Orange is an excellent source of vitamin C, beta-carotene and B vitamins. Oranges should be eaten with membranes separating the fruit particles - they are a good source of fiber and flavonoids enhancing the effect of vitamin C. Orange oil has calming and antidepressant properties.
Orangesare fruits whosepropertieshealing andnutritional values were first appreciated by southern hybrids China, where it comes from. In Europe, its pro-he alth effects have been known only since the 16th century. The sweet and sour fruits are eaten raw, they are squeezed into orange juice or used for preserves. Essential oils are obtained from the peel of fruits, flowers and young shoots.Candied orange peelis used in confectionery and confectionery.
Oranges - properties. What kind of vitamins in oranges?
Orange has a lot of beta-carotene and vitamin C and water. Water perfectly flushes out toxins from the body, and vitamin C is a valued antioxidant that neutralizes aggressive oxygen particles, e.g. due to stress, smoking, alcohol, not getting enough sleep. One orange covers the daily requirement of vitamin C.Red oranges , in addition to beta-carotene, also produce anthocyanins, responsible for the characteristic blood-red color of ripe fruit.
Orangesalso provide a lot ofvitaminsfrom group B (including folic acid) beneficial for the skin and nerves, and valuable potassium, from which depends on the correct blood pressure and heart rate. They contain substances that block the first phase of the formation of cancer cells and compounds with antibacterial properties.
Oranges are rich in dietary fiber, which improves the metabolism. It is worth eatingorangestogether with the films separating the particles and the white part of the peel. There are flavonoids that enhance the effect of vitamin C. This is why vitamin C of natural origin is better absorbed than its synthetic counterpart.
Oranges are a rich source of polyphenolic compounds, both phenolic acids and flavonoids. Oranges contain compounds such as flavanones, hesperidin, naringenin. Total polyphenolic compounds content in orange juiceis 370-7100 mg / l, for comparison - in apple juice 23-250 mg / l. A 250 ml glass of orange juice can provide 100 mg to 1.8 g of total polyphenols.1
Worth knowingOranges - nutritional values ( in 100 g). How many calories do oranges have?
Caloric value - 47 kcal. A medium-sized orange (150 g) is therefore about 70 kcal. Protein - 0.94 g Fats - 0.12 g Carbohydrates - 11.75 g (including simple sugars 9.35 g) Fiber - 2.4 g
Phosphorus - 14 mg Potassium - 181 mg Sodium - 0 mg Calcium - 40 mg Iron - 0.10 mg Magnesium - 10 mg Zinc - 0.07 mg
Vitamin B1 - 0.087 mg Vitamin B2 - 0.040 mg Niacin - 0.282 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.060 mg Folic acid - 30 µg Vitamin E - 0.15 mg Vitamin C - 53.2 mg Vitamin A - 225 IU
100 g of orange juice contains 45 kcal - a glass of juice (250 ml) is around 112 kcal.
100 g of candied orange peel equals 309 kcal.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreOranges and orange juice have anti-cancer properties
Oranges, and more specifically the juice squeezed from them, owes its anti-cancer properties to the content of the already mentioned flavonoids (e.g. hesperidin or naringenin). Drinking orange juice has been shown to reduce the risk of leukemia in children and has a chemopreventive effect on breast, liver and colon cancer. However,orange juicedrunk in too much quantity may be toxic - the results of the analysis of available studies are presented in the magazine "Nutrition and Cancer". May cause hyperkalaemia (high blood potassium levels). Children, people with hypertension, diabetes and impaired kidney function are particularly exposed to the harmful effects of the juice.2
Worth knowingHe althier orange juice or a fresh orange?
Fresh orange fruit contains more ingredients beneficial to he alth, but the human body absorbs them better from the juice, say scientists from the University of Hohenheim (Germany) and the University of King Abdulaziz (Saudi Arabia), who published the results of their research in the Journal ofAgricultural and Food Chemistry ”. According to scientists, pasteurized orange juice contains, admittedly, less beneficial compounds for he alth - it is slightly poorer in carotenoids, flavonoids and vitamin C, but after processing these substances are better absorbed and can be used more effectively by the human body.
The essential oils in oranges have a calming effect
Oranges are also appreciated for their extremely aromatic zest. The essential oils released when peeling these fruits have a relaxing, antidepressant and mood-boosting effect. For this purpose, you can also use ready-made orange oil (available at pharmacies and herbalists) - just pour a few drops of the oil into hot water or a special fireplace for air aromatization.
Orange oilalso haspropertiesantibacterial, so it helps in treating acne and soothes inflammation, but it cannot be used directly on skin - it must be combined with a carrier oil, e.g. jojoba, avocado, peanut oil, or added to the bath.
Oranges and slimming
Oranges have slimming properties. An average orange provides about 70 kcal. Oranges are also rich in fiber, which makes you feel full for a long time. In addition, oranges have alow glycemic index(IG=42), which prevents them from rapidly increasing blood glucose levels, thereby not stimulating a rapid increase in blood insulin.
Oranges and pregnancy
Oranges, like all citrus fruits, can cause allergies, so pregnant women should eat them in small amounts to minimize the risk of its occurrence. Before eating oranges, wash them thoroughly (preferably scrub them with a brush under hot water), as the chemicals they are coated with may be harmful to the baby.
Orange peel for cakes - beware of chemicals!
Fried orange peel is a great addition to cakes - but be careful! Most oranges, like other citrus fruits, are coated with chemical preservatives, so before eating - especially if you use the peel - the fruit should be thoroughly scrubbed with a brush under warm water. For frying the peel oranges from an organic store are better. They are more expensive (about PLN 20 / kg), but they are not sprinkled with preservatives.
Bitter oranges are especially appreciated for their beautiful aromas, used in the production of preserves, essences for flavoring cakes and Curacao liqueur - a popular ingredient in blue-colored drinks.
According to an expertIzaLapwing, nutrition physiologistEating an orange with reflux
I have an inquiry about citrus in the diet of people with acid reflux. Information on the internet is very inconsistent. I have just started de-acidifying my body. Most of the information states that grapefruit, lemon, oranges are alkaline and highly recommended in the diet of "acidified" people. Reflux disease is associated with this condition. You write to avoid citrus juices (of course not sweetened ones) because they cause heartburn - I have doubts about that. Is it really so?
Iza Czajka, nutrition physiologist: Citrus, i.e. oranges, limes, mandarins, lemons and grapefruits, are not recommended for people with acid reflux problems due to the high content of fruit acids, which additionally increases the acidity of digestive juices. In addition, the vitamin C contained in citrus increases the production of gastric juices, making symptoms worse.
This will be useful to youOrange - types
There are 3 types of oranges - sweet orange (also known as Chinese orange), bitter orange, bergamot orange.
How to choose he althy oranges?
Buy fruit that is heavy, nicely colored, with a smooth skin without stains (may indicate carcinogenic mold). Wrinkled, it means the orange has little flesh and is dry. The best ones have the characteristic "navel" (this is the second undeveloped orange) - they are sweet and juicy.
1. Gheribi E., Polyphenols in fruits and vegetables, "Medycyna Rodzinna" 2011, No. 4
2. Anticancer properties of orange juice,