Endorphins are referred to as happiness hormones for a reason - it is thanks to them that we can feel pleasure and even euphoria. In addition, endorphins reduce the level of stress and relieve pain stimuli. We know that endorphins make it easier for women to survive childbirth or that they are responsible for the pleasant sensations experienced during exercise. But what causes the release of endorphins - are we able to make our body release the hormones of happiness?
Endorphinsthat ishappiness hormoneswere discovered not so long ago, about fifty years ago, more precisely in the 1970s . It happened by accident during research on opioids.
It was first noticed that drugs in this group - such as morphine and fentanyl - exert their effects by binding to a specific receptor, which was eventually called the μ-opioid receptor.
This discovery, however, did not satisfy the curiosity of researchers - if a receptor is present in the body, then probably some natural substances circulate in the human body that can bind to it.
In the end, it turned out that in fact - in the human body you can find particles that can attach to μ receptors, and these are endorphins.
Since the medical world first learned about opioids, and only then about endorphins, it was the former that gave us the name of the hormones of happiness. This is because it is actually an abbreviation from the combination of the words "endogenous" (means coming from within) and "morphine".
In general, we can say that endorphins are likened to opioids, except that they are simply produced within the body, not delivered to it from the outside.
Endorphins: structure and operation
Endorphins are peptide hormones, consisting - depending on their specific type - of a different number of amino acids. Currently, about 20 different endorphins have been discovered, but the most common are three of them:
- α-endorphins
- β-endorphins
- γ-endorphins
The structures of the nervous system deal with the production of endorphins, incl. various nerve cells, but also the pituitary gland. Basically, these substances belong to a broad groupneurotransmitters.
- Neurotransmitters: types and action
Endorphin receptors are located both in the brain and the spinal cord as well as in peripheral parts of the nervous system.
Happiness hormones are agonists of opioid receptors - the attachment of endorphins to these structures leads to their activation.
The basic actions of endorphins focus on reducing the sensation of pain as well as relieving the level of stress we experience.
However, these are not the only effects that these substances have - under their influence, we also begin to feel bliss, contentment, and sometimes even euphoria. But when are endorphins released in the body at all?
Endorphins: what influences their secretion?
Considering the basic actions of endorphins, it is quite easy to associate that the secretion of these substances stimulates pain as well as stress. However, a number of other situations can be mentioned, due to which significantly increased amounts of happiness hormones appear in the structures of the nervous system - including:
1.Eating a variety of foods . Chocolate has a special impact on the secretion of endorphins, but not only - these compounds are also produced when we eat something spicy.
The more spicy the product we consume, the more endorphins are produced
The perception of a sharp taste is associated with pain, therefore endorphins are used to relieve pain while consuming spicy foods. And that, by the way, they can also lead to a feeling of bliss … Nothing but enjoy.
2.Physical effort . Here it should be emphasized, however, that the secretion of endorphins may be completely different in different people - some people will feel the effects of happiness hormones after a short walk, while in others the effects of endorphins may not appear until after running a marathon.
3.Childbirth . For many people - especially men - the fact that after a difficult childbirth a woman is able to joyfully embrace her baby, it can be even incomprehensible.
The fact that young mothers can enjoy the first contact with a baby is probably related to endorphins - their secretion increases during childbirth.
4.Sex .
- 10 he alth benefits of sex
5.Relax . Even though practicing yoga or meditating may result in increased release of endorphins, reading can also do so.passionate book by a favorite author.
6.Laugh . It is even said that just thinking about laughing can increase the production of endorphins in the nervous system.
7.Drinking alcohol . Here, however, some clarification is needed - alcohol can actually stimulate the production of endorphins, but only when consumed in small amounts.
Endorphins and runners' euphoria
An interesting issue that is most likely related to endorphins is the euphoria of runners. The name is somewhat misleading here - well, other activities, such as swimming or rowing, can also lead to this kind of positive experience.
- Runner's euphoria - what is it? When does it appear?
It happens that some people feel extremely excited and sometimes even euphoric during exercise. There are at least several hypotheses about the mechanism by which these phenomena occur.
One of them is related to endorphins. Well, when exercise continues for a long time, the body's metabolism eventually shifts from aerobic to anaerobic.
The specific oxygen deficiency that occurs at that time is a stress factor - as it has already been mentioned, stress is one of the factors that increase the secretion of endorphins.
Athletes describe the positive emotions that torment them during activity in various ways - some even say that during exercise, the body somehow takes control of their mind and that they are able to continue exercising despite the fact that under normal conditions they wouldn't be able to train any more. It is possible that substances from the endorphin group are responsible for this type of sensation.
Endorphins: deficiency can cause disease?
Doctors already have some idea about endorphins, but this knowledge is not yet complete - this is why research is still being carried out on the happiness hormones and how they affect the human body.
It is noticeable that endorphins have a good effect on the well-being and mood of people - so it has been hypothesized that a deficiency of endorphins in the body could be a potential cause of various problems, whether it is related to depressed mood or chronically experienced pain .
Although unambiguous dependencies have not been confirmed so far, some scientists are of the opinion that the insufficient amount of endorphins in the body may be related to such ailments as, for example :
- depression
- chronic headaches
- fibromyalgia
Endorphins: why aren't they addictive?
Toopioid analgesics are approached with caution by many doctors and patients - all of this is due to the risk of becoming addicted to these drugs.
Opioids stimulate opioid receptors, as is the case with endorphins. You can become addicted to the former, but how is it with the hormones of happiness? This is due to the course of natural metabolic processes - happiness hormones, which bind with their receptors, undergo enzymatic transformations quite quickly and are simply broken down.
They work for a short time - the body does not have time to "get used to" them.
The situation with externally delivered opioids is different - they bind to the receptors for a much longer time, exerting their analgesic and euphoric effects for much longer, which means that people can develop a strong degree of addiction from these preparations.
- Sprouse-Blum Adam S. et al., Understanding Endorphins and Their Importance in Pain Management, Hawai'I Medical Journal, vol. 69, March 2010, 70-71
- Rokade P.B., Release of Endomorphin Hormone and Its Effects on Our Body and Moods: A Review, International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environment Sciences (ICCEBS'2011) Bangkok Dec., 2011
- Materials of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, on-line access: https://www.britannica.com/science/endorphin