About 12 percent of women in Poland do not experience an orgasm, and most of them do not even know what it is, even though they know it exists. And it is mainly they who pretend to climax during intercourse. But not only them. Women pretend to have an orgasm for many other reasons.

Sometimeswomen fake an orgasm , for example, because they have a clitoral orgasm and think that only the vaginal orgasm is correct. Or they think that is what their partner expects of them.

Often a woman wants to dazzle her partner with her reactions, show him that she is a 100% lover. But it also happens that a woman wants to end intercourse as soon as possible, which she does not enjoy, so she accelerates it with a mock climax.

According to the research of scientists from the University of Kansas (USA), nearly 70 percent. women and 28 percent. men fake orgasm. They do this to please their sexual partners. There are other reasons as well. Women who do not orgasm fear being labeled "cold".

Is it easy to fake an orgasm?

Yes, especially to a woman who can experience it. Besides, men easily fall for it. It is enough to accelerate your breathing, move faster, groan a few times … Female orgasm is all the more difficult to recognize as every woman can experience it differently.

Check also:

  • ORGASM - what is it and what does an orgasm look like in a woman?
  • Lack of orgasm, or ANORGASMIA - causes and treatment

But there are several fairly characteristic symptoms, independent of individual reactions: acceleration of the heart rate, reddening of the skin (sometimes a small rash may appear), increased pressure, vaginal contractions (gentlemen, some ars amandi expert women can summon shrink the vagina!) and shrinkage and wrinkle of the areola with the simultaneous disappearance of swollen nipples.

If there is no orgasm, the fading of the puffiness of the areola is much slower and its wrinkle does not appear. Famous researchers of the sexual nature of man William Masters and Virginia Johnson believe that the shrinkage and wrinkling of the areola of the nipples due to the rapid relief of their swelling occurs only during orgasm.

Orgasms can be: typical (i.e. book-like, triggered by stimulating specific sensory places, e.g. clitoris), imaginary(achieved through mental stimulation, not body stimulation), tantric (similar to the imaginary ones, are achieved as a result of long-term training, through strong concentration) and multiple (about 50% of women and about 40% of men are capable of this type of orgasm; women they experience each subsequent orgasm as stronger, the opposite is true for men. Sometimes, however, an orgasm is painful.

The reason for this most often lies in hormonal disorders and it occurs in some gynecological diseases, such as myomas.

Why does a woman not have an orgasm?

This could be for the following reasons:

  • biological (hormonal disorders, postpartum changes, menopause, weakened Kegel contractility);
  • mental (sexual trauma, hidden homosexuality, aversion to men, disturbed relationships with a partner);
  • socio-cultural (for some cultures it is typical to believe that sex and the human body are something bad).

How to fake an orgasm?

Well, sometimes you have to, e.g. when his efforts fail, but you can see that the partner tries very hard - in this situation:

  • start with a soft moan, but don't moan too long or he'll think he has done you too well and will need doctor intervention (remember that a female orgasm only lasts 6 to 10 seconds!);
  • throw your head a little, side to side, you can attach your whole body to it;
  • gradually increase the frequency of your hip movements;
  • add a dozen or so quick, faster and faster breaths;
  • stop for a moment and hold your breath for a few seconds, then speed it up again after a while;
  • contract your vaginal muscles (but not more than 3-5 times);
  • play with your face a little, tense your muscles, you can also indulge in a few grimaces;
  • when you think it should climax any moment, open your mouth and close your eyes (if you had it open before);
  • and finally shout "oooh" (or "aaah" if you prefer), arch yourself, and then relaxed fall on the bed or whatever you're lying on.

And don't be surprised if you hear from him that he has not been so well for a long time …
