Effective slimming is a real art. Most of us have gone through many diets and trying to lose weight. Even if we were able to lose weight thanks to limiting the consumed calories, usually the kilograms lost during the diet returned. So what to do to make your weight loss long-term? Here are the ten commandments that will make losing weight more effective.
Effective weight losstakes a bit more effort, but the results may surprise you. It is worth following the recommendations below for the basicweight loss rules . Perhaps at first they will seem difficult to implement. However, it will quickly turn out that new habits will become second nature and you will not be able to imagine returning to the old diet and lifestyle.
Remember: Losing weight is only half the battle. When you lose weight, you need to get your body used to the new weight, maintaining it for months. This way you will make gaining weight much more difficult. Remember this when, in euphoria after losing the weight that shows the desired number of kilograms, you want to reach for something that you have not eaten, fighting with fat. Here are the 10 commandmentseffective weight loss .
1. Losing weight is a process that should be planned for a long time
Most diets, especially the very extreme ones, are based mainly on water loss. After them, the body returns to its former weight the fastest. They only make sense when you have to lose a few centimeters at the waist within a few days to fit into your favorite dress and look good at the big prom. However, when used too often, they wreak havoc in your body: the yo-yo effect makes you gain more and more weight, and the periods of non-eating slow down the metabolism so that subsequent attempts bring worse and worse results. Therefore, it is better to talk not about diet, but about changing the diet, and plan the whole process for long months: prepare for slow weight loss and periods when, despite efforts, the weight does not budge.
2. Losing weight will be effective if you eat small portions, but more often
It has been scientifically proven that eating the same foods in two meals a day can lead to weight gain and five meals a day to weight loss. This is due to the fact that your body, used to the lawsto times of hunger, he tries to stock up for the "rainy day" in the form of a fat that you dislike so much. Two meals a day are a signal that your food supplies are low, and it's time to prepare for the fasting period. On the other hand, by eating small portions four or five times a day, you let your body know that there will be no shortage of food and that all energy can be safely used for current needs, and even to reduce the previously accumulated supplies.
3. Effective weight loss is eating five meals a day
Having lunch and afternoon tea in the form of small meals has one great advantage: it prevents greater drops in blood sugar levels, resulting in the feeling of hunger. And because you eat more hungry, your dinners may exceed the allotted limits and stop your weight loss.
4. Losing weight will be thoughtful and effective if you plan your meals
Thinking about what you will eat tomorrow is a great way to stay on a diet and not eat fattening things. It will allow you to plan meals eaten at work (and prepare them in advance), make a shopping list and get used to fixed meal times. Thanks to this, you will not be forced to eat fast food, because you forgot to take something to work, and you will be able to easily control what and how much you eat throughout the day.
5. If you are dieting, focus on eating
This does not mean, of course, that meals should be eaten in solitude, silence and concentration. However, it is worth resigning from eating in front of the TV - too much interest in the program may end up with a minor sin in the form of a top-up, or a dessert made of chips or sweets. However, it would be good to eat meals on small plates (then the portion will seem larger), chew them thoroughly and, very importantly, compose them so that they are tasty. Only extremely strong-willed people can eat only things that they don't like for months.
6. Drink about two liters of unsweetened fluids a day while losing weight
Still water is the best, of course. Why? Fat is broken down with water and without water there is no weight loss. Of course, you should give up all sweetened drinks, and the light version, sweetened with sweeteners. Granted, these drinks are not caloric, but that doesn't solve the whole problem. Sweeteners, even those that do not have calories, make insulin appear in your body - the mechanism of its secretion is coupled with the sweet taste. So our blood sugar drops and we feel hungry. So even though the drinks themselves are low in calories, they make you eatmore.
7. If you are on a diet, read the labels of the products you buy carefully
Do not be fooled by advertising and manufacturers' assurances that their products are organic and he althy. When shopping, it is worth remembering that the "light" category has not been precisely defined and may mean something completely different for each manufacturer: a defatted product, with less sugar, or low-calorie. So let's check what you are actually eating. And remember that skim foods often contain so much carbohydrate that they won't help you lose weight at all.
8. Physical effort will help you lose weight
Fat burning is the fastest when you exercise lightly. Experts talk about the march slow enough to allow you to talk without breathlessness during it. Maybe it is worth walking at least part of the way to work? 10 thousand steps may not be much, but when repeated systematically it gives really visible results.
9. If you are slimming, try to stand more and sit less
Stand for at least ten minutes every hour. This is another way to get a little exercise. Essential for all those who spend most of the day sitting. To stimulate the metabolism, it is enough not to sit on a tram or bus, talk while standing, wait at the bus stop.
10. While losing weight, allow yourself to sins a little
Losing weight is a long process. It is impossible to always follow the rules without exception. After all, there are great family celebrations, important outings, or just meetings with friends. Allow yourself a bit of madness from time to time and eat something fattening. It may be one meal a week in the first few months. Use this gate for a gala dinner at your grandma's, a business dinner, or simply eating a pizza you have been craving for a long time. One meal (but it can only be this one!) Will not ruin our efforts, but will put us in a good mood. And this is probably as important as proper nutrition.
- Calorie calculator
- Ideal Weight - Calculator
- BMI calculator - formula for correct BMI
- The energy value of the product. How to calculate the caloric value of a meal?