Training for fat reduction, i.e. slimming training, should be carefully planned - both the frequency of training and its diversity (aerobics, strength exercises, intervals) are important. In addition to the training plan, you should take care of a proper diet that will cover the energy needs of the working muscles. Discover the best workouts for reducing body fat and try out a training plan for beginners.
When startingtraining for fat reduction , it is worth developing your action plan so thattrainingreally gives the effectslimmingand not only caused us to sore.
Below you will find an 8-week fat-burning training plan that will make your exercise a rewarding point of the day, not a check-in point while tiring yourself out physically and mentally. A clear diagram with a breakdown by week can be found in the table at the bottom of the page.
Before you start exercising, learn the most important principles of fat reduction training. Without knowing them, it may take you longer to lose weight.
Reduction training - the most important rules
1. Combining strength and aerobic exercises
Fat reduction occurs most quickly with increased metabolism. Metabolism improves with regular and varied physical activity.
Strength training strengthens the muscles that use the most energy and are the most active tissue in our body - a kilogram of muscle mass uses about 130 calories a day, without any effort.
On the other hand, aerobic exercise accelerates breathing and oxygenates the muscles and organs - during aerobic exercise, the metabolism increases up to 20 times compared to the state of rest.
In turn, interval training, i.e. one in which very fast and slow pace intertwine, is very demanding for the body, but it burns fat up to 24 hours after the end of activity.
The total duration of training for fat reduction for beginners should be no more than an hour.
It is not only the variety that is important, but also the duration of the exercises. Cardio training should not be shorter than 30 minutes, as it only starts after 20 minutesfat burning process. In turn, interval training, due to its intensity, cannot be longer than 40 minutes.
2. Proper pulse
It is very important that you maintain the correct heart rate between 60 and 70% of your maximum heart rate (HR max) during your weight loss training. But how do you know how much it is? It is worth using the formula developed by the competitive athlete Sally Edwards. It looks like this:
Women | HRmax=210-0.5 x age - 0.022 x weight |
Men | HRmax=210-0.5 x age - 0.022 x weight + 4 |
Correct heart rate is very important in training for fat reduction, because exercising in the range of 60-70% of HRmax contributes to the loss of kilograms.
3. Adequate diet
People starting slimming training often change their eating habits drastically, eating much less than before. This is a mistake, because fasting and increased physical activity can lead to fatigue and weakness of the body.
This one will probably "turn on" the saving mode, so instead of accelerating the metabolism thanks to exercise, it will reduce it by starving itself. It is also a bad idea to use a heavy meal as a form of reward for training, because this way we will destroy its effects.
The basis of an effective reduction diet is taking about 5 meals every 3-4 hours.
Diet during training for fat reduction should be about 200-300 calories lower than the daily requirement. This demand is calculated taking into account, inter alia, age, gender, weight of a person using the BMR index.
A reduction diet should contain proteins (legumes, fish, lean meat), fatty fish fats (mackerel, salmon), seeds or nuts, vegetables (added to each meal), once a day - preferably in the morning - you can eat also some fruit. Contrary to appearances, you should not give up carbohydrates. It is true that when we provide the body with more than our body needs, they affect the accumulation of adipose tissue. But he althy carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (contained, for example, in brown rice and couscous), will help our he alth.
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Find out more4. Lots of water and sleep
Mineral water is an ally in the fight against adipose tissue. It should be drunk as often as possible during the day, preferably with lemon to cleanse the body of toxins. There is also much talk about the beneficial effects of sleep, which has a large impact on the metabolic rate - if we sleep 7-8 hours a day, the metabolism during the day will be faster. Research has shown that people who sleep less than 6 hours a day have an increased appetite and have a harder time losing weight.
Worth knowingPeople who want to reduce body fat are advised not only to exercise and a proper diet, but also to take additional supplements, e.g. body fat reducers. They stimulate metabolism, suppress appetite, increase body temperature, cause the loss of unnecessary subcutaneous water and increase energy expenditure. The most frequently chosen are L-carnitine, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), HCA (citric hydroxy acid) and, of course, fat burners, i.e. products containing several ingredients supporting fat burning, including carnitine, lysine, methionine or inositol.
It should be noted, however, that not all of the above-mentioned preparations have scientifically proven effectiveness.
The best workouts for reducing body fat
Cardio Workout
Cardio training is a very important element of training for fat reduction, especially in the case of beginners. Aerobic exercise performed for about 30-45 minutes at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate (HR max) allows you to burn fat effectively. The effort should not be shorter than 30 minutes, because first - during the first 20 minutes of training - carbohydrates are burned, and then fat.
Cardio training stimulates the heart to work more, so it includes all physical activities that increase the heart rate: running, swimming, cycling, dancing, walking, walking. Exercises on machines have the same effect: stationary bike, cross trainer, stepper, as well as skating or rollerblading.
Interval training
Interval training, due to the fact that it is very demanding and involves a significant energy expenditure for the body, should not last longer than 40 minutes. It is also better that people who are just starting their adventure with fat reduction training first choose strength and cardio exercises, and then move on to intervals.
