A gastrologist (gastroenterologist) is a doctor who deals with diseases of the digestive system, i.e. the esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas and bile ducts. The gastrologist treats such diseases as heartburn, indigestion, ulcers, as well as more serious diseases: gastrointestinal cancer or chronic intestinal diseases (e.g. Crohn's disease).

Gastrologistis a specialist ingastroenterology(also known asgastroenterology ) - a medical field that deals with diagnostics and treatment of digestive system diseases. Nowadays, the number of people who consult a gastroenterologist is increasing due to improper nutrition, as well as a fast pace of life and stress - factors that exacerbate ailments of the stomach and intestines.

What are the symptoms to see the gastroenterologist?

You should visit the gastroenterologist when you experience the following ailments for a long time:

  • stomach pains,
  • flatulence,
  • burning in the esophagus,
  • liver pain,
  • feeling sick,
  • constipation or diarrhea,
  • feeling of fullness,
  • belching,
  • swallowing problems,
  • loss of appetite.

You should also visit a specialist when you notice blood or mucus in your stool and a sudden, difficult to explain weight loss.

Visit to the gastroenterologist. What tests are ordered by a specialist?

A visit to the gastroenterologist begins with an interview with the patient. The doctor asks about the symptoms experienced, frequency of bowel movements, medications taken, and diet. If the symptoms concern the stomach or the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract, he performs an examination of the abdominal wall - he presses on selected areas, and the patient is to indicate whether it causes pain.

A referral to a gastroenterologist at the National He alth Fund is necessary.

Most often, such a procedure is not sufficient to make a diagnosis, therefore, in order to accurately diagnose the disease, the gastrologist may order the following tests:

  • blood tests, including blood count, liver tests, tests for the level of pancreatic enzymes (e.g. lipase, amylase),
  • ultrasound of the abdominal cavity,
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity with contrast,
  • gastroscopy,
  • colonoscopy,
  • resonancemagnetic,
  • computed tomography.

What diseases does the gastroenterologist treat?

The gastrologist treats such diseases as:

  • indigestion,
  • gastric and duodenal ulcers,
  • acid reflux disease,
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • ulcerative colitis,
  • Crohn's disease,
  • Helicobacter pylori infection,
  • gastritis,
  • gallstone disease,
  • cholangitis,
  • pancreatitis.

The gastrologist is also helpful in diagnosing more serious diseases of the digestive system that may require oncological consultation or surgeon's intervention:

  • appendicitis,
  • cirrhosis of the liver,
  • stomach cancer,
  • colorectal cancer,
  • cancer of the small intestine,
  • pancreatic cancer,
  • liver cancer.

Treatment methods for gastrointestinal diseases

Treatment depends on the patient's symptoms. In the case of mild chronic diseases of the digestive system, the gastrologist prescribes an appropriate diet and prescribes medications, e.g. antibiotics (helpful in the treatment of H. pylori infection), proton pump inhibitors, drugs that improve the functioning of the intestines. If a doctor suspects cancer, a referral to an oncologist, chemotherapy or surgery is necessary.
