Transplant, or transplantation, is a method of saving the life of a sick person who needs he althy cells, tissues or an organ. These can be own cells or tissues (e.g. skin, hair - the so-called autograft), coming from another person (e.g. kidneys, liver, heart - allograft), or even from a different species (xenograft). Find out what the specific types of transplant are.

Transplant , otherwisetransplantation,(Latintransplantare , i.e. vaccinate andplantare- to plant) consists in taking cells, tissues (skin, cornea, bones), organs in whole or in part (e.g. heart, kidney or liver) and transplanting them into the body of the sick person.

The first transplant was done in 1823 and it was a skin graft on the same person. In 1906, the first cornea transplant was performed in the Czech Republic. However, the first organ transplant in the world (it was a kidney) was performed in 1954, and in 1967 the first successful liver and heart transplant was performed.

In Poland in 1965, the first attempt to transplant a kidney taken from a corpse was made, but the first successful transplant of this organ took place a year later at the 1st Surgery Clinic of the Medical Academy in Warsaw. The first attempt at heart transplantation in Poland took place in 1969. the team of Jan Moll, Antoni Dziatkowiak and Kazimierz Rybiński in Łódź. Then, in 1985, Zbigniew Religa performed the first successful heart transplant in Poland. Five years later, the first successful liver transplant for a child took place and for an adult in 1994.

Transplants - types of transplants

  • Autograft(autologous transplant, autograft, autotransplantation) is a transplant of your own cells or tissues, e.g. skin transplant (this is a common method of treating large scars), stem cells (used in the treatment of e.g. acute myeloid leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, Hodgkin's lymphoma), tendons (used in arthroscopic reconstruction of the cruciate ligaments of the knee joint) or hair transplant (involves taking a fragment of the hairy skin from the back area of ​​the head and transplanting individual follicular assemblies from there in bald areas).

It is the safest type of transplant, guaranteeing 100% acceptance of cells or tissues in the patient's body (thanks to the compatible antigenic system)

The kidneys are the most frequently transplanted organs. The liver and the heart are in the next places

  • Allograft- transplant cells, tissues or organs taken from another person that is compatible with the patient in terms of antigens (e.g. kidney, liver, heart transplant). However, after such a transplant, one should take immunosuppressive drugs. There may also be complications related to the immune system - e.g.graft versus host disease .

Cells, tissues and organs are most often obtained from a deceased donor. However, before that, brain death must be confirmed to be able to collect an organ for transplantation (unless she objected to the donation of tissues and organs for transplantation during her lifetime).

Some tissues and organs may come from a living donor, provided that the donor agrees, and his life and he alth are not at risk.

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Cells or tissues can be stored in a tissue and cell bank. This happens, for example, with high-dose chemotherapy. Stem cells are collected from a patient in remission or from a foreign donor and will be stored until the patient is ready for transplant after the completion of high-dose chemotherapy that will destroy the cancer cells.

This will be useful to you

A declaration of intent is a document that informs about the permission to donate organs in the event of death for the purpose of saving other people's lives. It is best to carry this declaration with you at all times. The declaration of will is for information purposes only and does not need to be reported or registered anywhere.

If someone does not consent to the donation of organs after death, they should submit their objection to the Central Register of Objections on the form, which can be obtained from any He althcare Institutions or downloaded from the website of "Poltransplantu" ( pl). Also legally valid is a personally signed statement of objection or an oral statement carried in the presence of two witnesses.

  • Isogenic(syngeneic) - donor and recipient are genetically identical (they are homozygous twins).
  • Xenograft(xenotransplation) - cells, tissues or organs are transplanted between individuals of differentspecies. Such transplants can be performed in the near future, argue the scientists. Potentially, the best donor seems to be a pig (it has hearts similar to humans, and pig DNA is 94% compatible with human DNA).

One pig, from which organs can be attached for attachment, has already been genetically modified (it carries the human genome in it) so that the organs transplanted from it are "invisible" to the human immune system and are not rejected. They did it, among others researchers at the Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of Maryland in the United States. In their experiment, a monkey (monkeys have genetic material more similar to humans, because it is 98% analogous to human) survived for over a year with a pig heart transplanted.

Scientists from the Experimental Department of the National Research Institute of Animal Production in Żerniki Wielkie are also working on such a genetically modified pig. They argue that the heart, kidneys, liver or pancreas of the animal can be used for transplantation.
