Thera-Band tapes are equipment designed to increase mobility, i.e. strength, endurance and mobility of our body. Thera-Band were originally created for rehabilitation and physiotherapy purposes to restore patients to he alth. Currently, people without physical injuries also perform exercises with Thera-Band in order to prevent injuries, overloads and muscle weakness. Thera-Band, depending on the color of the tape, has different strength and extensibility, which allows you to choose the tape appropriately for your needs and goals. Check what the Thera-Band tapes are characterized by, learn how to use them and learn the most effective exercises with their help.

Thera-Band tapes were developed in the United States in Akron and entered service in 1978. They are used primarily for exercises that mobilize the joints, restore muscle strength and increase the range of mobility. Hence the use of Thera-Band mainly in physiotherapy and rehabilitation. However, exercises with Thera-Band can also be used by he althy people who want to prevent injuries and pain in joints and muscles. Thera-Band tapes have been designed so that their colors suggest the strength and extensibility of the tape. Thanks to this, it is easy to adjust them to your needs.

It is worth knowing that in 1999 Thera-Band Academy was founded, an organization that deals with training, training and scientific research on Thera-Band tapes. The organization is working on improving these innovative tapes, modern training programs and increasing the use of training equipment with Thera-Band. For these purposes, it cooperates with specialists and professionals in the field of sports and medicine from around the world.


  1. What are Thera-Band tapes?
  2. Colors of Thera-Band tapes
  3. Exercises with Thera-Band tapes
  4. Sample exercises with Thera-Band tapes
  5. Effects of exercises with Thera-Band tapes

What are Thera-Band tapes?

Thera-Band tapes are rubbers made of a special latex material that is thin, stretchy and very durable at the same time. Thera-Band resembles a slightly stretched, uninflated balloon. Thanks to the delicate latex material, we can successfully use tapesdirectly on the skin, without fear of irritation and excessive pressure on the soft tissues. Special latex-free Thera-Band hypoallergenic tapes are recommended for people who are allergic to latex.

Thera-Band are widely used in therapies, rehabilitation, physiotherapy and fitness classes. The tapes are most often held with your hands and attached to the feet or other parts of the body, e.g. back or thighs.

However, training with Thera-Band has so many different uses and variants of exercises that sometimes our own body may not be enough. For this purpose, there are accessories on the market for training with Thera-Band, such as strap handles, door handles, plastic handles, sports handles and Velcro cuffs. These accessories allow you to increase the use of tapes and diversify your training.

Colors of Thera-Band tapes

The colors of Thera-Band tapes suggest their maximum stretching and resistance. There are seven colors available on the market: yellow, red, green, blue, black, silver and gold.

The resistance of the belt increases depending on the percentage of increase in its length. The percentages here are broken down into values: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, 200%, 225%, 250%. Appropriate load given by the belt in a given stretch is assigned to the above measures. Thera-Band tapes can have a minimum strength of 0.5 kg to a maximum of 18.2 kg, but the capabilities of a given tape depend on its color.

For example: if we choose a green tape and stretch it to 50%, it will have a drag force of 1.5 kg, and if we choose a blue tape and stretch it to 200%, it will have a resistance of 5 kg.

The strength and capabilities of Thera-Band tapes are divided into the following colors, starting with the weakest: yellow tape, red tape, green tape, blue tape, black tape, silver tape, gold tape.

In order to choose the right color of Thera-Band tapes, you need to pay attention to the individual and current state of strength and he alth of our body. The tape should be selected so as to perform fifteen repetitions of the exercise with it without much problem. The tape should not be stretched more than three meters.

Women choose red tape the most, while men choose green and blue. On the other hand, for the elderly, the yellow tape is recommended, and for the professional athletes, the silver and gold tape.

Exercises with Thera-Band tapes

Depending on the specific exercise with the Thera-Band, we will have to properly attach the tape to the hand, foot or other part of the body.

Hand Mount: Grips too widetape and wrap it around the axis of the hand, in its center and hold it with your thumb. It's a bit like wrapping your hand in a bandage when you cut yourself. Such fastening prevents the tape from slipping out of the hand and the hand ischemic.

Fixing on the foot: We stand on one end of the tape, and grab the other with the hand or make a loop on one foot, with the other foot stand on the next part of the tape and grab its end.

Before you start practicing with Thera-Band tapes, you should follow a few important rules:

  1. Remember to move slowly and accurately, and repeat each repetition at a steady pace.
  2. Try to follow the correct path during each exercise. This will prevent injuries and overloading the joint.
  3. If you feel any significant pain while doing any exercise, stop immediately and do another exercise.

Sample exercises with Thera-Band tapes

  1. Stand on the webbing with one leg slightly bent at the knee and grasp the ends of the webbing. Bend your arms at the elbows and raise your arm up, trying to straighten it. Remember to keep the front leg under tension. Do this exercise for both legs of 15 repetitions.
  2. Stand with both feet on the tape and grab the ends. Then cross the tape and bend your arms at your elbows. Raise your arms by straightening them up and to the sides. Do 15 repetitions.
  3. Stand with both feet on the tape and grab the ends. Then lean back to the left as you stretch your left arm up, tearing your right leg off and straightening it. Do the same to the other side with 15 repetitions for each one.
  4. Lie down on the mat with your knees bent. Place the tape around your neck and hook it over your feet. Then lift your legs upwards bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and put your arms behind your head. Do crunches by gently tearing the shoulder blades off the ground. Do this exercise in 20 repetitions.
  5. Assume a propped kneeling position. Take both ends of the strap and put it on your foot. Then slowly straighten your leg backwards. Do 15 repetitions in this position.
  6. Place the tape over your knees so that you stand with it hip-width apart. Then do a gentle squat, bending your legs up to a maximum of 90 degrees. Repeat 15 times.

Effects of exercises with Thera-Band tapes

The effects of exercises that can be obtained with Thera-Band tapes are invaluable! These unique tapes are he althy for joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons of the whole body. Depending on the muscle part and joints that we train, we can observe satisfactory results in a short time. To the most importantThe effects of exercises with Thera-Band tapes include:

  • better body stabilization
  • greater sense of balance
  • stronger deep muscles
  • increased range of joint mobility
  • greater body flexibility
  • increase in muscle strength and endurance
  • body modeling
  • body posture improvement
  • greater joint mobility
  • weight reduction