Intervals are sets of exercises in which, in short bursts, you first perform intense aerobic exercise, and then calmer cardio exercises. According to the research, among othersAmerican College of Sports Medicine, thanks to this type of training, the body is stimulated to a greater energy effort than during exercise of constant or lower intensity. During the intervals, we do not burn muscle tissue, but we get rid of fat from the abdomen, thighs and hips.
During 20 minutes of interval training, we burn the same number of calories as in an hour-long run at a steady pace.
A specific type of interval exercise is tabata, a four-minute intense metabolic training that improves aerobic (aerobic) and anaerobic (anaerobic) fitness.
Strength training
An important element of fat burning training is also strength training. Why? Burning fat during cardio training is intense - you can burn about 500-800 calories, but after you stop exercising, your metabolism slows down a lot.
Differently with strength training - during exercise you lose less body fat than during cardio training, but burning lasts up to 36 hours after stopping physical activity. During this time, the body burns 10 calories every hour without any effort.
When exercising, do not be afraid of heavy weights - they will shape your body faster than lifting smaller loads over time. Loads in the range of 75-85 percent of the maximum weight, based on free weights, will allow you to get beautifully defined muscles and reduce body fat. Beginners, however, should start with weights within 50 percent of their maximum weight.
Fitness classes
Training for fat reduction can also take place in the fitness room, e.g. during fat burning classes, i.e. exercises aimed at burning fat. These are strengthening and stretching activities with the accompaniment of music. Fat burning is a type of aerobic training, so it also improves respiratory function. By taking part in this type of training, you will fight fat tissue on your hips, thighs, buttocks and abdomen.
Another way to burn fat through fitness classes is zumba - dancing and exercising at the same time is a type of cardio training that will allow you to burn 450 calories per hour, and in the water version of zumba (aqua zumba) even 800 calories.
Training for reduction - training plan
Here is a training plan for people who start exercising to reduce body fat. It is scheduled for 8 weeks. It starts with cardio and strength exercises 4 times a week. Later, the frequency of training is increased to 5 days a week, and in the last two weeksinterval exercises are introduced.
WEEK 1-2 | WEEK 3-4 | WEEK 5-6 | WEEK 7-8 | |
Monday | walk, cross trainer or stepper (30 min) | jogging, cross trainer or stepper (30 min) | spinning or jogging (40 mins) | tabata |
Tuesday | free | Full Body Workout | training with an expander or Full Body Workout | strength training without equipment |
Wednesday | dumbbell training | free | free | interval exercises on a bike or running |
Thursday | jumping rope (30 mins) | dumbbell training | spinning or jogging (40 mins) | free |
Friday | free | jumping rope (30 mins) | exercises for a flat stomach | training with an expander or Full Body Workout |
Saturday | exercises for a flat stomach + walk (30 min) | strength training without equipment + jogging (30 min) | dumbbell training + jogging (30 min) | interval exercises on a bike or running |
Sunday | free | free | free | free |
The entire training plan includes the workouts listed below. Click on the link to see the exercise descriptions or the video tutorial.
Strength training:
- dumbbell training,
- exercises for a flat stomach with Natalia Gacka,
- Full Body Workout,
- training with an expander,
- strength training without equipment.
Cardio Exercise:
- walk-run,
- jogging,
- skipping rope,
- spinning,
- cross trainer,
- stepper.
Interval exercises:
- tabata,
- running interval training,
- interval exercise on a bike.
How to exercise to burn fat?
It is best to exercise 3 to 5 times a week - daily training does not give the body the ability to regenerate and may lead to overtraining, while exercising once or twice a week will not bring spectacular results.
If you exercise 3 times a week, plan every other day off, if you exercise 5 times - do not train in one set, but e.g. two training days, a day off, three days of training and then a day off to let your body rest.
Exercisestrength training should be done before cardio exercises, as they will deplete the body's carbohydrate reserves, and cardio training will begin with obtaining energy from fat oxidation. Moreover, if cardio training was performed before strength training, it would exhaust the supply of free proteins, and energy during strength training would be drawn during catabolism, i.e. the process of "burning" muscles.
Strength exercises can also be accompanied by intervals, but they are intended for people in better condition.
See also: 8 mistakes that slow down fat reduction
According to the expertJacek Bilczyński, personal trainer, dietitian, physiotherapistWhy does fat from some parts of the body come off faster, and from others much slower?
In the process of burning fat tissue, hormones called catecholamines: adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine are involved. They activate metabolic pathways that contribute to this process.
Hormones do not act directly, they must bind to the receptor for a reaction to take place. Catecholamines can bind to a number of receptors, including with the types of adrenergic receptors: alpha and beta. For fat burning to occur, catecholamines must bind to a specific subtype of beta-adrenergic receptors, namely beta-2-adrenergic receptors.
Unfortunately, these receptors are not evenly distributed in the body, and the alpha and beta receptors can compete with each other for hormones. One or the other type of them attracts them more strongly, which causes a specific reaction in our body. In men, the most alpha-adrenergic receptors are often found in the abdomen, and in women - around the hips or buttocks, and this type of receptor attracts cardecholamines a little more. So if you have more alpha receptors in these areas, less catecholamines will bind to beta-adrenergic receptors, beta-2 to be exact, and fat burning in this place will occur with less intensity. How to deal with the reduction of adipose tissue in the most resistant areas? First of all, train patiently - with a special focus on interval exercises - and take care of a negative energy balance.