We are at the tail end of Europe in terms of fish consumption; an average Pole eats only 7-8 kg of them annually. It is not enough! We should eat fish at least twice a week. Since we are losing by quantity, let's at least focus on quality. Let's choose the most valuable species.
- Sea fish - are they he althy?
- Sea fish are better than freshwater
- Lean sea fish
- oily sea fish
- Sea fish - which are better to avoid?
Sea fishis primarily a rich source ofomega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids : eicosapenatenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Sea fish - are they he althy?
Omega-3 acids contained in sea fish have a positive effect on the circulatory system: they protect against the formation of atherosclerotic plaque, reduce coagulability and blood pressure, and restore the proper concentration of chpesterp.
In addition, these acids reduce the risk of certain cancers, have anti-inflammatory properties (especially important in arthritis), and are necessary for the proper development and functioning of the nervous and immune systems.
They also improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails and increase the production of serotonin - the happiness hormone.
The fat contained in fish is not only omega-3 fatty acids, but also vitamins soluble in them, incl. D, which affects the proper bone mineralization, and its deficiency may result in osteoporosis, and A - necessary for proper vision.
Another important nutrient is iodine. This element is part of the thyroid hormones, so it indirectly influences the body's metabpism, coordinating its growth and maturation, conditioning the maintenance of thermogenesis and the functioning of the nervous system and the brain.
An equally important ingredient is selenium. This powerful antioxidant prevents aging, protects against cancer, is part of red blood cells, and is essential for proper growth. Fish is also a good source of calcium and phosphorus.
These two macronutrients affect the work of the nervous and muscular systems, maintain the acid-base balance and have anti-inflammatory properties. We find them mainly in small fish eaten with bones (e.g. sardines).
A very valuable ingredient in fish is magnesium, without which it is impossibleproper functioning of the nervous system. Its deficiency can be manifested, among others, by depressive and anxiety states. Fish is also a wholesome, easily digestible protein recommended, for example, in feverish conditions.
Omega-3 fatty acid content in grams / 100 g:
Atlantic salmon, farmed, fried, smoked | 1.8 g |
European anchovy, peju, drained | 1.7 g |
Sardines in tomato sauce, whole, drained | 1.4 g |
Atlantic herring, pickled | 1.2 g |
Atlantic mackerel, fried, smoked | 1.0 g |
Swordfish, fried, smoked | 0.7 g |
White tuna, in its own sauce, drained | 0.7 g |
Fried, smoked halibut | 0.4 g |
Atlantic cod, fried, smoked | 0.1 g |
Source: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Fish - which is worth eating and avoiding
Sea fish are better than freshwater
The nutritional value of fish is influenced by many factors, including their species, age or feeding place. On average, 57-82 percent. fish meat is water (therefore it is a perishable product), 0.13-27 percent. is fat, 12-24 percent protein and carbohydrates no more than 1 percent.
We generally divide fish according to their origin (freshwater and marine) or fat content (lean, medium-fat and fatty).
Sea fish (e.g. salmon, mackerel, tuna, cod) provide an average of 70-115 kcal / 100 g, while freshwater fish (e.g. crucian carp, carp, trout, pike perch) provide 25-75 kcal.
This is due to the fact that sea fish are richer in fat, and thus - in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins soluble in them. In addition, sea fish are an excellent source of iodine and selenium.
Sea Fish - Lean Best If You Are On A Diet
The lean fish include both freshwater and s altwater species, containing up to 1 percent. fat. Their calorific value is 80-90 kcal per 100 g.
The most popular of these are cod, tuna, sole, pollock, hake, stream trout. These fish are especially recommended for people who are on a slimming basis, following a lightly digestible diet with limited fat (e.g. those suffering from pancreatitis, liver inflammation, gall bladder inflammation).
- Codhas white, delicate meat that is suitable for baking, cooking, stewing or grilling. When smoked, it works great in various types of pastes. Cod is characterized by a high protein content ohigh digestibility, iodine, selenium and vitamin B12. It can be eaten by pregnant women, it is also recommended for people with thyroid disorders.
- Tunais a fish with white or red meat. In Poland, canned red meat is popular, in Japan it is often used to prepare sushi. This fish is particularly rich in vitamin PP, which is why it is recommended for people with dermatological problems.
- Solais delicate, easily digestible, in France it is one of the noblest species of sea fish. It is characterized by a relatively high content of vitamin D3, therefore it is recommended for people at risk of osteoporosis.
Are B altic fish he althy?
I know that the B altic herring, like the B altic salmon, is one of the most poisonous fish in the world. I saw a movie on TV that leaves no doubt about it. How do you reconcile this with the advice to eat sea fish, especially herring? I eat a Warsaw delicacy, i.e. a delicatessen mate, almost every day. I also eat fresh, fried herring. Am I hurting myself or am I helping? I am 77 years old. Apparently, rapeseed oils are among the best. Elsewhere I read that the opposite is true. So how is it?
MSc Iza Czajka, nutrition physiologist: On the website of the Maritime Institute in Gdynia you will find up-to-date information on the status of dioxin, mercury and lead contamination in fish caught in the B altic Sea. To determine the extent to which you are harming yourself, you should know your exposure indicator for TGZ poisoning, your temporary weekly intake dose, for safe consumption of mercury, lead, DDT dioxins and other substances. It means that, for example, you can safely eat 2.37g of cod or 1.7g of herring daily without risking your he alth. You eat much more than the safe amount, which can cause a build-up of toxic compounds in your bones, organs and adipose tissue. In a word, you are hurting yourself. When it comes to rapeseed oil, it is called the olive of the north.
Fat sea fish - choose as often as possible
All fish containing more than 5% fat is classified as fatty. Its average content is between 8 and 18 percent, but there are also fish that are extremely fatty, such as eel, which has more than 25 percent. fat. Their energy value ranges from 150-250 kcal per 100 g. Fatty sea fish are especially recommended due to the content of omega-3 fatty acids. The most popular species are salmon, sprat, herring, mackerel.
- Salmonis the best source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acidsall types of sea fish (100 g of meat equals 1.8 g of acids, which means that two servings of 100 g per week of salmon cover the needs of people with heart diseases). It is also an ideal source of vitamins A, D, E as well as iodine and selenium. Salmon meat is universally used in the kitchen - it works great as baked, stewed or steamed, and as an addition to various salads and spreads.
- Spratsare small, fatty fish with a slightly lower omega-3 content than salmon. Since they are s altwater, they also contain selenium and iodine. Consumed with bones, they are an excellent source of calcium, the digestibility of which is also increased by the presence of vitamin D.
- Herringis not only a source of omega-3 fatty acids, but also vitamins E and D (they contain 10 times more than milk), B2, B6, selenium and iron. We distinguish among others full-fat, heavily s alted herring, which should be avoided by people with arterial hypertension, and young specimens, the so-called matias that are less s alty and much more delicate in taste. It is worth paying attention to the fresh, uns alted fillets, which can be successfully baked or grilled.
- Mackerelhas dark meat that is rich in vitamin A, which is essential for the skin, and the iron necessary for the production of hemoglobin.
Sea fish - which are better to avoid?
BUTTERFISHis the collective name for several species of oily marine fish. They are rich in oleic acid - a component of waxes indigestible for humans. People who eat this fish regularly may have gastrointestinal problems. Butterfish is not recommended for children, pregnant women and the elderly.SUMcontains large amounts of saturated fatty acids, especially palmitic, and minimal amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. This species may raise the levels of bad cholesterol.
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