Sexual abstinence can be voluntary, but it can also result from he alth problems or misunderstandings in the relationship between two people. Read about what sexual abstinence can cause in men and women, find out whether the effects of sexual abstinence can only be negative and what is the relationship between sexual abstinence and testosterone levels.
Sexual continencein the 21st century? This phrase seems to be an oxymoron, after all, in the era of commonly available contraception and much greater sexual freedom than a few dozen years ago, it would seem that there is no point in existence. And yet we will find both people who choosesexual abstinencevoluntarily, and those who have it for independent reasons. These groups are not as small as they might seem - from the report "Sexuality of Poles 2022", conducted by prof. Zbigniew Izdebski, 24 percent of Poles were not sexually active during the year preceding the survey. Moreover, only 40 percent of respondents said that sex plays an important role in their lives.
Sexual continence: reasons
So what are the reasons for sexual abstinence? For centuries one of the most important has been the question of faith. Prince in the Catholic Church are celibate in order to devote themselves fully to God, while Hindu brahmacharya (which can be called the equivalent of celibacy) is practiced in order to achieve inner peace. It also happens, although less and less often, to exercise sexual restraint before marriage - as we learn from the aforementioned report "Sexuality of Poles 2022", only 4 percent of Poles believe that it is advisable. Most often, the question of faith also results in sexual abstinence on the fertile days - Catholics, wanting to avoid the use of forbidden - other than natural - contraception, rely on the fertile calendar and do not have sex on specific days of the month.
The causes of sexual abstinence are also he alth problems or the puerperium period. Dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction in men or ailments, such as a dry vagina in women, may contribute to the abandonment of sexual activity. Also important changes in life:the birth of a child, the death of a loved one, or a great professional challenge make the partners focus on matters other than sex. A very important cause of sexual abstinence is also the lack of emotional bond between partners or the conflicts that arise between them.
This will be useful to youNo sex as a way to longevity?
British Clara Meadmore, who died in 2016 at the age of 108, proved that her recipe for longevity is … no sex. The woman was a virgin all her life. In turn, 109-year-old Jessie Gallan said in 2015 that she lived to such an old age thanks to daily exercise, warm porridge for breakfast and the fact that she had never married and even avoided men.
What are the effects of sexual abstinence?
You can read a lot about the dire effects of sexual abstinence, they focus primarily on the assumption that a person who has not had sex for a long time will have a problem getting back into shape and may even be depressed. How is it actually? Read about the pros and cons of sexual abstinence.
Disadvantages of sexual abstinence
1. Depressed mood
There are no reports that sexual abstinence causes depression, but there are some that prove that having sex can minimize the risk of developing this disease. A 2002 study by psychologist Gordon Gallup of 293 women found that women who had sex with a partner without a condom were less likely to suffer from depression than ladies making love to silicone protection1 . Why? It is not known yet. Sex also has a positive effect on men - according to Dr. Rebecca Burch of the Department of Psychology at the University of New York in Oswego2 , her research shows that men who do not have sex are clearly less happier than the sexually active.
So it cannot be said that sexual abstinence causes depression, but the lack of sex can lead to low mood, nervousness, irritation and even anger - especially if sexual abstinence is accompanied by constant reflection about its causes
2. Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction
Long-term sexual abstinence can cause anxiety about what the return to sexual activity will look like - when fears prevail over the joy of long-awaited sex, erectile dysfunction may develop. On the other hand, this excitement and the thought of the impending pleasure may prove to be dominant and causepremature ejaculation. Disfunctions resulting from sexual abstinence, if not experienced before, are usually psychological in origin, caused either by too much fear or too much excitement. If these problems do not disappear within a few months of returning to sexual activity, it is worth consulting a sexologist.
3. Increased risk of heart disease
As proved by researchers from the University of Belfast, whose research was published in 1997 in The British Medical Journal, the less a man achieves orgasms, the greater the likelihood that he will increase the risk of developing heart disease and will feel worse taste and smell. What's more, frequent orgasms are also supposed to have an impact on … maintaining a he althy weight by men. As many as 1,000 middle-aged men took part in the study.
4. Reduced immunity
In turn, scientists from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania have found3that people who have sex once or twice a week have 30 percent more immunoglobulin A, known from that it increases immunity. Sexual abstinence is therefore associated with a slightly greater risk of getting the flu or a runny nose.
Worth knowingSexual abstinence and testosterone levels
Sexual abstinence increases testosterone levels - this is another myth that arose around sexual abstinence. It is based on the popular 2011 study5of 10 men after 3 weeks of sexual abstinence. Their hormonal parameters were checked, including testosterone levels during sexual arousal and orgasm during masturbation. The same tests were performed on men before the experiment. And while orgasm has been shown not to result in higher testosterone levels, abstinence itself has been found to.
In turn, an experiment conducted in 19927on two couples proved that on days when partners (both men and women) had sex, the level of testosterone in their in their saliva it was bigger, and when they were sexually abstinent - smaller.
Research shows that sex increases testosterone levels, but sexual abstinence may cause it to drop.
Advantages of sexual abstinence
1. No STDs
Sexually transmitted diseases, as the name suggests, can be caught through sexual contact. Therefore, sexual abstinence ensures that you will not get syphilis, gonorrhea or chlamydiosis. Importantly, the HPV virus responsible for causing cancerthe cervix is infected precisely during sexual intercourse. It is estimated that as many as 80 percent of sexually active women have had contact with it - there are over 100 types of HPV, but most of the cancer does not cause it.
2. Strengthening relationships in a new relationship
The decision to wait before starting intercourse with a new partner may result in getting to know yourself better: your expectations, experiences, and interests. Thanks to this, two people focus more on building relationships, it allows the feeling to develop. Researchers at Brigham Young University's School of Family Life4conducted a study of over two thousand spouses: they asked them many questions about their relationship. It turned out that sexual abstinence had a positive effect on the relationship between them, as well as on subsequent sexual satisfaction. It is worth adding that the people surveyed were not adherents of a specific religion.
3. Possibility to focus on self-development
People whose main driving force is not sexual abstinence have more time to devote their attention to what is not related to sex. An interesting experience was conducted by Hephzibah Anderson, author of the book "The Unexpected Story of My Year without Sex", in which she described how her 365 days without sex went. The woman chose sexual abstinence because she was fed up with short-term relationships based only on sex. It turned out that this made it easier for her to focus on other areas of life, including at work, she had time to read books, and she also started meeting other men - with whom it was easier for her to build a longer relationship than to arrange one-time sex.
Worth knowingA common myth about sexual abstinence in women is that it causes vaginal dryness. The vagina, meanwhile, produces about 700 ml of discharge during the sexual cycle - whether a woman is sexually active or not. Other factors affect vaginal dryness: taking certain medications, puerperium, menopause.
1. Access to research at:
2. Access to information on the website: https://www.everydayhe
3. Access to research at:
4. Access to research at:
5. Access to the study on the website: althy_men_following_a_3-week_sexual_abstinence
6. Access to the study at:
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