Tantric sex is a topic around which many myths have arisen. Some say this is an unnecessarily prolonged foreplay, others say that this kind of love takes lovers to a higher level of spiritual connection. Read what tantric sex is and learn about its positions.
Tantric sexis part of the Asian philosophy - tantra - which is a mixture of various currents of thought. The concept is derived from Hindu India, and later found its way to Tibet, where it was influenced by Buddhism.
What is tantric sex?
Tantra is a Sanskrit "awareness-stretching tool". Its guiding principle, formed over the several thousand years of this philosophical system's existence, is: everything that exists consists of one being. This assumption also applies totantric sex , where the woman and the manare to become one . Woman is yin energy, man is yang. During sexual intercourse, she floods him with his spiritual energy and he floods her with physical energy. They complement each other, as do the goddess Shakti (Sanskrit "strength") and the god Shiva (Sanskrit "benevolent").
In the philosophy of the East there is no division into the "clean" spiritual sphere of man and the "dirty" - carnal sphere. Body and soul are not in opposition. It is also pointed out that a woman is as sexual as a man and has the right to be open to physical pleasure as well as to release her sexual energy. On the other hand, there is an emphasis on the emotionality of men who are often forbidden by cultural norms to show their feelings.
Tantric sex is also largely based on the theory of chakras, i.e. places in our body where energy accumulates (there are many of them, e.g. around the heart, top of the head, around the navel). During the rapprochement, energy is transferred from the genitals, i.e. the second chakra, to the transcendental chakra - the seventh.
Worth knowingTantric massage
For several years, many salons offer tantric massages - available only for adults. Like many other techniques derived from the East, tantric massage is based on stimulating energy centers (chakras), but also pointsenergy in the genital area - in both women and men.
Tantric massage is also a form of caress that can be used by lovers who are already experienced in tantric art.
Check also: Erotic massage - how to do it?
The most important principles of tantric sex
Tantric sex, as it is supposed to be a union of two people, is an experience that is both body and spiritual. It takes time, sometimes even several dozen minutes, to achieve the emotional commitment accompanying the sexual drive. Tantric sex is a kind of ritual that consists of several most important elements.
Tantric sex lasts a long time, so it is called a dance of the thousand and one moves.
1. The right mood
An important element is the appropriate arrangement of the interior where lovers are staying. Aromatic candles, closed curtains, beautiful bedding are to make their approach easier and more pleasant. In such circumstances, naked partners sit cross-legged facing each other, knees touching. They make eye contact, look at each other to shake off their shame. They synchronize their breathing and gently hold their hands, remaining in this position for up to several minutes.
2. Little pleasures
The lovers then devote their attention to what they often forget when having sex - little pleasures. They touch their face and hair with their fingertips. They focus on gently sucking the ears, kissing the neck, touching closed eyelids. These parts of the body quickly "repay" touch by generating sexual energy. Although partners may find such behaviors boring at first, the longer they are practiced, the more enjoyable they will be.
The key to success is not being rushed. Foreplay is to help create closeness between lovers. It can also include a woman and a man lying on their left sides and hugging each other with their arms when one person's pelvis touches the other's buttocks. It is also a way of transmitting energy between lovers, although the person who is behind (not necessarily a man), if stronger that day, transfers a little more of this care to his partner.
3. Female orgasm and male orgasm
One of the frequently repeated theses about tantric sex is that about male orgasm - that it cannot end in ejaculation. Hindu sages said that ejaculation is a "little death" for a man, a huge waste of energy. According to the philosophy of tantric sex, a man giving his sperm to a woman is depleted, he does not want herlater a hug and only dreams of falling asleep. And it shouldn't be like that - they both have to enjoy their experiences for a long time.
However, don't think that tantric sex is meant to be a self-denial, an attempt to avoid ejaculation at all costs. This type of sex teaches you to distinguish between orgasm and ejaculation. Tantra teachers say that a man, like a woman, can even have multiple orgasms. How to learn it? By controlling your breathing, applying pressure to the scrotum and squeezing the frenulum of the foreskin. Both women and men should exercise Kegel muscles - when they are in the right condition and partners are able to tighten them properly, they increase the effects of climaxing.
Tantric sex: positions
Okay, but what about foreplay? What are the most popular positions in tantric sex?
1. Yab-yum
One of the main positions in tantric sex. The lovers sit facing each other so they can maintain eye contact, stroke and kiss at all times. The man sits cross-legged, and the woman settles on him, wrapping her legs around the waist. Each partner places their right hand on the other person's neck and their left hand on their tailbone. First, the lovers kiss and stroke their backs - making only upward movements.
The woman then starts gently moving her pelvis and rubbing the clitoris against the man's penis. When it hardens, his partner introduces him into the vagina and, thanks to the contractions of the Kegel muscles, drives him to an erection. To intensify the sensations, the partner keeps inserting and removing a member from her vagina every now and then, rubbing it against the clitoris.
When a man is close to orgasm, a woman can use kabbazah, techniques of enhancing male orgasm by rhythmically tightening the Kegel muscles around the penis. "Kabbazah" means "she who wields" and is one of the skills that mainly experienced women in tantric sex possess - it requires systematic training of the Kegel muscles. "Yab-yum", or "mother-father", is supposed to reflect the balance between lovers - neither man (as in the missionary position) nor woman (as in the rider position) dominates.
Lingam, Scepter of Light, Sunbeam are terms used in Tantra to describe the penis, and Lingam, Temple of Creation, Garden of Pleasures are synonyms of the vagina.
2. Crossed Keys
The woman lies on her back and raises her legs, crossing them at the height of the man's chest, resting her feet on his shoulders. This position makes it easier for a woman to work with the Kegel muscles, and for a man - deep penetration. It also enables partners to stay in constant contactvisually.
See also: Top 10 Kama Sutra Sex Positions [PHOTOS]
3. Arched position
The man sits on the edge of the bed and the woman sits on it, lowering her body back and leaning on her arms outstretched. The man is leaning on the back of the pillows, and the woman is resting her feet on either side of the bed. This is a good position for clitoral stimulation.
4. Cowgirl backwards
So inverted rider. The man is lying on the bed and the woman sits on him, with her back to his face. This is a position in which the woman is the dominant party and which gives her a lot of freedom. It allows her to stimulate her own sensations and move the pelvis to achieve the greatest pleasure. The male experience in this position is enhanced by the sight of a lover moving as if in a dance.

Tantric sex, although it involves the exchange of male and female energy, can also be practiced by homosexual couples. Although in the traditional distinction the male yang is active and the female yin receptive, in tantric sex they merge and the partners perform their roles interchangeably. Therefore, tantric workshops are organized for both heterosexual and homosexual couples.