Deadlift affects the muscles of almost the entire body, especially the thighs, buttocks and muscles that stabilize the spine. But versatility is not the only benefit of the deadlift - this exercise also develops functional strength and helps you burn fat. Find out what other benefits of deadlifts, learn the technique of this exercise and its variants, incl. Romanian deadlift, sumo, with dumbbells or on one leg.
Deadliftis one of the most important strength exercises. It is also one of the competitions in powerlifting. For this reason, it is worth including it in your training plan.
The main benefit of a deadlift is that it forces the muscles of almost your entire body to work. Thanks to this, it has a great influence on the figure. However, if performed incorrectly, it can be harmful, so it is important to follow the correct technique.
- Deadlift - what is it?
- Deadlift - technique
- Deadlift - what muscles does it affect?
- Deadlift tips for beginners
- Deadlift - variants
- Romanian dead string
- Sumo Deadlift
- Dumbbell deadlift
- Deadlift on one leg
- Deadlift - benefits and effects of exercise
Deadlift - what is it?
Deadlift consists in safely lifting from the ground a large load placed, for example, on a bar. The exercise is very functional, because in everyday life we often have to carry heavy objects.
The correct exercise technique is not complicated and everyone should master it within a few hours maximum. However, details are important that will determine the safety and effectiveness of the exercise.
Deadlift - technique
The exercise technique is as follows:
- Place your feet under the barbell so that it lightly touches your shins. We stand shoulder-width apart or wider, depending on the version of the exercise we want to perform. We have a classic deadlift with a natural leg spacing and a so-called sumo, in which we stand wide.
- Then we go down by slightly bending the knee and exiting the pelvis downwards. This movement takes place primarily in the pondhip. To make room for the pelvis, rotate your knees outwards in the process.
- We grab the barbell with an overgrip or a mixed grip shoulder-width apart or a bit wider in the classic version. Shoulder width or a bit narrower in the sumo version. The head is an extension of the spine throughout the movement. This means that we are not lifting it up.
- Now we have to straighten our back as much as possible and tense our back muscles. It is also worth removing the shoulder blades and making a movement with the hands as if we wanted to break the barbell in half. This will allow you to achieve the desired body posture.
- Then we need to take the so-called slack from under the barbell, i.e. we shift the weight of the body a bit down and lift the hips a bit so that you can feel the muscle tension, but without lifting the bar off the ground yet. The knees should not go forward, and the upward movement is made by straightening at the hip. We lead the barbell next to the shinbones. Our task is to fully straighten the body, i.e. to raise the weight to the maximum, with the hands held along the body.
- Going down we reverse all traffic. We start by pushing the hips backwards and then slightly tucking the knees outwards to make room for the pelvis. We also carry the barbell next to the legs. Only after putting it on the floor we can relax the muscles.
Watch the video for a valid deadlift
Deadlift - what muscles does it affect?
During the deadlift, we affect the entireback tape . This means that the biceps muscles of the thighs, buttocks and the extensors of the back work. In addition, the core, i.e. the stabilizing muscles, is subjected to a very high load. Many deadlifters do not use abdominal exercises because they are already working while doing sit-ups. The large proportion ofarm muscles , which must support the weight during the deadlift, should also not be forgotten.
Therefore, practically the whole body works during the strings - both the legs and the upper body. Thanks to the correct movement pattern, we are forced to tense all muscles.
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ImportantDeadlift tips for beginners
- Beginners should focus primarily ondeveloping the correct movement pattern . For this, they can start training with a lightwith a ball weight. For men, this may be 20 kilograms or more. The weight allows you to easily set the starting position, which should be close to perfect. Also guiding the weight while moving is easier and more comfortable than barbells.
- The elements that are worth paying attention to (and preferably someone more experienced should do it) are, apart from the starting position,positioning the back during the movementand whether it is not on the way down we go out with our knees and we do not go down on our legs. It should be noted here that deadlift occurs only when the movement takes place in the pelvis, by pushing the hips backwards. When we go down by bending the legs at the knee joint, it is already a squat.
- The last important tip isnot to turn your head to the sideto look in the mirror. The entire spine, including the cervical section, is to be in a straight line. And you shouldn't overdo the load. It should be gradually increased while maintaining the most correct technique of movement.
Deadlift - variants
There are many variants of the deadlift. Each of them is performed slightly differently, thanks to which we engage slightly different muscle groups. The basic (classic) version is described in the first paragraph. This is the most popular form of deadlift found in gyms and competitions. It is also an exercise willingly used in bodybuilding, due to its advantages in building a figure.
- Romanian dead string
Romanian deadlift is performed on the so-called straight legs. This means that the only time your knees are bent is due to your hips being pushed backwards. Such a procedure allows the muscles of the posterior thigh group to work to a greater extent, which allows for their stronger involvement. This version of the deadlift is very popular with women because it gives good results with relatively lower loads than the classic version.
- Deadlift Sumo
The sumo version allows you to lift more weights than the classic. It engages the buttocks much more than the back extensors. The distance between the legs in this version is much wider, and the grip is narrower. As a result, the distance that we have to overcome during the movement is shortened. Thanks to this, you can lift more. This version will be more willingly used by women to improve the appearance of their buttocks, but also by powerlifters when building their strength.
- Dumbbell deadlift
Dumbbell deadlift can be performed in any of the above versions. Most often, however, they are used inRomanian version. A big advantage of exercising with dumbbells is the need to better stabilize the body and maintain balance. The muscles work independently of each other, which is difficult for many people. However, the grip in each hand is strengthened. The blade stabilizers are also more effective.
- Deadlift on one leg (one leg)
The one-leg version of the deadlift is most often performed with dumbbells because they are easier to pull against the body than a barbell. This variant of the exercise aims to work primarily on the stabilization and elimination of weak links in the kinetic chain. It is worth doing it especially as a supplement to proper training. The point of support only on one leg allows you to increase the balance and forces the stabilizers to be very strongly engaged. It is important to maintain proper body position and not to twist by lowering one shoulder down. It is good to perform the exercise under the supervision of an experienced person.
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Deadlift - benefits and effects of exercise
Deadlifts are the king of all exercises because they involve practically the entire body in work. For this reason, it is recommended to every he althy person. It uses the natural pattern of movement for our body that we use every day. Learning the string technique often forces you to work on mobility, which translates into an increase in the efficiency of the body. Exercise is also great for building overall strength. Due to how much muscles are involved and the difficulty of doing it, deadlifts really contribute to helping you burn fat.
As we can conclude from the reading so far, deadlift has become the king of all exercises for a reason. The energy expenditure during exercise is so large that it allows you to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, and the fact of engaging the whole body helps build muscle mass. There are no training plans for strength and mass without taking into account the strings. Let this fact make you realize how important this exercise is. It is also an excellent exercise to overcome training stagnation. Thanks to simple changes in its performance, you can give your muscles a completely new stimulus for development.
To sum up, in order to have a strong core and powerful legs and back, you should perform deadlifts. Preferably in different variants. A plan without a thrust is simply a less effective plan.
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