Itching is an important signal that the skin gives us. It should not be underestimated, because it can be a sign of diseases, not only dermatological. Itchy skin can be caused by atopic dermatitis (AD), ringworm, or scabies. Other possible causes of itchy skin include hepatitis and hypothyroidism. Find out what diseases are manifested by itchy skin.
Itchy skinis bothersome, but sometimes it is also a symptom of a serious illness. The cause ofitching of the skinmay be inflammation of the skin which is a symptom of mycosis - then the itching is accompanied by red, sometimes scaly patches around the feet, groin, and genitals. If tiny red spots appear on the skin, it may be a symptom of atopic dermatitis.
Itchy skin can also indicate a contact allergy or a food allergy. It is sometimes a reaction to a drug or an insect bite. The annoying itching is manifested by impetigo, scabies and head lice (the latter affects the scalp). Itching may also be a symptom of systemic metabolic or hormonal disorders.
Itchy skin - causes. Skin diseases
- Atopic Dermatitis (AD)
Itching is one of the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. It often gets worse at night and makes sleep difficult, especially for the youngest. It is important to strengthen the damaged protective barrier with proper care, based on emollients, which in their composition should contain nutrients, strengthening the protective barrier and anti-itching. There are also preparations without steroids available on the market that you can buy without a prescription and are safe even from the first days of life.
- athlete's foot
On one or more parts of the body (when the orgasm is weakened, which is one of the reasons for exposure to fungi, it is common to develop mycosis in more than one place on the body) e.g. the genitals appear red, scaly or covered itchy spots with tiny scales. This is the first symptom of a fungal infection that can be caught by touching the skin or using the patient's hygiene items or towels. The nails become yellowish, greenish-yellowish, thickened and crumble (in the case of dermatophytes), or redness and swelling on the periungual shafts (in the case ofyeast). The cause of mycosis infection, especially in children, may also be petting the cat or contact with the soil.
Our advice: Buy an over-the-counter preparation (cream, gel or nail polish) at the pharmacy and lubricate the affected area regularly (unless the leaflet recommends a different use of the preparation). If there is no significant improvement after 1-2 weeks, contact adermatologist .
- dermatitis
Reddish or noticeably pink itchy spots appear on the body. Sometimes they turn into extensive itchy blisters. This is how eczema, dermatitis and allergy after contact with the poisonous plant appear.
Our advice: As it is difficult to distinguish between ailments, it is better to take some gentle measures. First of all, take an over-the-counter antiallergic agent. Then wash the skin with lukewarm water and a mild soap or bath lotion. After drying the body, cover the sore spots with a cream or ointment with hydrocortisone. Do not use deodorants and perfumes for several days. Wear breathable clothing made of natural fibers. If there is no improvement, see a doctor.
- scabies
The skin is very itchy, especially at night. A red, rough rash appears in the folds of the skin, between the fingers, wrists, elbows, breasts, buttocks, and around the waist. These are the classic symptoms of scabies, an infectious disease that today is not known only from old medical textbooks. On the contrary, it is becoming more and more common. Symptoms appear 2 weeks after infection and are an allergic reaction to scabies - a parasite that digs through the corridors under the surface layer of the skin where it lays eggs.
Our tip: Get an antihistamine to ease the itching at a pharmacy and a cream or shampoo to combat scabies. Use them in accordance with the information contained in the leaflet. Wash clothes, bedding and towels in hot water. Make sure that all household members and those in close contact with the sick person receive treatment at the same time. If there is no significant improvement after ten days, see your doctor. Stronger drugs will be needed.
- contagious impetigo
It is a bacterial, very contagious disease accompanied by severe itching of the skin. It appears in summer, usually in children. Its culprit is staphylococcus or streptococcus. In addition to itching, the annoying symptom of the disease is the formation of scabs on the skin. The course of impetigo can be violent, the skin looks ugly, but the infection heals easily.
