Dust mites are microscopic parasites from the arachnid family that like to nest in warm, humid and dusty places. Their faeces cause allergies in almost three million Poles. In allergic people they cause hay fever, conjunctivitis, dry cough, skin rash.

Dust is everywhere. You can't win a fight against him, but minor skirmishes do. All you need to win is patience and good preparations. You can find almost everything in thehome dust : grated sand, pollen, exfoliated epidermis, cobwebs, cat or dog hair, mold … The presence list is long.
But in the house dust there is also the main villain -mites , that is, small arachnids, to which almost three million Poles are allergic to their faeces. Dust mite allergy is particularly acute twice a year: in April and May, and then from September to October. Then we have:
- dry fatiguing cough,
- shortness of breath,
- Qatar,
- conjunctivitis.
Dust mites are everywhere
In 1 mm3fit 2-4 sneaky arachnids. They reproduce at an impressive rate: the female lays around 300 eggs during her month of life. Even if we assume that half of them will be destroyed, after a year the number of offspring of one mother will reach as much as five billion! Children and adults, however, are so microscopic that we cannot see them with the naked eye.
Dust mites mainly feed on exfoliated epidermis, but they also do not disdain mold or plant pollen settling on furniture. Therefore, they have an abundance of food in their homes (a person "loses" an average of 1 gram of epidermis per day, which is enough to feed almost 100,000 mites).
Guanine - allergenic substance - found in mite feces. With such reproduction, it is difficult to imagine the amount of the sensitizing substance. Thus, harmful compounds settle on the furniture, or - when dried - they float in the air and are inhaled by the household members.
This will be useful to youOur grandmothers often used baking soda for cleaning and disinfection. Today we can also use it. Sprinkle a little baking soda evenly over the carpet and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Then collect the dust with a vacuum cleaner. Soda will help you collect dirt from the surface, get rid of microorganisms and remove unpleasant onesfragrances.
Fighting dust mites
Dust mites are really hard to deal with: humid air promotes their reproduction, and dry air helps spread dust, and with it the sensitizing guanine. So bad anyway, not good anyway. Bedding, mattresses, as well as soft furniture, rugs, carpets and curtains, accumulate a lot of dust and are favorite habitats for mites.
To get rid of them effectively, you would have to get rid of all these objects or decorative elements from the house. Few people can afford such radical measures. So you have to give a fight to the dust.
You must do it- Change thick curtains to blinds.
- Vacuum carpets and upholstery with vacuum cleaners with antiallergic filters.
- You can also sprinkle them with agents that neutralize the effects of allergens.
- Flip carpets, rugs, blankets, bedspreads outside every week.
- Wet floors.
- Dust from shelves wipe with damp cloths.
- Use antistatic agents that delay dust settling.
- Shake and wipe all books in your home library at least twice a year.
- Ventilate your apartment regularly and reliably.
- Make sure the temperature in your home is not too high.
- Buy a quilt and pillow for allergy sufferers and air them often - low temperatures in winter destroy dust mites.
- Change bed linen often - once a week.
- Bed linen, wash at 60 degrees - high temperature will kill dust mites. You can also add special agents that neutralize house dust allergens to the laundry.
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