The he alth benefits of cocoa have already been appreciated by the Maya and the Aztecs. A drink made on the basis of cocoa seed powder was called by them the drink of the gods. No wonder cocoa has exceptional nutritional value. First of all, it is a treasure trove of antioxidants that prevent many diseases, as well as substances that calm you down, improve your mood and increase your sex drive. Check what other effects of drinking cocoa and how to make a drink based on it.
Cocoais a powdered cocoa fruit, a tree that grows wild in the equatorial forests of northern South America and Central America. Cocoa has foundapplicationnot only as a raw material for the production of chocolate and the drink of the same name, but also - due tohealing properties- as a therapeutic agent in alternative medicine. No wonder, cocoa beans are abundantnutritional values - they are a source of many vitamins, trace elements and he althy fats.
Most importantly, however, cocoa and other cocoa-derived products are a treasure trove of antioxidants, mainly polyphenols. It has been shown thatcocoa beans- but onlyraw- beans have 15 times more antioxidant content than blueberries, 20 times more than red wine and 30 times more than green tea.
All because raw cocoa beans are neither roasted nor roasted, but only fermented and dried. The beans intended for the production of traditional cocoa are subjected to high temperatures, which retain less nutritional value than the raw cocoa. However, despite this, they still exhibit many he alth properties, which have been scientifically proven.
Cocoa can extend life?
Researchers from Harvard Medical School, led by Professor Norman Hollenberg, analyzed the diet of the Kuna tribe from Panama and found that its members who consume 40 cups of cocoa a week rarely get sick, live longer than other people in Panama, and do not suffer from dementia.
According to experts, the secret to cocoa's he alth benefits is a flavonoid called epicatechin, which is also found in tea and wine. They also play a large role in the longevity of the Kuna tribegenetic and environmental factors, but scientists are sure that cocoa, which is the only drink consumed by this community, holds the secret of its remarkable resistance to four of the five most common diseases of Western civilization - stroke, heart disease, cancer and diabetes this people less than once in 10 people.
Worth knowingNutritional value of cocoa (in 100 g / one tablespoon - 5.4 g)Energy value - 228/12 kcal Total protein - 19.60 / 1.06 g Fat - 13.70 / 0.74 g Carbohydrates - 57.90 g / 3.13 (including simple sugars 1.75 / 0.09) Fiber - 37.0 / 2.0 gVitaminsThiamine - 0.078 / 0.004 mg Riboflavin - 0.241 / 0.013 mg Niacin - 2.185 / 0.118 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.118 / 0.006 mg Folic acid - 32/2 µg Vitamin K - 2.5 / 0.1 µg Vitamin E - 0.10 / 0.01 mgMineralsCalcium - 128/7 mg Iron - 13.86 / 0.75 mg Magnesium - 499/27 mg Phosphorus - 734 / 40 mg Potassium - 1524/82 mg Sodium - 21/1 mg Zinc - 6.81 / 0.37 mg
Fatty acids
saturated - 8.070 / 0.436 g monounsaturated - 4.570 / 0.247 g polyunsaturated - 0.440 / 0.024 g
230/12 mg
Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Cocoa improves memory
Cocoa inhibits the deterioration of memory in the elderly, which is associated with changes in the area of the brain called the dentate gyrus, argue scientists from Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) in the journal "Nature Neuroscience". All thanks to the flavonols (antioxidants) they contain. 37 he althy people aged 50 to 69 participated in their study.
Cocoa, despite its numerous he alth properties, is a strong allergen.
Half of them were on a diet containing high levels of flavonols (900 mg per day) for 3 months and half on a diet containing low levels of flavonols (10 mg per day). After this time, an improvement in the function of the dentate gyrus was observed in the group consuming cocoa-derived flavonols, as well as better results during tests.
- Participants, whose memory at the beginning of the study was typical for 60-year-olds, dropped out on tests after three months as 30- or 40-year-olds - says the author of the study, Dr. Adam M. Brickman, adding that these results should still be to be confirmed during tests on a larger group of people .¹
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreCocoa can prevent cardiovascular disease
Cocoa is a source of antioxidant compounds (including flavanols and procyanidins), which have a beneficial effect on the proper functioning of the circulatory system. These compounds relax blood vessels, facilitate blood flow, neutralize the effect of the so-called. bad cholesterol and prevent the formation of blood clots blocking the vessels.
Cocoa should be avoided by people struggling with heartburn. If used in excessive amounts, it can cause constipation.
Studies show that eating a diet rich in plant products with a high content of natural antioxidants reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, ischemia of other organs and hypertension.
