You feel the more spring solstice, the less varied your winter diet was. In winter, we have less potassium on the plate, which now results in a weakening of reflexes and muscles, while magnesium deficiencies are manifested in irritation, less resistance to stress, and painful muscle cramps. In turn, for sudden attacks of fatigue, iron deficiency is to blame, and zinc is to blame for hair loss. How to replenish vitamin and mineral deficiencies to overcome the spring solstice? Are herbs effective for spring solstice?

Spring solsticeis the time when many people reach for preparations containingvitamins and minerals . When is this a good idea and why is it sometimes better to give up vitamin dietary supplements?

Spring solstice: advantages and disadvantages of supplements

When the level of vitamins and trace elements in the body suddenly drops or the demand for them increases sharply, it is worth considering supplementing them. However, it's always a good idea to consult your doctor about this. A large number of specialists believe that if you eat properly, there is no reason why you should take them. In their opinion, vitamins and minerals contained in food are the he althiest, from which the body benefits more than from their chemical equivalents. This is because in addition to food, you also provide other compounds that are not in the pills. Some of them extend the durability of vitamins, others facilitate the absorption of nutrients and even enhance their effect. For example, the flavonoids contained in citrus extend the life of free radical scavengers - vitamins: C, A and E. So if you take a multivitamin, it won't be the same as eating an orange. Importantly, a proper diet is much safer than pills. Synthetic vitamins can be overdosed, which is impossible with natural compounds. This is especially true of vitamins A, E, D and K, which dissolve in fats and not in water. If you swallow them on an empty stomach, they can accumulate in the body and be harmful.

A balanced diet is better than supplements

Source: X-news / Dzień Dobry TVN


Vitamins and supplements are not always safe

Taking vitamin and mineral preparations on your own can be dangerous. Applies toespecially pregnant and breastfeeding women, children and the sick. So before you reach for any preparation, it is better to consult a doctor.

  • taking calcium without consulting a doctor is not recommended for kidney stones;
  • people with a diseased liver should not overdo the intake of vitamin PP and A;
  • vitamin K can be dangerous for people taking anticoagulants, and phosphorus and potassium for people taking diuretics;
  • Taking vitamin B6 for a long time may reduce the effectiveness of drugs used in the treatment of parkinson's, and calcium, iron, and magnesium - the effects of some antibiotics.
