Ballerina tea is a drink that is supposed to accelerate the moment of achieving weight loss through a laxative effect. All thanks to its ingredients, which accelerate the work of the intestines. However, losing weight with these types of teas is not always good for your he alth. See why.
Ballerina's teais a slimming brew. The main ingredients of ballerina tea are senna and mallow, which affect the faster functioning of the intestines. As a result, the tea has a laxative effect on the body, causing weight loss. What is the he alth impact of using ballerina tea?
Ballerina tea - composition and action
Ballerina tea is an infusion based on the laxative effects of senna and mallow. These two plants very strongly trigger intestinal peristalsis, therefore frequent bowel movements occur, which cause an additional, but apparent weight loss, e.g. by half a kilogram.
In addition, they promote water loss, which again gives the apparent effect that after drinking tea we lose unnecessary kilograms and fat. Nothing could be more wrong.
With dehydration, we can lose up to 2 kilograms, which has nothing to do with the actual weight loss. This is a temporary effect. After stopping the ballerina's tea drinking and proper hydration, we regain our former weight.
What are the dangers of drinking a ballerina's tea?
Drinking ballerina tea, which has a strong laxative effect, is primarily a risk of dehydration. If we drink it regularly, we may lose too much electrolytes (e.g. sodium, potassium), weaken and faint.
In addition, senna, the main ingredient of tea, when used in large amounts or continuously, may damage the intestinal membrane, and in people who have intestinal inflammation or other diseases of the lower digestive system, it may aggravate existing ailments .
Why is losing weight with laxative teas a bad idea?
Trying to lose weight with a laxative tea is not the solution to overweight or obesity. We have been working on our excess kilos for several years.
Reaching for a laxative tea oftenwe hope that in a few weeks or even days, the magic tea will remove unnecessary fatty tissue from us. However, this will not happen, and the lack of the expected effect will lead to frustration and may cause the problem to be eaten again.
Reaching for slimming teas is an attempt to adapt to social requirements to be always beautiful, slim, just like a ballerina. Only no one asks himself how the ballerinas really eat, what their diet is based on, how much they must deny themselves food so that they can be flaccid in dance and easy to lift by dance partners.
If someone is striving for the figure of a ballerina, he should consider why he needs such a slim body, whether after achieving it something will actually change in his life and whether a slender figure equates to achieving a feeling of happiness.
What to do to lose weight he althily?
If we want to lose weight, we should take into account that in order to lose 1 kg, we need to achieve a deficit of 7000 kcal. It is possible as soon as possible in a week, but it is recommended to reserve 2 weeks for it to achieve a he althy and lasting weight loss effect. It is not an art to lose weight. The trick is to keep your weight and not have a yo-yo effect.
So that the lost kilograms do not come back, we need to maintain an appropriate metabolic rate and the proper condition of muscle tissue, which burns kilograms faster than fat tissue.
For this purpose, we should slightly increase the amount of physical exercise or just natural movement such as walking or cycling. You should also focus on a he althy diet containing good-quality protein (boosting metabolism) and he althy fats that will saturate us faster than a mountain of green salad without olive oil or linseed oil dressing.
We must also remember that our body is a machine that, in order to function properly, should have access to all nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
If we are too hungry, it slows down and turns on the feeling of hunger, because it lacks, for example, B vitamins, zinc or magnesium. Therefore, during slimming diets, let's take care of a large amount of vegetables (preferably with each meal) and 1 serving of fruit a day, which will be a source of vitamins and microelements.
In addition, remember that starvation weakens the work of the thyroid gland, and it is largely responsible for the metabolism in our body.