Long-term stress is the curse of our civilization. Strong nervous tension is our natural reaction to difficult situations and usually motivates us to act. Unfortunately, when stress is prolonged, it exhausts the body - it can contribute to sleep problems, anxiety, neurosis, and even depression.
Long-term stressdefinitely has a negative effect on our he alth. It weakens the immune system, exacerbates the symptoms of many autoimmune diseases, such as Hashimoto's, Graves' disease or psoriasis.
When our ancestor came face to face with a bear, an alarm signal was immediately sent to all parts of his body: "fight or flight". This signal was triggered by adrenaline - a hormone secreted in the medullary part of the adrenal gland. That could be useful in flight or fight. So muscles tightened, heart beat faster, blood pressure rose, blood sugar increased (increasing the body's energy efficiency), blood vessels in the abdominal cavity narrowed, which slowed down digestion.
This is how stress manifested itself. We react to it in the same way as our ancestors, except that we rarely encounter a bear on our way.
Positive stress - negative stress
Stress can be caused not only by negative stimuli, such as fear, overwork, worry, illness, someone's death, but also positive ones, such as great joy or love, which struck us like a bolt from the blue.
Scientists use two terms: eustress and disstress. The first determines the necessary stimulation of the body, without which we would not have any achievements. For example, an athlete experiences stress before a competition, which activates all his fighting strength and enables him to win. When he reaches his goal, he calms down and calms down. Eustres is therefore a positive stress.
Unfortunately, stress blocks concentration, negatively affects endurance and creativity. For example, a student who has not prepared for an exam is afraid of failing it. So he cannot concentrate on the questions and often makes simple mistakes. His heart quakes, his muscles tremble, his stomach refuses to obey. As a result, it fails, i.e. it does not reach its target, so it does not relieve tension.
Long-term he alth-threatening stress
- The most dangerous is hidden, long-term stress, he saysDr. Ewa Matyska-Piekarska - It can be caused by marital, family and professional conflicts. Unfortunately, when a person stays in a stressful situation for a long time and does not see a way out of it, his body begins to refuse to obey. First, our psyche fails. We have a mood swing - from annoyance to apathy. There are anxiety, trouble sleeping and concentration, neurosis and even depression.
The body is also malfunctioning. It causes disorders of the circulatory and digestive systems, decreased immunity or sexual problems. therefore, disturbing heart palpitations occur, blood pressure rises and the level of total cholesterol rises. This, in turn, promotes the development of atherosclerosis, and also increases the risk of coronary heart disease, heart attack or stroke. Our digestive system responds first with heartburn and indigestion, but ulcers may develop over time.
- People who live under constant stress complain of headaches and abdominal pain - adds Dr. Ewa Matyska-Piekarska. - It happens that patients with chest pains come to us after greater experiences, for example at work. They are afraid they are having a heart attack. Fortunately, it is usually temporary pain caused by strong negative emotions. - In order not to get under stress, the easiest way would be to avoid the situations that cause it - sums up Dr. Anna Wiczyńska from Medicover. - But it is not that easy. Sometimes we need the help of a psychotherapist and sometimes a doctor. The most important thing is that we take stress by the horns quickly, before it becomes a chronic, debilitating body that is very difficult to deal with.
You must do it- Rest during the day, stay awake at night and get enough sleep.
- Divide the vacation into at least two parts and use it twice a year.
- Do some sport or walk outdoors for at least half an hour a day.
- Learn to approach problems more calmly and discharge them: meditate, breathe, count to ten, laugh often. Find a hobby that is relaxing.
- Eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
- Never drink alcohol to drink away your sorrows. You'll get addicted.
- Do not "eat" stress, especially with sweets, because you will only get fat.
- Talk honestly about your problems with your partner, family, friend.
- Don't strain yourself. When your nerves fail you, don't hold back and scream all your anger or smash the plate against the wall.
- Do not abuse sedatives and sleeping pills (they are also addictive).
You live under long-term stress, get regular check-ups
The negative effects of stress affect all organs andour body systems. In order to detect changes as early as possible and prevent diseases, we should regularly check:
- blood pressure or heart work (ECG)
- cholesterol level
- sugar level
See how stress works on your body!

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