How to arrange a home gym for little money? See examples of home gym training equipment sets that you can buy for PLN 200, 500 and 1000.

When organizing a mini gym at home, you do not need to have a special room intended only for exercise. You can exercise in the living room or in the larger bedroom. In this case, it is important that the equipment does not take up much space and can be quickly hidden.

Home gym for PLN 200

To arrange a home gym with a budget of up to PLN 200, choose small, multifunctional equipment, e.g. dumbbells, a mat that facilitates warming up and stretching exercises, pull-up bars, twisters and jump ropes.

By using only these basic exercise accessories in a fairly short time, you can significantly improve your fitness and lose weight.

1. Home gym equipment: dumbbells

Dumbbells are the basic training equipment. Due to the possibility of versatile use, they should be found in every home gym. Dumbbells are used for regular strength exercises for the biceps, triceps, trapezius and chest muscles. Weights are also used for general upper body strengthening exercises. Their advantage is that they take up very little space.

Check how to adjust the dumbbell weight to your body weight and fitness level

2. Home Gym Equipment: Exercise Mat

Exercise mat - it will be useful for stretching exercises, pilates, crunches, yoga, plank and exercises for the spine. It is the basic exercise equipment that protects against chafing and prevents uncontrolled slipping. So it's worth buying a mat with a non-slip surface that does not absorb moisture. A good mat, resistant to stresses and abrasions, will be usable even for several years.

Check what to look for when buying an exercise mat

3. Home gym equipment: twister

Twister is an extremely easy to use, lightweight and small training device. Systematic 10-15 minute twister workouts will improve the condition and exercise the oblique abdominal muscles and get rid of unnecessary centimeters from the waist area. The added benefit of the twister is that it is light and nottakes up a lot of space.

During exercise, rotate only your lower body (twist your hips and legs), keeping your torso, arms, and head still.

When buying a twister, pay attention to two important elements: whether it has bulges on the surface (massaging the feet) and lines (thanks to which you can additionally exercise the arm muscles).

Home gym for PLN 500

With the amount of PLN 500, we can invest in universal devices such as, for example, an exercise bike, dumbbells to change the load and a timeless skipping rope.

1 Home gym equipment: skipping rope

The skipping rope is a symbol of childhood worth remembering. This inexpensive gymnastic tool will help you stay fit and fit. By jumping rope you engage all your muscles to work: arms, shoulders, forearms, buttocks, calves, thighs, abdomen, back and chest, and blood and lymph begin to circulate faster. It is worth knowing that five minutes of jumping rope is as effective in toning the legs as running about 800 meters!

When buying a rope, pay attention to its length (you will have trouble jumping if it is too short or too long) and the material from which it is made (it should be durable and easy to untangle). If you want to put more emphasis on strengthening your arms, take a look at the rope with additional weight.

2. Home gym equipment: load-adjustable dumbbell

Dumbbell set (set). When buying more expensive dumbbells, you can change the load depending on the level of training and the type of exercise. This means that once purchased dumbbells will be used by several people with different muscle mass.

When exercising with dumbbells, remember not to block your knees and elbows while extending, and take your breath when lifting the dumbbells up.

Watch: Video training for sexy buttocks with dumbbells

3. Home gym equipment: exercise bike

A stationary bike is one of the safer training equipment, because riding it does not burden the joints. It is perfect for aerobic exercise, as it allows you to accurately maintain both your cycling pace and heart rate. When choosing an exercise bike, pay attention to the resistance adjustment scale, which will allow you to train more effectively.

Home gym for PLN 1000

With a slightly larger budget, we can invest in more expensive equipment, such as an elliptical cross trainer, a stepper and a Bosu. In order to increase the multi-functionality of the set, we can supplement it with a cheaper element - for example a gymnastic ball.

1. Equipment for the home gym: elliptical cross trainer

The elliptical cross trainer is a combination of an exercise bike and a stepper. The movements performed on the elliptical cross trainer resemble a combination of running, skiing and cycling, as well as hiking in the mountains. Exercises allow not only to develop individual muscle groups, but also to improve physical condition.

The elliptical cross trainer is a classic device for cardio training. Use good equipment with pace and load regulation to carry out the entire training: warm-up, proper training and relaxing exercises at the end.

2. Home Gym Equipment: Bosu

Bosu - a very simple and multifunctional exercise device. It is half a ball of thick rubber, mounted on a hard plastic base. On Bosu, the most important exercises are balance and balance, but the main advantage of the device is the involvement of additional muscles, which have to tense more due to the unstable floor for exercises.

3. Home gym equipment: gym ball

Gymnastic ball (fitball, fitness ball, rehabilitation ball) was initially used by physiotherapists for exercises to relieve the spine, general muscle strengthening and improvement of motor coordination. Exercises turned out to be not only effective, but also pleasant, which is why many fitness clubs have introduced fitball into their offer.

Exercises with the use of a gymnastic ball are a perfect alternative for people who want to work on their figure at home while having a great time.

Watch: Video training at home with a gym ball
