Do you suspect stomach ulcers? Common symptoms of ulcers are heartburn, gas, lack of appetite and frequent abdominal pain, especially after eating. Or are you constantly constipated? Find out what else manifests itself in peptic ulcer disease and how to treat it.
A stomach ulceris a crater-shaped defect in the stomach or duodenum. It can also form in the lower esophagus, which is sometimes exposed to stomach acid. Usually, however, ulcers form in the part of the digestive tract wherepepsin- an enzyme that digests proteins.
Cavitiesformed in the stomach or duodenal wallvary in size- from peppercorns, cherry pits to a few centimeters. A stomach ulcer can be several millimeters deep and can even go through the full thickness of the stomach or duodenal wall.
Stomach ulcers were once known ashead-office disease . They were believed to be the result of a stressful life and irregular eating habits. Today it is known that people who lead a quiet life also suffer from it.
The most common cause of the problem is the bacteriumHelicobacter pylori . Research has shown that approximately 32 percent of children and adolescents are infected withHelicobacter pyloriin Poland; among adults, this percentage is close to 90 percent. Fortunately, infection does not always lead to peptic ulcer disease.It depends primarily on the strain of bacteria- out of many, two have been shown to increase the risk of developing the disease. People with blood group 0 are also more likely to fall ill.
Stomach ulcers - symptoms
The symptoms of stomach ulcers dependon the location of the ulcer and age . Most often they appear:
- pain, located in the center of the abdomen, below the breastbone or above the navel, written as burning, burning, sometimes feeling hungry
- feeling sick
- belching
- heartburn
- severe vomiting
For stomach ulcers,increases pain after eating . With duodenal ulcer, it may appear soonafter waking up , and is soothed by a meal for 2-3 hours.
At night or in the morning comessucking pain, called hunger . Eating anything or drinking a little milk helps to relieve it.The cause of pain may also beeven slight erosions . They require treatment as they can develop into ulcers.
Stomach ulcers - causes
Helicobacter pylori
The leading cause of stomach ulcers isHelicobacter pylori , a bacterium that can be infected through the digestive tract or during a kiss. We will find out if we are carriers by taking a blood test.
They can be performed in an analytical laboratory (for about PLN 40) or independently, using the kit (Helico Test costs PLN 35-40) available in pharmacies. But the presence of Helicobacter pyloridoes not always mean peptic ulcer . You can be a carrier of bacteria and not get sick.
excess hydrochloric acid
Hydrochloric acid , which is contained in gastric juice, is produced by the cells that make up the lining of the stomach. Gastric juices destroy bacteria that enter the gastrointestinal tract with food, they are involved in the digestion of proteins and fats.
They also stimulate the duodenum to produce intestinal hormones that increase the production of substances (pancreatic juice and bile) necessary for the digestion of food. When there is a lot of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice and the so-called mucosal barrier, ulcer develops.
The theory of disease inheritance is confirmed by the fact that 50 percent of people it occurs as a family.
blood type
People with blood group 0 are also more prone to stomach ulcers (30-40%).
regurgitation of bile into the stomach
In a he althy personbile is found only in the duodenum . When the digestive system fails,bile flows back into the stomachand damages the protective barrier.
drug abuse
An excess of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs containingacetylsalicylic acidand anti-rheumatic drugs also damage the gastric mucosa.
An ally of ulcers is alsostress , which provokes the body to secrete more acid. Alcohol abuse and smoking play an important role.
Stomach ulcers - diagnosis
The basic examination confirming the presence of gastric ulcers is endoscopy ( gastroscopy ). The doctor who performs it introduces a device (gastroscope) with a flexible tube ended with a mini-camera through the esophagus. He can see the mucosa andcan take clippings from the ulcer .
It is necessary in the case of stomach ulcers, because sometimes they can turn into neoplastic changes that are indistinguishable by the eye. Such samples can also be tested to confirm the presence ofHelicobacter pylori .
Since in a few percent of cases ulcer changes may be overlooked in endoscopy, the recommended complementary examination istaking X-ray pictures of the gastrointestinal tractafter the patient drinks the so-called contrast. Two or three days before the examination, you should avoid flatulent foods, because gases in the intestines worsen the quality of the photos.
Stomach ulcers - treatment
To destroy the bacteriumHelicobacter pylori , patients are given two appropriately selected antibiotics for a week and a drug from the group of proton pump blockers, i.e. drugs that reduce the secretion of gastric juice to almost zero.
90 percent cases, the therapy succeeds , thus avoiding surgery. But the treatment must always be completed.
Drugs that protect the gastric mucosa and accelerate the healing of ulcers are also recommended. You can drink the so-calledmilksor takehydrochloric acid neutralizing tablets . However, they should not be abused.
Stomach ulcers - diet
There is no evidence that any diet will help to heal or prevent a peptic ulcer from coming back. However, you need to eliminate foods that aggravate ailments (e.g. fruit juices, spicy and fatty foods).
Milk , which used to be the basis of treatment, increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid, so it is better not to reach for it, especially if it is oily.
There is also no evidence that alcohol delays ulcer healing . However, because it activates the secretion of hydrochloric acid, it is better to drink it in small amounts and diluted.
It is certain, however, thatsmoking exacerbates the symptoms of peptic ulcer disease . The risk of ulcers coming back and having difficulty in healing them increases in proportion to the number of cigarettes smoked a day. Better to give them up.
Gastric and duodenal ulcers - prohibited products [LIST]
The list of foods and products that are banned for people suffering from gastric and duodenal ulcers is long:
- rye and wholemeal bread
- pancakes
- pierogi
- zapiekanki
- soups based on fatty bone stock
- fish
- mushrooms
- roux,
- patties
- thick groats
- fried meat and fish, also deep-fried
- minced meats and all kinds of sausages
- ready-made sauces
- yellow cheeses, especially fried andbaked
- lard
- lard
- cubed margarine (hard)
- sour cream
- cruciferous vegetables
- radishes
- legumes (except degassed beans)
- vinegar
- horseradish
- mustard
- pickles
- vegetable and fruit marinades
- creams
- fatty cakes (e.g. puff pastry)
- cakes
- strong coffee and tea
- all carbonated drinks
- fruit juices undiluted with water
- hard marmalade
- stuffed chocolate
- candy
- Diet for ulcers
- Truths and myths circulating about gastric ulcer
- Gastritis
Stomach ulcers - FACTS
- One in ten Poles suffer from peptic ulcers (stomach and duodenum).
- 80 percent is a carrier of the bacteriaH. pylori . Most are young and middle-aged people, usually working hard, but there are also teenagers and children.
- Men get sick three times more often than women.
- Ulcers develop three times more often in the duodenum than in the stomach.
- Peptic ulcer disease intensifies in spring and autumn (one of the theories of the seasonality of the disease explains that it is during these periods that the bacteriumH. Pyloribecomes particularly active and willingly reproduces).

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