100 g of cocoa contains 1400 mg of flavanols and procyanidins, 170 mg of dark chocolate based on them, 70 mg of milk chocolate .³ It is assumed that a small dose of chocolate can significantly increase the antioxidant effect and induce beneficial he alth effect.
How is cocoa made?Cocoa (also known as cocoa powder or cocoa cake) is obtained by grinding the semi-finished product - cocoa cake. For this purpose, cocoa beans are fermented, washed, and then roasted, during which the husk falls off, leaving only the inside of the seed, which is ground.
The end result is cocoa liquor, which, after removing some of the fat, produces a cocoa cake. There is full-fat cocoa available on the market, containing over 20%. fat, fatty, in which fat is 15-20%, and cocoa, the so-called low-fat.
Cocoa relieves stress
Cocoa, despite the content of stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine, relieves stress. The relaxing effect is attributed to the presence of valeric acid, which has a sedative effect. In addition, cocoa is a treasury of magnesium (499 mg / 100 g), which calms down in stressful situations and relieves depressive moods.
Dark chocolate (100 g) has about 52 to 62 mg of caffeine, and milk - about 16 to 20 mg.
Cocoa improves your mood
Cocoa is a source of tryptophan, which is used by the brain to produce a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which gives you peace and happiness and is often referred to as "chocolate ecstasy". In turn, another component of cocoa - phenylethylamine - gained the nickname "chocolate amphetamine", because the high level of thisthe substance creates a feeling of excitement.

Cocoa prevents kidney stones
Cocoa can prevent kidney stones. Theobromine found in cocoa beans prevents the formation of deposits in the kidneys and urinary tract, scientists say.
Theobromine is found to be helpful in treating cough and asthma, as well as in lowering blood pressure.
According to Felix Graces from the University of the Balearic Islands in Majorca, where the study was conducted, a daily consumption of 20 grams of chocolate is effective in counteracting the appearance of kidney stones². The scientist admits, however, that such a "diet" would be extremely harmful, for example, for people who are overweight or diabetic. Researchers do not exclude that the discovery of the new property of theobromine may also be helpful in the treatment of nephrolithiasis in the future.
Is milk chocolate less he althy than dark chocolate? This question is answered by Dr. Ania [TOWIDEO]
Cough cocoa
Theobromine found in cocoa is almost three times more effective in treating persistent cough than codeine, currently considered the best antitussive drug. Theobromine in cocoa can block the action of the sensory nerves, which in turn stops the cough reflex, according to a study by the National Heart and Lung Institute.
Cocoa is an aphrodisiac
A drink made from cocoa seeds was considered a powerful aphrodisiac. It owes its love power to theobromine, which is similar to caffeine. It increases the secretion of neurotransmitters - serotonin, adrenaline and noradrenaline - and thus removes fatigue and improves mood.
What nutrients does cocoa contain?
Source: x-news / TVN Style
Cocoa - use in the kitchen
Cocoa is not only cocoa powder, but also a drink made of cocoa powder made with water or milk. The first to develop the cult of drinking cocoa were the Maya. This ritual was taken over from the Maya by the Aztecs, for whom the custom of consuming chocolatl became a part of religious rituals and holidays.
Cocoa glycemic index (GI) is low at 20.
Cocoa beans are also used to make chocolate. It is a mixture of cocoa and cocoa butter, which is a natural fat obtained in the process of heating, crushing and filtering cocoa beans. The more cocoa in a chocolate recipe, the more valuable minerals. One or a maximum of three cubes of dark chocolate will provide the he althful ingredients contained in cocoa.
Cocoa is also a base for baking babas, cakes, cookies, gingerbread andother cocoa desserts. However, cocoa can be used to make not only sweets, but also e.g. pasta.
Recipe for cocoa noodles
This will be useful to youHow to make drinking cocoa with milk or water? Recipe
Prepare 1 cup of milk, a flat teaspoon of cocoa, and honey. Boil the milk. Then mix the cocoa in a glass with sugar and a small amount of milk. When a smooth mass is formed, pour in the remaining amount of milk and mix. You can add honey to the sweetening. Aromatic additions to cocoa will be cinnamon and vanilla.
Cocoa can be made with traditional milk, as well as soy, coconut, rice or almond milk, or on water. Then they are prepared in the same way as with milk.
Cocoa - use in cosmetics
Cocoa contains the vitamin of youth, i.e. vitamin E. It also provides flavonoids that delay the aging process and neutralize the effects of free radicals. It also has a strong firming and slimming effect, cleans the skin of toxins, which is due to the significant amount of caffeine. Therefore, cocoa is also used in cosmetics. It is an ingredient of many creams and lotions intended for, among others, for aging skin or for fighting cellulite.