Ways to combat insomnia will help you sleep better and feel better during the day. Sleep is just as important to our body as oxygen, water and food. We couldn't live without them. Meanwhile, as many as one-third of us have trouble falling asleep and sleeping well through the night. That is why it is so important to eliminate the causes of insomnia. Find out how to deal with insomnia.
Bothhome remedies for insomnia,and thoseusing pharmaceuticals,can make life easier. Everyone has a sleepless night from time to time, but it's not a drama. However, if we have 3-4white nightsa week for at least three consecutive weeks - it is alreadychronic insomnia , which requires specialist consultation and treatment .
Insomnia - causes
There are two types of causes of insomnia:
- extrinsic
- and intrinsic.
Toextrinsiccauses of insomnia include:
- uncomfortable bed,
- too high temperature in the bedroom,
- noise
- or a neon flickering outside the window.
Whereasintrinsic insomniais primarily:
- neuroses,
- depressions - even periodic ones related to the seasons,
but also diseases such as:
- hyperthyroidism,
- rheumatic diseases,
- diabetes,
- chronic pains,
- cancer
- Is sleep apnea.
Any type of insomnia is dangerous to your he alth.
If we sleep badly, we feel worse during the day, we are less active, restless, it is difficult for us to concentrate on study or work. Memory deteriorates and immunity decreases.
That's why you need to sleep well.If home remedies for insomnia do not help, you can use pharmaceutical preparations.
Remedies for insomnia - herbal remedies
In the case of insomnia, medications containing valerian and hops extracts will prove effective. These herbs have a calming effect and gently relax you. They extend the active sleep phase. They fight the symptoms of insomnia, improve the quality of sleep.
Research has shown that preparations based on these herbs do not fog and are not addictive.However, they cannot be used until the age of 12 and by patients with acute renal failure or liver dysfunction. After taking them, you should not drive.
Passion flower can also be helpful in insomnia. It will help not only with sleep disorders, but also with excessive nervous excitability.
Remedies for insomnia - synthetic drugs
Among synthetic drugs to choose from are those containing melatonin. It is a synthetic hormone (produced in the body by the pineal gland).
It works by regulating hours of sleep and wakefulness and regulating the biological clock. It is recommended for people who work shifts and frequently change time zones.
Preparations containing melatonin should not be used:
- after drinking alcohol,
- during pregnancy and breastfeeding,
- for hormonal disorders,
- diseases of the liver and kidneys,
- weakened immune system.
You must not drive a car after taking it.
Note! Other synthetic drugs - even those containing small doses of active substances - can only be obtained with a prescription.
Home remedies for insomnia
Experts say insomnia is not helped by counting rams or by drinking warm milk before going to bed. But they found that cherry juice works like a sleeping aid for many people because it increases melatonin levels in the body.
Drinking a glass of juice (30 ml of pure juice should be diluted with mineral water) before going to bed shortens the time of falling asleep by approx. 17 minutes and extends sleep by over half an hour.
Cherry juice also makes sleep deeper, more effective and brings real rest to the body. In addition, you also need to remember not to go to bed with a full stomach.
A light supper should be eaten 2-3 hours in advance, preferably rich in carbohydrates (pasta, bananas), because they have a calming effect and make it easier to fall asleep.
- Sleep problems - bedtime herbs will help
- Insomnia - don't underestimate your sleep problems
- What to eat to sleep well? Diet for insomnia
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