A nipple orgasm survived by caressing the breasts is not a myth - many women have managed to achieve it. However, it's not as common as clitoral or vaginal orgasms. For a woman to experience a nipple orgasm, it takes a patient partner who skillfully delivers this kind of pleasure. So how do you caress a woman's breasts so that a woman experiences a nipple orgasm?

Sensualcaressing the breastsmay not only be part of the foreplay that leads to a traditional or oral sex act. Just caressing the breasts can lead a woman to orgasm. However, you need to know that not every moment, not at every moment of her life and not always … If it's not that easy, thenhow to caressherbreasts,so that the caresses end withnipple orgasm ? Here are the 9 steps to a nipple orgasm.
How do you get a woman to have a nipple orgasm?
1. Not every woman, especially a very young woman, will be able to achieve this type of orgasm. Many of the nerve pathways to achieving nipple orgasm do not appear until after breastfeeding. A great many cases of first-time female breast orgasms occur during the lactation period. It even happens that women experience an orgasm while breastfeeding and not during sexual intercourse. It is influenced by hormones - they make breastfeeding pleasant, and at the same time they affect the sensitivity of the breasts to erotic stimuli.
2. Some women simply have insensitive breasts, so caressing their breasts may (but does not have to) cause only slight excitement. In that case, don't argue that perfecting your technique will result in an orgasm! Persistent exercise may not only fail to orgasm, but even harm your intimate life … Think - if your partner with persistence worthy of a better cause wanted to bring you to orgasm with caresses of that part of your body that is definitely not your erogenous zone - you would be excited or rather pissed off? Exactly …
3. Female breasts are definitely more sensitive right before menstruation, and then they are also most likely to bring a non-lactating woman to a nipple orgasm.
4. Female breasts are much more sensitive than male nipples. By the way,caressing male nipples are also able to pleasantly stimulate men, but it is impossible to bring a man to orgasm in this way. This sensitivity of a woman's bust is a challenge because it requires delicacy and patience from the partner. The road to nipple orgasm is quite long and requires skillful gradation of sensations.
5. Start by stroking your breasts with slow, circular motions. The partner's experience will be even more intense if you use heated aromatic massage oil or ice cubes. For stroking and stroking, you can use not only your own fingers, but also feathers, brushes, lips, your own hair and… penis. Everything that is soft and tender is suitable for stimulating the breasts.
9 types of orgasm - check if you know them all
6. By increasing the intensity of caressing, gradually approach the nipples. Moisten them - with massage oil, lubricant or your saliva. When your nipples harden, massage them in a circular motion and also gently touch the tips of the nipples. There are numerous nerve endings in the nipples, so touching, massaging and sucking on the already stimulated nipples guarantees a sensual experience for your partner!
You can deepen your partner's experience once by blowing cold air on her nipples, once by puffing on them.
7. Massage, suck on the nipples, and with your hands massage your breasts, put pressure on them, but remember - it's not a pillow or a rubber doll. Breasts stimulated by caresses are very sensitive and increasing the intensity of caresses must be done slowly.
8. Increase the intensity of sensations, but also stop caressing for a moment so that your partner feels if she wants more. Remember to caress both breasts at the same time, especially when you see the excitement growing.
9. When your partner is close to orgasm, you can go as far as to lightly bite the nipples - but remember to watch your partner's reaction carefully.
Have a good orgasm! When you have used the above advice and you don't have an orgasm - give up searching for this sensation for a while, and then come back to it. Maybe then it will be possible.