How doctors, nurses and other he alth professionals relate to people with obesity will be checked by the OD-WAGA Foundation. "Analysis of the experiences of obese patients in contacts with medical personnel" is the first such social study in Poland. The media patron of the study is You are over 18 years old and have a BMI (Body Mass Index) over 30 - please fill in the questionnaire.
In 2014, the Foundation of People with ObesityOD-WAGAwas the first in Poland to collect reports of obese patients about the forms of discrimination and stigmatization that they experience on a daily basis in various areas of social life. One of these areas is access to he althcare and medical services.
- Our database includes only a small group of obese patients, those who shared negative experiences from their contacts with doctors, nurses, midwives and other he alth care professionals. However, it does not take into account positive opinions. Therefore, we want to investigate the relationship between people suffering from obesity and employees of medical facilities across the country, explains Magdalena Gajda, President of theOD-WAGAFoundation.
"Analysis of the experiences of obese patients in contacts with medical staff" is the first in a series of anti-discrimination studies planned by theOD-WAGAFoundation. The study was prepared and conducted by the Department of Sociology of Medicine and Social Pathology of the Department of Social Medicine, Medical University of Gdańsk.
- It is natural that we start our research cycle with medical institutions. These are the places we go first when we treat ourselves for obesity or other diseases. The approach of the staff determines whether we will be reliably treated and treated with respect like other patients - says Magdalena Gajda.
TheOD-WAGAFoundation also receives the voices of he alth professionals. They say directly that they do not feel substantially prepared to treat obese patients, and to adequately support this group of patients in therapy and to care for them.
- The aim of our study is therefore to diagnose those areas of the relationship between obese patients and he alth care workers that require change and education, says Dr.Krzysztof Sobczak, research manager.
Research pt. "The analysis of the experiences of obese patients in contacts with medical staff" is completely anonymous. It is carried out through a special questionnaire consisting of closed and open-ended questions. We invite women and men suffering from obesity, aged over 18 and with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and more, to participate in the study. In order to collect reliable research material, statements of about 600 people are needed.
- We want to examine factors such as the comfort of an obesity patient during a visit to a medical facility, forms of verbal and non-verbal communication with the patient, approach to obesity and its treatment - explains Dr. Krzysztof Sobczak.
The study will last until March 2022. TheOD-WAGAFoundation is also planning to conduct research on the relations of obese patients, incl. with employers and in public places, e.g. in means of transport and shops.
Research pt. "Analysis of the experiences of obese patients in contacts with medical personnel" is carried out under the Honorary Patronage of the Human Rights Defender, Patient Ombudsman and the Polish Society for Obesity Research. The social partner of the research is the CHLO Bariatric Patients Association, and the Media Patron is
The consent for the study was given by the Independent Bioethics Committee for Scientific Research at the Medical University of Gdańsk - consent number: NKBBN / 589 / 2017-2018.

OD-WAGA Foundation