Everyone would like to have an orgasm two, three or even five times during one intercourse. What determines the ability to climax multiple times - physical structure or maybe skills? And is it worth the effort to achieve multiple orgasms?
Can anyone survivemultiple orgasm ? Are there ways to stop multiple orgasms from being just a dream? The pro-gasmatic campaign of recent years has meant that, in common understanding, it is not enough to climax once during one intercourse. Three or even four orgasms are considered to be the so-called standard and proof of the perfect mastery of ars amandi. The problem is that multiple orgasms often fail.
Multiple orgasm - harmful excess of expectations
The more we focus on them, the more difficult it will be for us to experience them. It has been known for a long time that spontaneous, unplanned things are the easiest for us. This is why orgasms over and over again usually happen when our thoughts are occupied with something else entirely, such as the most arousing sexual fantasy rather than waiting for "that" moment. Attitude is most often disappointing and can make your orgasmic experience an unattainable peak. In addition, it is worth remembering that even the strongest bond with a partner and the greatest desire can fail if we want to experience multiple orgasms after a stressful week at work, tremendous physical exertion or a few days of fun filled with alcohol and other stimulants.
Women have multiple orgasms more often
But even the he althiest way of life will not guarantee proliferation of orgasm. At least for men. They summit quickly and briefly. They also need much more time for the so-called recharging the batteries. According to the art of lovemaking, multiple orgasms are much less for men than for women. During one intercourse they climax at most twice, while a woman is able to achieve the highest arousal up to six times!
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According to an expertdr Andrzej Depko, sexologistAs Dr. Andrzej Depko explains in his book "Questions to a sexologist", the phenomenon of multiple orgasm depends on a high level of libido and certain predispositionspsychosexual. If a woman or a man is unable to achieve it, it does not mean that they are in any way worse or handicapped by nature. The sexologist recommends a "test": during intercourse, the partner does not stop frictional movements after the woman's first sexual intercourse. Continuing stimulation also when the woman is most aroused means delivering new stimuli that will most likely trigger another orgasm.
It is possible that the reason for this is hormones, which, combined with a more sensitive psyche, provide women with a greater range of love experiences. Because although it is said that men always and everywhere want sex, they really have an increased sex drive only when there is a greater secretion of male hormones - androgens. And this usually takes place in summer and autumn, in the morning hours.
A way to get multiple orgasms in men? Orgasms without ejaculation
The main mistake men make is associating orgasm only with ejaculation. Meanwhile, you can also climax when you do not ejaculate a second time. Hindus, for example, believe that learning to control sexual energy is enough for it to spread throughout the body and not just focus on the genitals. In some castes, the so-called retrograde ejaculation, which is the return of semen to the bladder and excretion with the urine. Hindus believe that in this way they save seed, which for them is a source of inner strength and power. The so-called dry orgasm is considered much longer and stronger than the traditional one. And while it can be experienced at any age, it undoubtedly requires more self-control and skill than an orgasm with ejaculation.
ImportantBritish scientists say that the greatest influence on a woman's orgasm is not her physical structure or experience, but genes. Orgasm is as genetically determined as heart disease or cancer.
One orgasm, but a decent one
As in any case, there are also two schools of thought in the art of orgasm. The first focuses on proper breathing. The deeper our breathing becomes and the more we engage the diaphragm in it, the greater the sexual satisfaction awaits us. Second school of breathing adds masturbation, which strengthens libido and increases the ability to climax. In the mid-1970s, a couple of sexologists, William H. Masters and Virginia Johnson, published research showing that sexual pleasure concerns not only the body but also the brain.
Experiments are also important. The more news we introduceinto our bedroom, the more stimuli we will tempt our body with. Statistics show that every third woman achieves multiple orgasms, i.e. climaxes three to five times during one intercourse. On the other hand, it is worth considering whether it is better to have multiple orgasms or one proper orgasm. Opinions about this are also divided.