Exercise balls are devices recommended by trainers and physiotherapists for general development training and rehabilitation. They are perfect for independent exercises at home: they are easy to use, cheap, do not burden the spine and can be trained by anyone, regardless of age or fitness level. See the advantages of different types of balls, incl. fit ball, medical, tennis, bosu and try some examples of exercises.

Exercise ballsare available in many sizes and types: from feather-light ping-pong balls to heavy medicine balls weighing several kilograms. Some, apart from the basic application in team games (e.g. a tennis ball), can be used for general development exercises, rehabilitation and for self-massage. The main task of such balls is to relax or strengthen selected muscle groups. They work best in deep and paraspinal muscles training.

Check what advantages each type of ball has and what exercises they can be used for.

Fit ball

Fit ball is the most popular type of ball used in fitness and rehabilitation exercises. Its classic version is between 56 and 75 cm in diameter and is made of flexible PVC rubber. Fit ball has a wide range of applications: it can be used to strengthen muscles, relax them, massage them, correct posture defects, and treat back pain and articular pain. It is perfect for training deep muscles, i.e. those responsible for correct posture.

From time to time, it is worth including exercises with a gym ball in your training plan - performing even simple exercises, such as crunches or squats with the ball, relieves the spine and involves the stabilizing muscles to a greater extent.

Medicine ball

Most people remember exercises with a medicine ball only from school and do not return to them in their adult life. This is a big mistake, because training with this device can be more versatile and effective than exercises with expensive equipment. Because the ball is round and has no stabilized center of gravity, the muscles have to do a lot more work to hold it. In addition, the abdomen, buttocks and back must be constantly tense so that the silhouette does not developwavered. All this makes exercises with a medicine ball one of the most effective and he althiest for the spine.

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Exercise with medicine ball: twists of the torso with carrying the ball

Sit on the floor with straight legs. Place the ball on the right side of your body next to your hips. Tilt your torso back slightly and contract your abs. Bend your knees to an obtuse angle and lift your feet a few centimeters off the ground. Twisting the whole torso, grasp the ball with both hands and move it to the left side - exhale at the same time. Putting the instrument down, inhale and on the next exhalation, bring the medicine ball to the right side. Make 10 such turns in 2 series.

Tennis ball

A tennis ball, contrary to its name, can be used not only for playing tennis. Its other use is a rehabilitation massage that can be performed independently. The purpose of this massage is to remove tension from a given area of ​​the body by moving the ball along the selected muscle. Under pressure, the muscles relax and stretch, which eliminates the pain symptoms. Massage with a tennis ball works well in the case of chronic foot pains in runners. They are particularly prone to problems with the so-called plantar fascia. It is a long strip of connective tissue that runs under the sole of the feet, from the heels to the toes. It is damaged as a result of excessive calf muscle tension or impaired foot shock-absorbing functions. Plantar fascia massage involves placing one foot on a tennis ball and moving it from heel to toe and back. It is important to press your foot against the ball quite hard. After two minutes, we change the leg.

This massage can also be performed by people who often complain of soreness and fatigue in their legs. Then we do not stand on the ball, but put it under the foot, for example, while sitting on a sofa or at a desk. The pressure on the muscle is then less, but the massage has better relaxing properties.

Pilates ball (soft ball)

The pilates ball is approx. 25 cm in diameter and made of PVC rubber. It is used mainly for spine stabilizing and relaxing exercises. You can put it under a selected area of ​​the body, for example the leg, pelvis, thoracic spine, and thus relax or strengthen the contracted muscles.

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Strengthening exercise with a pilates ball: hip twists on a ball

Lie on your back, bend your legs and lift them up. Place a small pilates ball under your tailbone. Stretch your arms along the body. Make hip turns to the right and left, resting your loins on the ball. Remember about a tense stomach and proper breathing.

Relaxing exercise with a Pilates ball: relaxation of the iliopsoas

Lie on your back and place the ball under your buttocks. Stretch your arms above your head, straighten your legs. Relax, calm your breath. Stay in this position for about 2 minutes.


Bosu is a double-sided exercise device resembling a ball cut in half. One side is flat, the other is dome-shaped. The barefoot training is all about balancing your whole body to maintain balance in the convex hemisphere. This type of effort helps to stabilize the figure and strengthen the deep muscles. Various types of training can be performed on barefoot - circuit, functional, interval training. You can also use the device to diversify traditional exercises, e.g. squats, crunches, lunges - thanks to this we will engage more muscles to work.

Ping-pong ball

The smallest and lightest exercise ball, the ping-pong ball, also has some unconventional uses. It works well in corrective exercises activating the abdominal and paraspinal muscles. They consist in precisely moving the ball along a specific track or holding it up with the feet. This type of exercise, in addition to having a positive effect on the stabilization of the figure, improves coordination and balance.

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Ping-pong ball exercise: candle

Place the ball between your feet and lie on your back. Stretch your arms along the body. Slowly lift your legs and hips up - in the final phase of the exercise they should be at right angles to the ground. Keep your feet firmly on the ball all the time so that it does not fall off. Hold this position for several seconds, then calmly lower your hips first, then your legs down.

Exercise with a ping-pong ball: exercise for the back muscles

Lie down on your stomach. Lift your head and shoulders a few centimeters off the ground. Put the ball in front of you, stretch your arms forward and bend your elbows. Roll the ball with your hands from right to left and back again making sure it does not run away. Don't lean on your hands. Do the exercise for 20-30 seconds.
