Male orgasm is a physiological reaction to the arousal of the penis. A man's erection, ejaculation and orgasm generally occur together. However, there are ejaculation without orgasm, ejaculation without an erection, orgasm without an erection, orgasm without ejaculation, and even retrograde ejaculation (into the bladder).
Compared to women, the range of forms of sexual stimulation leading to orgasm is much smaller, as the primary form is penis stimulation. For many men, the intensity of the experience is greatest just before ejaculation, and the orgasm itself is indifferent or even irritating. In other men, the sensations during ejaculation are the strongest.
There is a view that female orgasm is acquired, male orgasm naturally, but while it is true for women, it is only a half-truth for men. According to prof. Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz, full experience in male orgasm also takes time.
Male orgasm - orgasm symptoms
From the point of view of biology, orgasm is a state of the highest ecstasy lasting from several to several dozen seconds, accompanied by a number of physiological reactions - some of them are common for men and women, others are different in both sexes.
Symptoms of an orgasm in men (but also in women) are:
- increase in blood pressure,
- rapid breathing,
- flushing of the body,
- involuntary muscle contractions,
- making ecstatic sighs or shouts (not everyone).
The sensations associated with experiencing an orgasm are a side effect of stimulating nerve receptors located in the most erogenous areas of the body: especially around the genitals. However, there are cases where direct stimulation is not necessary to achieve orgasm - erotic dreams and fantasies can also trigger it, although this is rather rare.
After orgasm, men feel blissfully calm, relaxed, sometimes drowsy. This reaction is related to the release of hormones during climax: oxytocin, prolactin, as well as endorphins, the effect of which on the body resembles the action of morphine (hence their colloquial name: "endogenous morphines").
ImportantNote! The results of the latest research show that in both women and men, these reactions do not have to proceed in 4 phases.
Male orgasm - what does it look like?
In the case of 90% of men, triggering an orgasm is a physiological reaction to the stimulation of the penis. This means that orgasm in men is, as sexologists call it, a congenital phenomenon. Nevertheless, avoiding routine in sexual life favors the achievement of more and more intense physical and mental experiences.
A man is stimulated by the mere sight of his partner's body or her touch. The penis stiffens, rises above the pubic bone, the foreskin exposes the glans, which enlarges and darkens. You get an erection. Depending on the stimulation, it may remain at the same level for a long time or decrease and increase.
- 5 Ways To Enhance Male Orgasm
- Kegel exercises for men for erection
- Erection problems - causes and treatment
There is usually a blush on the chest and lower abdomen that gradually spreads over the neck and face. She ejaculates. The discharge of sperm causes the urethra and anal sphincters to contract rhythmically. After climaxing, the member goes limp, the man becomes drowsy. Soon, however, he may be ready for the next act.

Male orgasm - orgasm phases
- Excitement phase
Gradually, the penis erection progresses, the tension of the abdominal muscles and intercostal muscles increases. As a result of the shortening of the spermatic cord, the testes partially rise. It definitely speeds up breathing, heart rate, and increases blood pressure. Some men have an erection of the nipples.
- Plateau phase
On the skin, first on the lower abdomen, a blush appears, there is a further increase in muscle tone, acceleration of heart rate, increase in pressure. Intercostal muscles contract, the circumference of the penis increases at the edge of the glans, sometimes its color changes, on average by 50%. testicles enlarge, rise high towards the perineum. Discharge appears, which may contain sperm.
- The orgasm phase
The flushing of the body increases, muscle group cramps appear, the frequency of breathing, heart rate and blood pressure increase. In the penis urethra, contractions occur every 0.8 seconds, gradually weakening, which is associated with pushing the sperm out. Initial sperm can be ejected 30 - 60 cm if the penis is not in the vagina.
- Relaxation phase
Erection of the nipples disappears, rash, muscle tension. Breathing, blood pressure and heart rate return to normal. Member decreasesoff, the testicles fall into the scrotum.
Male orgasm - how to get it?
Orgasm can not only be achieved through traditional sexual intercourse. There are many types of stimulation that lead to intense pleasure.
The orgasm can be triggered by:
- genital intercourse,
- anal sex,
- oral sex,
- spanish sex,
- masturbation (masturbation),
- caressing the penis with his hands.
And many other sexual techniques.
See also:
- How to orgasm alone and with a partner?
- Rimming, fisting, natelism, or 10 ideas for sex without intercourse
Male orgasm - how to strengthen it?
There are many ways to diversify intercourse and intensify male experiences during intercourse and ultimately its orgasm. These include: skilled
- passionate fellatio
- tightening and relaxing the Kegel muscles around the penis during climax
- pulling his hips towards you and firmly pulling his penis inside using the strength of the Kegel muscles just before orgasm
- rhythmic tightening of the Kegel muscles as the penis enters you and relaxing as it withdraws - just before ejaculation, the contractions should be as fast and strong as possible, so that the movement of the muscles resembles a wave
- skillful caresses of the male pleasure point - the G point - just before orgasm (inexperienced partners may not be pleased, however)
According to the report "Sexuality of Poles 2022", prepared by prof. dr. hab. Zbigniew Izdebski, 40 percent of men believe that a partner who has problems with maintaining an erection is incomplete. 31 percent of women share a view, and 30 percent of both genders neither agree nor disagree with this statement. Perhaps this is the reason why 71 percent of Poles believe that there is nothing wrong with using drugs to improve sexual performance. What about women? 20 percent of respondents answered that a partner who has difficulty achieving orgasm is deficient - this opinion is shared by 24 percent of men and 17 percent of women.