Kegel exercises involve alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles around the vagina and perineum. They are not difficult, you just need to know which muscles are involved and get down to business. Learn the most effective exercises for the Kegel muscles.
Kegel muscles , i.e.floor muscles - why is it worth exercising at all ? Because well-exercised, they facilitate childbirth and speed up recovery after childbirth, increase sexual satisfaction (of both partners), and significantly reduce the risk of ailments such as urinary incontinence or bladder loss.
Kegel exercisesare very effective if done systematically and correctly. Dr. Kegel recommended exercising three times a day for a minimum of 5-10 minutes.
To practice correctly, you should:
- tighten the pelvic floor muscles (surrounding the vagina, urethra and rectum) but without tightening the buttocks and abdominal muscles
- avoid exercise while urinating as it makes it difficult to empty the bladder, which can cause an infection
- breathe normally (don't hold your breath).
Note: the effects of exercises will be visible only after a few weeks, but they will certainly come if you have actually been doing them regularly.
Where are the Kegel muscles?
You will identify Kegel muscles by interrupting the flow of urine while urinating - that's what these muscles are all about. By tightening them, you simultaneously tighten the anal sphincters, urethra and the vaginal opening.
Remember this feeling to continue exercising "dry". Doctors advise against exercising while urinating, because then the bladder will not be completely empty, and this may lead to inflammation of the urinary tract.
Another way to feel your Kegel muscles is to insert two fingers into your vagina (preferably lying down). As you tense your muscles, you will feel them tighten around your fingers. At first, the pressure may be weak, but gradually it will get stronger.

How to exercise Kegel muscles?
Once you know which muscles are involved, lie on your back or stand slightly apart. Tighten this group of muscles, count to 5, and slowly relax them. Rest for a while and repeat the exercise. First, do a series of 5 contractions and relaxes and repeat it 3 timesper day.
After a week, increase the number of contractions to 10-15 and do several series every day. You can modify the Kegel exercises, e.g. by extending the contraction to 10 seconds, or by contracting and relaxing your muscles as quickly as you can. There are many variants. It's important to exercise regularly and as much as possible.
During Kegel exercises, your abdominal muscles should not be tense, so at the beginning it is best to exercise lying down, placing your hand on your stomach and checking that you are not tightening it. Also, don't hold your breath.
Imagine your pelvic floor is an elevator and pull it up as much as possible. As the elevator goes to the next floors, flex your muscles harder and harder until they are fully tense. And as it goes downhill, gradually relax your muscles until you reach the ground floor.
At first, these exercises may seem like hard work, but if you do them systematically, you will quickly master the art, and then you can do them in different body positions (sitting, standing) and in different situations, e.g. while watching TV , standing in line or waiting for the green light while driving the car.
Kegel exercises have the advantage that they are imperceptible to the environment, so they can be performed anywhere. And do not be discouraged, although the effects will not be visible immediately.
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