Spinal cord cavity is a neurological disease that significantly reduces the quality of life of patients. It can lead, inter alia, to for limb paresis or swallowing and speech disorders. What are the causes and symptoms of syringomyelia of the spinal cord? What is the treatment and rehabilitation of patients?

Spinal cord cavity( syrongomyelia ) is a chronic and progressive neurological disease in which fluid-filled cavities form in the spinal cord spinal. The consequence of this process is compression of the core tissue and the appearance of disease symptoms. The onset of the disease occurs mainly in the 3rd and 4th decade of life.

Voids in the spinal cord - causes

The disease may appear in the course of congenital diseases, such as Arnold-Chiari syndrome, flat base, hydrocephalus, cerebellar hypoplasia. In addition to congenital causes, some importance is attached to spinal injuries, with secondary inflammation-adhesions, as well as tumors, spina bifida and meningeal hernia.

Voids in the spinal cord - symptoms

Symptoms of syringomyelia depend primarily on the location and extent of the lesion in the spinal cord.

1. When cavities are formed in the lower part of the cervical spine, especially in the part responsible for transmitting the sensation of pain and temperature, there is a cleft sensory disturbance, i.e. the abolition of the feeling of pain and temperature while maintaining the feeling of touch, positioning and vibration, which may result in, for example, serious burns. .

2. If the anterior horns are damaged, the muscles in the hand, forearm and shoulder girdle are atrophied.

3. Damage to the cortico-spinal tract in the side cords causes paresis of the lower limbs, which may lead to disability.

5. On the other hand, the cavity of the bulb, i.e. the formation of a cavity in the lower part of the brain stem, is manifested by swallowing disorders (dysphagia), atrophy of the tongue muscles, and paresis of the pharyngeal and palatine muscles.

Coexisting symptoms may also be:

  • curvature of the spine
  • joint deformities
  • hand ulcers
  • scars

Vitality of the spinal cord - diagnosis and treatment

The test that allows for a final diagnosis ismagnetic resonance imaging. When the disease is diagnosed, surgical treatment is used to drain the cavities, correct them or treat hydrocephalus. Rehabilitation of patients is also helpful.
