of a birth defect in the urethra. On the other hand, in men over 40, the most common cause of testicular inflammation are intestinal bacteria, which cause urinary tract infections -Escherichia coli. KlebsiellaczyPseudomonas.The development of testicular inflammation can also be caused by prostate hyperplasia or cancer. Also, a catheter in the urinary tract promotes inflammation. In the course of inflammation, the testicle (usually only one) is: These ailments appear gradually and last for several days. CHECK>>Testicular swelling - what disease is manifested by swelling of the testicle? In addition, redness of the scrotum, swelling, pain and redness are observed the seed cord. These ailments are accompanied by high fever (up to 40 degrees C) as well as chills and sweating.
In addition, there are symptoms of a disease responsible for inflammation (e.g. mumps, syphilis, tuberculosis and others mentioned above). For example, in the case of an infection caused by bacteria that cause diseases of the urinary tract, discharge from the urethra may occur. Testicular inflammation - complications Untreated orchitis can lead to abscess, testicular atrophy, and even infertility, e.g. due to obstruction of the tubes leading to the testicle and epididymis, caused by inflammation. In extreme cases, testicular tissue infarction and ischemia may occur, and hence - necrosis, which is tantamount to surgical removal of the testicle. If orchitis is suspected, blood and urine tests (microscopic examination and culture) are performed, as well as microscopic examination of the urethral swab and urethral swab culture. In addition, you may need to test your sexual partners. The doctor may also perform a Doppler ultrasound (to assess blood flow in the vessels of the testicle). During the diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude the torsion and tumor of the testicle, which show similar symptoms. GOOD TO KNOW>>Testing of the testicles - every man should do it
Treatment depends on what is causing the orchitis. If bacteria are responsible for the inflammation, antibiotics are used (for example,Neisseria gonorrhoeaeis treated with ceftriaxone). Ifviruses - it is recommended to use antipyretic and analgesic drugs (most often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). In addition, anti-inflammatory treatment can be intensified, including drugs from the group of glucocorticoids, e.g. methylprednisolone. In addition, it is recommended to lie in bed, raise and support the scrotum (to reduce blood stagnation and reduce pain), as well as ice packs, with the ice wrapped in a towel or put in a bag. Do not put ice directly on the skin! Until treatment is completed, the patient should avoid intercourse without using a condom. In the event of irreversible damage to the testicular tissue, it may be necessary toorchidoctomy , which is a surgical removal of the testicle. This procedure is usually performed on older men who often suffer from acute disease.Testicular inflammation - symptoms
Testicular inflammation - diagnosis
Testicular inflammation - treatment