Men also have Kegel muscles and should exercise them as well. The condition of the pelvic floor muscles has a great influence on the sexual performance of a man - it strengthens erection, allows you to control ejaculation and intensifies orgasm. Check how a man should exercise his Kegel muscles.
It's a myth that only women should exerciseKegel muscles- in men, these muscles play an equally important role, and their poor condition often causes erection and urination problems. Gentlemen, they buy supplements and drugs to improve sexual performance, not knowing that the source of their ailments may be too weak pelvic floor muscles. And you can train them yourself, without spending money on expensive drugs with poorly documented effects. What role do pelvic floor muscles play in men? How to practice them? Read the article, you will learn how to care for them to improve your sex experience.
Men also have Kegel muscles
We rarely exercise the Kegel muscles consciously - most often only when urine is stopped and excreted.
The mere presence of pelvic floor muscles in men is an ignored topic that is rarely discussed by sexologists and urologists. Men, unlike women, are completely unaware that they should make them stronger. And the Kegel muscles deserve as much attention as is paid to exercising, for example, the biceps, chest or abdomen.
Why so little knowledge of this topic among men? The term "Kegel muscles" is used as a synonym for the pelvic floor muscles in women because the most talked about is their role in childbirth and the problems of urinary incontinence. It is also important that Arnold Kegel was a gynecologist and developed a method of pelvic floor therapy for his patients suffering from urinary incontinence.
The male Kegel muscles line the pelvis, extending from the coccyx to the pubis, and wrap around the base of the penis. They are made of striated tissue, which means that we have full control over them (just like, for example, over the muscles of the arms or legs), we can contract and relax them.
The importance of Kegel muscles in men
Arnold Kegel noticed that women who regularly exercise their pelvic floor muscles experience deeper orgasms in addition to improving symptoms of urinary incontinence.more satisfied with their sex life. This was due to the tightening of the entrance to the vagina, more intense contractions during orgasm, and the ability to move the inner clitoris. In the case of men, this relationship is equally important, although it concerns slightly different areas of pleasure.
- Erection control is largely muscle control. When the Kegel muscles are not trained and unable to tighten, an erection can fade quickly. Over the years, the erection weakens and the blood drains faster from the penis. Men try to remedy this by buying, for example, erection rings that prevent the outflow of blood from the penis - explains Anna Moderska, sex educator, expert cooperating with the Fun Factory brand, a leading producer of erotic gadgets in the world. The same effect can be achieved by regular Kegel exercises - if they will be strong, they will work in a similar way as an erection ring.
- One of the muscles in the pelvic floor is the urethral sphincter muscle that wraps around the base of the penis. If he is fit, the man is able to tighten him and to some extent control the length of the erection - adds Anna Moderska.
In conclusion, pelvic floor muscle training for men can produce the following results:
- enhancement and elongation of erection;
- ejaculation control - the ability to hold an erection and delay ejaculation;
- intensification of orgasm - stopping ejaculation increases the sensations during orgasm;
- avoiding problems with urinating.
Learn about pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercises for men and women
How men should exercise their Kegel muscles?
Both for men and women, pelvic floor muscle training is the same: imagine that you feel the urge to urinate and tighten your perineum muscles as if you want to hold back. We keep counting to 5-10 and relax. We do 3 series of 10 repetitions. We do the entire training 4 times a day. The advantage of exercises is that you can do them anywhere and anytime.
It is worth adding that yoga exercises give good results in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. They can also be performed by men.
Worth knowingHow do you know if your pelvic floor muscles are weak?
- when urinating, you do not urinate in one stream, but in short sections;
- after urinating, urine drips from the urethra for a long time - the bladder does not empty completely, which can lead to bladder infections and prostate problems;
- you have problems maintaining an erection.
ExerciseKegel muscles with anal beads
Just like women can train pelvic floor muscles with appropriate geisha balls, men can use analogous anal balls. Although men are usually reluctant to use similar gadgets, it is not worth being stereotyped - many heterosexual couples use anal beads.
The gadget consists of two connected balls in which smaller balls are placed - when shaken, you can hear them rattling inside. This solution causes the balls placed in the anus to make the pelvic floor muscles vibrate - these in turn cause involuntary contraction and tightening of the muscles. The mere wearing of crutches, without consciously stretching the perineum, causes the Kegel muscles to work and strengthen.
Check: Anal beads - how to use them?
Anal beads are a good way to both improve sexual performance and intensify the sensations of intercourse.
Anna Moderska, a sex educator, recommends wearing anal beads for a few minutes a day and then gradually increasing this time. Ideally, you should do it for about 40 minutes a day up to a maximum of 2 hours. A water-based lubricant is required for application.
The frequency of using the gadget depends on the needs - men who need a solid strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles should train even every day, others, e.g. 3 times a week. The balls can be worn on any occasion - for example, going for a walk with the dog, jogging, going to the store. It is important that the pelvis is in motion all the time, because then the balls inside rattle and cause involuntary contractions of the Kegel muscles.
There is no fear that the balls will interfere or may get inside the anus - for example, B Balls have a special blockade that keeps them in place. The blockade is so small that it does not interfere with normal activities, such as running or climbing stairs.
More excitable men should bear in mind that marbles can cause arousal. So it's a good idea to use them as part of your foreplay.
photo. Fun Factory materials (
Using anal beads during sex
Anal beads can also be used during sex with your partner. This is a very good solution for men who have problems maintaining an erection. The device strongly stimulates the prostate and the muscles surrounding the base of the penis - it strengthens and lengthens the erection. The partner also feels penetration deeper and more pleasant, so using the BBs can be an interesting way todiversify your sex life and open both partners to new experiences.