Orgasm can manifest itself in different ways and can be achieved through a variety of stimulation techniques, not just bodily. A wave of pleasure can come unexpectedly and out of our consciousness, for example during sleep or as a result of fantasizing. Learn about the different types of orgasms and find out which ones provide the highest dose of erotic sensations.
Among thetypes of orgasmsyou can distinguish those experienced by both men and women - for example, tantric, multiple or night, as well as peculiar only to women, such as clitoral and nipple orgasm , vaginal. The variety of orgasms typical of women is due to the greater complexity of their sexual sphere - although they generally have a harder time reaching the peak of their pleasure, the pleasure they experience is more intense and profound.
Learn about the most common types of orgasms and find out which one can deliver the greatest amount of pleasure.
Typical orgasm
A typical orgasm is the peak of sexual arousal and the associated feeling of intense bliss. It most often occurs at the end of intercourse as a result of stimulation of the clitoris and vagina (for women) or the penis (for men). Typically, the feeling of a typical orgasm is: warmth from the clitoris towards the rest of the body, contractions of the uterus, increased heart rate, increased breathing rate, and finally a feeling of distinct relaxation. In men, orgasm lasts only a few seconds and most often coincides with the moment the sperm ejaculates.
Clitoral orgasm
The orgasm that appears as a result of caressing the clitoris is the most common and the easiest to achieve. This is due to the strong innervation of this part of the body (the clitoris is often referred to as the penis equivalent in men). In 60-80% of women, only this method of stimulation can cause orgasm. At the same time, according to studies carried out with the use of electronic devices, clitoral orgasm gives the most diverse and intense sensations.
Vaginal orgasm
The author of the division into clitoral and vaginal orgasm is Sigmund Freud. He argued that the vaginal orgasm has an advantage over the clitoral orgasm, because the former can only be obtained by a mature, sexually developed woman. For this reasonto this day, many women have complexes about the lack of vaginal orgasm - wrong, of course. Sexologists still argue that the two types of orgasm can even be distinguished. Moreover, according to studies, only 20-30% of women are able to climax through vaginal intercourse. Women who claim to be able to feel the difference between a vaginal and clitoral orgasm describe the former as less intense and compare it to the calm waves flowing through the body.
Worth knowingIn 1957, the German physician Ernst Gräfenberg developed a theory about the G-spot - a very strong erogenous zone to be located on the anterior vaginal wall, approx. 5 cm from its entrance. G-spot stimulation is supposed to give a woman great pleasure, incomparable to any other erotic experience. The orgasm achieved by stimulating this zone is called a G-spot orgasm and often ends in female ejaculation.
Nipple orgasm
Nipple orgasm can be achieved by caressing the breasts. However, calling it up is not that simple. Female breasts are differently sensitive to erotic stimuli - in some women, long-term caressing of these areas may even be painful and cause irritation instead of pleasure. Even if the partner feels satisfaction from caressing her breasts, bringing her to orgasm in this way requires the right technique and grading of stimuli. The feeling of a nipple orgasm is similar to that of a clitoral orgasm - there are contractions of the uterus and vagina, pulsating warmth spreads through the body, and the heartbeat speeds up.
Imaginary orgasm
Imaginary (or psychogenic) orgasm is achieved through mental arousal. For its appearance, no body stimulation is needed at all - only erotic fantasies are the source of pleasure. The sensations of mental orgasm are very similar to those of sexual intercourse.
Night orgasm
Night orgasm occurs spontaneously during sleep. This is a normal phenomenon and its frequency depends on various factors - including age (it is more common in older women), and even on the approach to sex (women open to sex, more aware of their needs, more often experience night orgasms). Sexologists point out that this type of orgasm is associated with sexual dissatisfaction and a high level of libido.
The male equivalent of night orgasm is loss, i.e. the involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep.
Multiple orgasm
It is estimated that about 30% of women are capable of achieving multiple orgasms. Maybehe will occur two, three or even five times in one intercourse. Climaxing several times depends, among other things, on the level of libido and psychosexual predispositions. In order to bring your partner to multiple orgasm, you need the right technique - after the first climax of a woman, the partner should continue stimulating without stopping frictional movements.
In men, multiple orgasm is much more difficult to induce - this is due to the long recovery time after intercourse.
Tantric orgasm
Both a woman and a man can achieve tantric orgasm through the use of tantric techniques. Tantric sex is derived from Eastern philosophy and is based on a strong emphasis on the spiritual aspect in male-female relationships. According to Tantra, sexual intercourse is much more than the pursuit of physical fulfillment - it is a long, mystical ritual. The foreplay itself lasts almost an hour and includes gentle caresses that very slowly and gradually increase the excitement of both partners. The culmination of a long foreplay is an intense, ecstatic orgasm, much stronger than normal intercourse.
Painful orgasm
Sometimes an orgasm can be painful. In women, it often manifests itself in the form of stinging, burning, squeezing, tearing. The pain is usually located around the genitals and pelvis. The causes of painful orgasm include, among others changes in the structure of reproductive organs caused by childbirth or surgery, hormonal changes, menopause, uterine fibroids, use of an intrauterine coil, clitoral hypersensitivity. Painful orgasms are much less common in men. Their occurrence is most often caused by lesions within the prostate gland (inflammations, mycoses, phimosis).