Our tip: Gently wash the scabs with lukewarm soapy water. Iflesions are limited to one place, lubricate them with ointment with a small dose of antibiotic (you can buy over the counter), change bedding and pajamas daily. Make sure the child does not scratch the scabs. Use lukewarm water and antibacterial soap for bathing. See your doctor if the impetigo has affected a large area of the skin or the child has a fever above 38 ° C. Often it is necessary to administer an antibiotic, so do not delay your visit if the symptoms persist after 3 days of home treatment.
Itchy skin - causes. Allergy
Red, itchy lumps may suddenly appear anywhere on the body. If accompanied by:
- eyelid swelling
- swollen lips and tongue
- weakness
- shortness of breath
- profuse sweating
- accelerated heartbeat
possibly has a severe allergic reaction. Allergy can be caused by drugs, food, and most often insect bites.
Our advice: If you know you are allergic and have an anti-shock kit with you, use it. Immediately call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital.
Skin itching - varicose veins, diabetes, neurosis
Venous insufficiency makes the insufficiently supplied skin more susceptible to damage, irritation and infections. Skin changes can lead to leg eczema - this is an inflammation that manifests as swelling, redness and annoying itching of the calf skin.
Skin problems are the first symptom of diabetes: excessive dryness and itching, peeling, vulnerability to wounds and fungal infections. The diagnosis is confirmed by a blood glucose test.
Itching of the skin, occurring in situations of emotional tension, may also be of a psychological nature; stress can also aggravate the symptoms of a dermatological disease (atopic dermatitis - AD). Consultation with a psychiatrist and possibly a dermatologist is necessary.
Itchy skin - enterovirus infection
The skin itches where there is a rash in the form of red spots and papules. It usually occurs on the buttocks, between the toes and fingers.
Enterovirus attacks mainly children in the summer, it is transmitted through the alimentary and sometimes droplets. It shows up 3-5 days after infection. It passes after a week.
Our advice: Don't give your baby citrus fruits, spicy foods that irritate the mucosa. After a meal, rinse your mouth with table s alt (a flat teaspoon per glass of warm water).
Wash the dishes in hot water or use disposable cutlery and dishes to prevent the disease from spreading.
Give plenty of fluids, e.g. water with juice (not citrus), teasherbal. If your child complains of sore skin, give paracetamol to help reduce the itching.
Itchy skin - hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism causes skin dryness. Excessive dryness of the skin causes not only itching, but also intense exfoliation of the epidermis from the entire body, but especially on the elbows and knees. It usually accompanies this:
- hair loss
- chronic fatigue
- excessive sleepiness
- constant feeling of cold
- frequent constipation
- weight gain despite lack of appetite
- depressed mood
- menstrual disorders
The ailment is the result of insufficient hormone production. It often manifests itself later in life (after the age of 65). It is also provoked by the treatment of hyperthyroidism and the use of certain medications.
Our advice: Contact a doctor as soon as possible, who will refer you to the appropriate tests (the diagnosis will be confirmed by TSH, fT4, fT3 hormone tests). Before you have results, save yourself by moisturizing your skin with the right creams and lotions.
For washing, use mild soaps or the so-called soap-free soaps (syndets - they do not contain soap, but only surfactants), which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. They are intended mainly for people with atopic dermatitis, but also in this situation will be very helpful.
Itchy skin - hepatitis
Itching of the skin appears in the advanced form of the disease, which for many years, e.g. in the case of infection with the hepatitis virus, may proceed without obvious symptoms. The skin on the calves and forearms itches most often.
The itching is so troublesome that the patient may scratch the skin to the point of blood. It is worth adding that pruritus appears in the advanced form of the disease, which may run for many years without obvious symptoms.
Our advice: Specialist help and carefully designed treatment are essential. Itching can be reduced by applying cold compresses or cooling gels.
Itchy skin - kidney failure
Itchy skin caused by kidney failure is accompanied by typical symptoms:
- puffiness
- pollakiuria
- urine concentration and dark color
- increased thirst
- pressure disturbance
Diagnose them:
- urine test
- blood count
- creatinine level
- urea level
- kidney ultrasound

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